66 research outputs found

    Examining the Reasons for and Barriers to Becoming a Police Officer

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    With ever-growing tension between police and the community, both police organizations and communities are recognizing the need and working toward increased representation in police organizations (Brunson, 2007; Szeto, 2014). Despite the effort of many police organizations over the years, the problem of underrepresentation has not improved (Jordan, Fridell, Fagiani, & Kubu, 2009). It has become clear that there is something that has yet to be identified and/or studied preventing underrepresented populations from being interested in or recruited into police organizations. The U.S. Department of Justice and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s 2016 report on Advancing Diversity in Law Enforcement identified three factors that may impact the recruitment of those in underrepresented communities into police organizations. These factors include lack of trust in police, the reputation or operational practices of police organizations, and lack of awareness of career opportunities in police organizations. While these factors were identified in the report, there was a lack of research supporting the factors. In an effort to gain a better understanding of what is preventing underrepresented groups from joining law enforcement, participants’ perceptions of trust, culture/policies/practices, and career opportunities in police organizations will be measured. Additionally, motivation to become a police officer and interest in a career as a police officer will be measured to increase the understanding of what does or does not contribute to underrepresented communities being interested in a career as a police officer. Regression analysis will be performed to predict interest in becoming a police officer by using the variables of trust, culture, policies/practices, and career opportunity

    Marek\u27s Disease (MD, Range Paralysis, Gray Eye)

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    This fact sheet describes one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases of backyard chickens. The clinical signs of Marek\u27s Disease are descriptively illustrated, and an objective plan for diagnosis and control are discussed in a format understandable to the general small flock and/or backyard chicken owner

    Exploring the Feasibility of Assessing Cultural Competence in Police Officers

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    Pathology, personality, and integrity-related construct assessments have been widely used in the selection of police officers. However, the incidence of police brutality and misconduct is still concerning. The present study explored the feasibility of the assessment of cultural competence in police officers. We explored the extent to which the change to the agency’s first ever Black CEO would affect cultural competence of the officers as well as incidence of misconduct. Results showed that scores on a cultural competence factor of an in-basket simulation used for promotional assessments at a state highway patrol agency were not predictive of either supervisor-rated performance or incidence of misconduct. Whereas results showed that misconduct was not predicted by the agency’s first Black CEO, cultural competence of the officers did increase after the change in command. Practical implications for law enforcement agencies and suggestions for future research are discussed

    Retesting in a promotional process: Amount of time between tests accounting for magnitude of score increases

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    There are many reasons why an applicant may retake a selection test, whether it’s due to reasons outside of their control or perhaps their first test administration was unsuccessful. Research has shown that scores generally increase when applicants retake a test. However, research on situational judgment tests and in-basket simulations have been overshadowed by research on admissions tests, cognitive ability tests, and personality tests. Further, much research has focused on retesting effects during the initial selection process, but the current research aims to shed light on retesting effects during the promotional process. The literature shows conflicting findings regarding time between tests. While some literature says that more time between tests results in larger score increases, other research says that less time between tests results in larger score increases. The current study aims to clarify this conflicting history of research while closing the gap on types of assessments examined in the retesting literature. Results showed that more time between tests resulted in larger score gains for both the SJT and in the in-basket simulation. This is probably due to the nature of the test. SJTs and In-Baskets require a lot of job knowledge. Having more time on the job between tests would allow candidates to learn more and apply that on their second attempt at promotion. The literature on time between supports this notion. Studies that showed less time between tests resulted in larger score increases were assessing some aspect of cognitive ability. Perhaps for other tests less time between tests allows for greater score increases, but for job knowledge tests, more time between tests allows for these greater score increases. Practical implications and areas for future research are discussed. Keywords: retesting, promotion, in-basket, situational judgment tes

    The role of ADA inclusive policies in the recruiting of applicants with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a set of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in social interactions and interpersonal communication, repetitive behaviors, and narrow focus or interests. The severity of ASD is variable, but the symptoms span the entire lifespan of the individuals with ASD and few effective treatments for these symptoms have been identified. Each year in the United States, there are approximately 50,000 people with ASD who turn 18 years old in the United States (Shattuck et al., 2012). Where most 18 year olds are likely to go out and get a job, the employment prospect of individuals with ASD is not very bright. High school graduates with autism are underemployed when compared to their peers and less employed than high school graduates with other developmental or intellectual disorders (Roux, Shattuck, Rast, & Anderson, 2017). Despite this, some reports suggest that gainful employment can benefit individuals with ASD by providing them with desirable social interactions (Hendricks, 2010), and it is the focus of many service providers for individuals with ASD (Migliore et al., 2014). Like most adults, individuals with ASD benefit from the social status that comes with having a job and the degree of financial independence that employment affords them (Gerhardt & Lainer, 2011). Research has also found that employment is associated with an increase in personal dignity, improved self-esteem, increased adaptive abilities, better mental health, and improved cognitive performance for individuals with ASD (Hurlbutt & Chalmers 2004; Mawhood & Howlin 1999; Stephens et al. 2005). The principle means for addressing the underemployment and unemployment for individuals with ASD is to assist them with gaining the skills and training needed to apply for and get a job. Yet even with these efforts, the employment prospects of individuals with ASD has not significantly improved (Bennett & Dukes 2013; Taylor & Seltzer 2011). The present study will investigate the role that organizational communications about hiring and employment policies regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act may have on the potential recruitment of those with ASD as well as the degree to which potential applicants who do not have ASD view these inclusive statements as favorable

    Employee characteristics: resilience and self-efficacy as protective factors

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    This study will explore the relationship between self-efficacy and resilience as they affect stress-related outcomes in the workplace. The study will first measure all participant’s self-efficacy and resilience. The experimental group will then receive feedback mirroring that of a negative performance appraisal. The feedback will suggest the participant performed below average on a trivia test. Participants in the control group will receive neutral feedback on the same trivia test. Lastly, all participant’s resilience will be measured a second time. This study will seek to recruit students from a local South-Eastern university. The results of this study will further clarify the relationship that exists between self-efficacy and resilience as well as further demonstrating the value of resilience as a protective factor

    The effects of self-efficacy, perceptions of ethical misconduct, and guilt-proneness on CWBs

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    This study examined the relationship between generalized self-efficacy, perceptions of ethical misconduct, guilt-proneness, and counterproductive work behaviors. We first hypothesized that self-efficacy would be negatively related to counterproductive work behaviors. Secondly, we hypothesized that perceptions of ethical misconduct and levels of guilt-proneness would mediate the negative relationship between generalized self-efficacy and counterproductive work behaviors. We surveyed 190 undergraduate students. To test our hypotheses, we used serial mediation (self-efficacy perceptions of ethical misconduct Guilt CWBs). Results supported our first hypothesis. However, we did not find support for the mediated relationship proposed in our second hypothesis

    Decision Making: Do People with Dark Triad Traits Utilize Advice?

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    This research study seeks to gain a better understanding of the effects of the dark triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy) on advice taking. This research examined whether or not the dark triad traits result in working professionals being more or less likely to accept advice when making a decision. Past research has shown that outcomes are generally more favorable when the person who is making the decision takes the advice of another person into consideration. Despite this fact, I hypothesized that people with higher narcissistic or psychopathic traits will not accept advice when making a decision. Additionally, I hypothesized that Machiavellians may be the exception in the dark triad and would be more likely to utilize advice. Results indicated that narcissists were less likely to utilize advice and Machiavellians were more likely to utilize advice. There were no significant findings regarding those with psychopathic tendencies. Organizations could benefit from these findings when considering how much their advice may be considered when an employee with narcissistic or Machiavellian tendencies is making a decision

    A Conformation Selective Mode of Inhibiting SRC Improves Drug Efficacy and Tolerability

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    43 p.-5 fig.Despite the approval of several multikinase inhibitors that target SRC and the overwhelming evidence of the role of SRC in the progression and resistance mechanisms of many solid malignancies, inhibition of its kinase activity has thus far failed to improve patient outcomes. Here we report the small molecule eCF506 locks SRC in its native inactive conformation, thereby inhibiting both enzymatic and scaffolding functions that prevent phosphorylation and complex formation with its partner FAK. This unprecedented mechanism of action resulted in highly potent and selective pathway inhibition, in culture and in vivo. Treatment with eCF506 resulted in increased antitumor efficacy and tolerability in syngeneic murine cancer models, demonstrating significant therapeutic advantages over existing SRC/ABL inhibitors. Therefore, this novel mode of inhibiting SRC could lead to improved treatment of SRC-associated disorders.C.T. thanks the CMVM of the University of Edinburgh (Principal's scholarship). D.L. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the Spanish State Research Agency Retos Grant RTI2018-099318-B-I00, cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). E.R.W., J.C.D. and K.G.M. are funded by CRUK. J.R.L.O. acknowledges support from the Molecular Interactions Facility funds at the CIB-CSIC. T.V. is funded by H2020-MSCA-IF-2016-749299. RCM thanks the support from the Vice Rectorate for Research of the University of Granada. X.-F.L. and B.-Z.Q. are funded by a CRUK Career Development Fellowship (C49791/A17367). B.-Z.Q. also acknowledges support from an ERC Starting Grant (716379). C.S, M.C.F. and V.G.B are funded by CRUK Programme Grant C157/A15703. N.O.C. and A.U.B are grateful to the CMVM of the University of Edinburgh and Wellcome Trust for financial support (ISSF3).Peer reviewe
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