837 research outputs found

    On curvature coupling and quintessence fine-tuning

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    We discuss the phenomenological model in which the potential energy of the quintessence field depends linearly on the energy density of the spatial curvature. We find that the pressure of the scalar field takes a different form when the potential of the scalar field also depends on the scale factor and the energy momentum tensor of the scalar field can be expressed as the form of a perfect fluid. A general coupling was proposed to explain the current accelerating expansion of the Universe and solve the fine-tuning problem.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, v2: correct the comment on astro-ph/0509177, v3: significant changes are made to better present the paper;v4: use epl style, add new contents, conclusion remains, accepted for publication by Europhys. Let

    Linear entropy fails to predict entanglement behavior in low-density fermionic systems

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    Entanglement is considered a fundamental ingredient for quantum technologies and condensed matter systems are among the good candidates for quantum devices. For bipartite pure states the von Neumann entropy is a proper measure of entanglement, while the linear entropy, associated to the mixedness of the reduced density matrices, is a simpler quantity to be obtained and is considered to be qualitatively equivalent to the von Neumann. Here we investigate both linear and von Neumann entropies for quantifying entanglement in homogeneous, superlattice and disordered Hubbard chains. We find regimes of parameters for which the linear entropy fails in reproducing the qualitative behavior of the von Neumann entropy. This then may lead to incorrect predictions i) of maximum and minimum entanglement states and ii) of quantum phase transitions

    Coherent evolution via reservoir driven holonomy

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    We show that in the limit of strongly interacting environment a system initially prepared in a Decoherence Free Subspace (DFS) coherently evolves in time, adiabatically following the changes of the DFS. If the reservoir cyclicly evolves in time, the DFS states acquire an holonomy.Comment: 4 page

    Geometric phase in open systems

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    We calculate the geometric phase associated to the evolution of a system subjected to decoherence through a quantum-jump approach. The method is general and can be applied to many different physical systems. As examples, two main source of decoherence are considered: dephasing and spontaneous decay. We show that the geometric phase is completely insensitive to the former, i.e. it is independent of the number of jumps determined by the dephasing operator.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Acceleration from M theory and Fine-tuning

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    The compactification of M theory with time dependent hyperbolic internal space gives an effective scalar field with exponential potential which provides a transient acceleration in Einstein frame in four dimensions. Ordinary matter and radiation are present in addition to the scalar field coming from compactification. We find that we have to fine-tune the initial conditions of the scalar field so that our Universe experiences acceleration now. During the evolution of our Universe, the volume of the internal space increases about 12 times. The time variation of the internal space results in a large time variation of the fine structure constant which violates the observational constraint on the variation of the fine structure constant. The large variation of the fine structure constant is a generic feature of transient acceleration models.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, use iopart, v2; references updated, accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra
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