166 research outputs found

    A Product Line engineering practices model

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    AbstractThis paper describes work in progress towards the elaboration of a Product Line practices model that combines concepts proposed by various authors. The strengths of existing Product Line frameworks and models are summarized and a new model is proposed in the form of 31 Product Line practice areas, grouped in five categories. An important objective of this Product Line practices model is that it should be easily incorporated into existing development methodologies, while remaining aligned with existing systems engineering standards

    Pour une évaluation sensible à l’environnement des interventions : l’analyse de l’implantation

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    Dans cet article, les auteurs exposent une méthode pour faciliter l'analyse de l'implantation des interventions. Cette forme d'évaluation a son origine dans les limites reconnues du modèle de la « boîte noire », modèle prédominant dans l'analyse des effets des interventions. Elle vise à expliquer les conditions de mise en oeuvre et les processus de production des effets des interventions. Plus précisément, l'analyse de l'implantation comprend trois composantes, soit l'analyse de l'influence : 1) des déterminants contextuels sur le degré de mise en oeuvre des interventions, 2) de l'interaction entre le contexte d'implantation et l'intervention sur les effets observés, et 3) des variations dans l'implantation sur son efficacité. L'utilité de ce type d'évaluation est d'accroître la validité externe des recherches évaluatives

    Relationship between Water Levels in the North American Great Lakes and Climate Indices

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    The goal of this study is to look at how the interconnection of five North American Great Lakes affects the relationship between climate indices and mean annual and extreme daily water levels during the period from 1918 to 2012, and how human activity impacts the dependence between these two variables. Analysis of correlation revealed the existence of a negative correlation between water levels in Lakes Superior, Michigan–Huron and Erie, and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) climate index, although this correlation is not observed at the daily scale for Lake Superior. Water levels in Lake Ontario are negatively correlated with Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The temporal evolution of the dependence between water levels and climate indices is characterized by breaks interpreted to result from variations in the amount of precipitation probably linked with an AMO phase change in the Lakes Superior, Michigan–Huron, and Erie watersheds. In the case of Lake Ontario, such breaks in dependence are thought to be related to water level regulation in this lake resulting from the digging of the St. Lawrence Seaway

    Évaluation de la réforme des services psychiatriques destinés aux adultes au pavillon Albert-Prévost 1

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    Cette étude de cas analyse l'implantation de la réforme du dispositif de soins destinés aux clientèles adultes du Pavillon Albert-Prévost. Le niveau de mise en oeuvre et les effets du nouveau dispositif ont été mesurés, et l'influence du contexte politique et structurel a été analysé. À la fin de la période d'observation, la mise en oeuvre de l'intervention n'était pas encore complétée mais elle avait déjà entraîné des effets intéressants, surtout en ce qui concerne l'accessibilité et l'efficience. Ces effets furent atteints par des mécanismes dont certains n'avaient pas été prévus au projet de réforme. Les auteurs ont également identifié un ensemble de facteurs contextuels qui ont facilité ou ralenti la mise en oeuvre de la réforme et la réalisation des effets attendus.This case study analyzes the implementaion of the reform of care destined to clienteles at the Pavillon Albert-Prévost. The level of implementation and the effects of the new systme have been measured and the influence of the political and structural contexts have been analyzed. At the end of the observation period, the implementation of the intervention was not yet completed but had already entailed interesting effects especially concerning access and efficiency. These effects were achieved through some mechanisms not previously planned for in the reform project. The authors have also identified several environmental facors facilitating the implementation of the reform and the realization of expected effects.Este estudio de casos analiza la implantación de la reforma del dispositivo de cuidados destinado a la clientela adulta del Pabellón Albert-Prévost. Se han medido, el nivel de puesta en marcha, los efectos del nuevo dispositivo y la influencia del contexto político y estructural se analizaron. Al final de periodo de observación, la puesta en marcha de la intervención no se había completado pero ya había traído efectos interesantes, sobre todo en cuanto a la accesibilidad y la eficacia. Estos efectos fueron alcanzados por mecanismos, de donde algunos no habían sido previstos en el proyecto de reforma. Igualmente, los autores ha identificado un conjunto de factores contextuales que han facilitado o retrasado la puesta en marcha de la reforma y la realización de los efectos esperados

    Consensus group sessions: a useful method to reconcile stakeholders’ perspectives about network performance evaluation

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    Background: Having a common vision among network stakeholders is an important ingredient to developing a performance evaluation process. Consensus methods may be a viable means to reconcile the perceptions of different stakeholders about the dimensions to include in a performance evaluation framework. Objectives: To determine whether individual organizations within traumatic brain injury (TBI) networks differ in perceptions about the importance of performance dimensions for the evaluation of TBI networks and to explore the extent to which group consensus sessions could reconcile these perceptions. Methods: We used TRIAGE, a consensus technique that combines an individual and a group data collection phase to explore the perceptions of network stakeholders and to reach a consensus within structured group discussions. Results: One hundred and thirty-nine professionals from 43 organizations within eight TBI networks participated in the individual data collection; 62 professionals from these same organisations contributed to the group data collection. The extent of consensus based on questionnaire results (e.g. individual data collection) was low, however, 100% agreement was obtained for each network during the consensus group sessions. The median importance scores and mean ranks attributed to the dimensions by individuals compared to groups did not differ greatly. Group discussions were found useful in understanding the reasons motivating the scoring, for resolving differences among participants, and for harmonizing their values

    Critères pour apprécier les difficultés d’accès à l’indemnisation des travailleurs immigrants victimes de lésions professionnelles

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    Règle générale, presque tous les travailleurs du Québec victimes de lésions professionnelles peuvent se prévaloir d’indemnités. Mais l’accès à l’indemnisation est difficile pour bon nombre d’entre eux dont les travailleurs immigrants. Cet article décrit le processus d’évaluation et les critères ayant permis de juger des difficultés rencontrées par des travailleurs lors de leur parcours d’indemnisation. Trois groupes d’experts ont attribué des scores de difficulté à un échantillon de 104 travailleurs immigrants et non-immigrants de la région montréalaise victimes de lésions musculo-squelettiques. La comparaison des scores a été faite sous trois angles d’évaluation (médical, juridique et administratif) et le résultat demeure le même : les travailleurs immigrants ont des scores de difficultés supérieurs aux autres travailleurs et particulièrement lorsque l’analyse est faite sous les angles juridique et administratif. Les critères retenus ciblent les dimensions humaines liées aux incompréhensions lors des procédures, des problèmes de communication à lire la documentation ainsi qu’à compléter les formulaires et à s’exprimer précisément lorsqu’il s’agit de décrire les événements accidentels ou les circonstances entourant l’apparition de la lésion et les symptômes médicaux.As a general rule, almost all of Quebec’s workers who suffer work injuries will be taken care of by the worker compensation system. However, access to worker compensation is difficult for many workers, including immigrant workers. This article describes the evaluation process and the criteria used for assessing the difficulties encountered by workers during the compensation process. Three groups of experts assigned difficulty scores to a sample group from the Montreal region consisting of 104 immigrant and non-immigrant musculoskeletal injury victims. The difficulty scores were compared using three aspects for evaluation (medical, legal and administrative), which produced the same result: the immigrant workers had higher difficulty scores than the other workers and particularly from the legal and administrative standpoints. The criteria used targeted the human dimensions associated with the lack of understanding during the process and with communication problems in reading documents, completing forms and verbally describing precisely the accident events, the injury circumstances and the medical symptoms.En regla general, casi todos los trabajadores de Quebec que son víctimas de lesiones profesionales pueden acceder a indemnizaciones. Pero este acceso es difícil para un buen número de trabajadores, entre ellos, los trabajadores inmigrantes. Este artículo describe el proceso de evaluación y los criterios que permiten juzgar las dificultades encontradas por dichos trabajadores en el curso del proceso de indemnización. Tres grupos de expertos atribuyeron un puntaje según una escala de dificultad a una muestra de 104 trabajadores inmmigrantes y no-inmigrantes de la región de Montreal víctimas de lesiones musculoesqueléticas. Para comparar los puntajes se utilizaron tres ángulos de evaluación (médico, jurídico y administrativo). Los tres análisis concuerdan en el mismo resultado : los trabajadores inmigrantes tienen un puntaje de dificultad superior a los otros trabajadores, particularmente cuando el análisis se hace bajo los ángulos jurídico y administrativo. Los criterios retenidos se refieren a las dimensiones humanas relacionadas con la falta de comprensión durante los trámites, los problemas de comunicación al leer la documentación y al completar los formularios, y a expresarse de manera precisa cuando se trata de describir lo sucedido en el accidente, las circunstancias en torno a la aparición de la lesión y los síntomas médicos

    Organizational impact of evidence-informed decision making training initiatives : a case study comparison of two approaches

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    Background The impact of efforts by healthcare organizations to enhance the use of evidence to improve organizational processes through training programs has seldom been assessed. We therefore endeavored to assess whether and how the training of mid- and senior-level healthcare managers could lead to organizational change. Methods We conducted a theory-driven evaluation of the organizational impact of healthcare leaders’ participation in two training programs using a logic model based on Nonaka’s theory of knowledge conversion. We analyzed six case studies nested within the two programs using three embedded units of analysis (individual, group and organization). Interviews were conducted during intensive one-week data collection site visits. A total of 84 people were interviewed. Results We found that the impact of training could primarily be felt in trainees’ immediate work environments. The conversion of attitudes was found to be easier to achieve than the conversion of skills. Our results show that, although socialization and externalization were common in all cases, a lack of combination impeded the conversion of skills. We also identified several individual, organizational and program design factors that facilitated and/or impeded the dissemination of the attitudes and skills gained by trainees to other organizational members. Conclusions Our theory-driven evaluation showed that factors before, during and after training can influence the extent of skills and knowledge transfer. Our evaluation went further than previous research by revealing the influence—both positive and negative—of specific organizational factors on extending the impact of training programs
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