88 research outputs found

    Effective Inner Radius of Tilted Black Hole Accretion Disks

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    One of the primary means of determining the spin of an astrophysical black hole is by actually measuring the inner radius of a surrounding accretion disk and using that to infer the spin. By comparing a number of different estimates of the inner radius from simulations of tilted accretion disks with differing black-hole spins, we show that such a procedure can give quite wrong answers. Over the range 0 <= a/M <= 0.9, we find that, for moderately thick disks (H/r ~ 0.2) with modest tilt (15 degrees), the inner radius is nearly independent of spin. This result is likely dependent on tilt, such that for larger tilts, it may even be that the inner radius would increase with increasing spin. In the opposite limit, we confirm through numerical simulations of untilted disks that, in the limit of zero tilt, the inner radius recovers approximately the expected dependence on spin.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ Letter

    High-Frequency and Type-C QPOs from Oscillating, Precessing Hot, Thick Flow

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    Motivated by recent studies showing an apparent correlation between the high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) and the low-frequency, type-C QPO in low-mass, black hole X-ray binaries (LMXBs), we explore a model that explains all three QPOs in terms of an oscillating, precessing hot flow in the truncated-disk geometry. Our model favors attributing the two high-frequency QPOs, often occurring in a near 3:2 frequency ratio, to the breathing and vertical epicyclic frequency modes of the hot, thick flow, although we can not rule out the Keplerian and m=-1 radial epicyclic modes. In either case, the type-C QPO is attributed to precession. The correlation of the QPOs comes from the fact that all three frequencies are associated with the same geometrical structure. While the exact QPO frequencies are sensitive to the black hole mass and spin, their evolution over the course of an outburst is mainly tied to the truncation radius between the geometrically thin, optically thick disk and the inner, hot flow. We show that, in the case of the LMXB GRO J1655-40, this model can explain the one simultaneous observation of all three QPOs and that an extrapolation of the model appears to match lower frequency observations where only two of the three components are seen. Thus, this model may be able to unify multiple QPO observations using the properties of a single, simple, geometrical model.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Application of the Cubed-Sphere Grid to Tilted Black-Hole Accretion Disks

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    In recent work we presented the first results of global general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of tilted (or misaligned) accretion disks around rotating black holes. The simulated tilted disks showed dramatic differences from comparable untilted disks, such as asymmetrical accretion onto the hole through opposing "plunging streams" and global precession of the disk powered by a torque provided by the black hole. However, those simulations used a traditional spherical-polar grid that was purposefully underresolved along the pole, which prevented us from assessing the behavior of any jets that may have been associated with the tilted disks. To address this shortcoming we have added a block-structured "cubed-sphere" grid option to the Cosmos++ GRMHD code, which will allow us to simultaneously resolve the disk and polar regions. Here we present our implementation of this grid and the results of a small suite of validation tests intended to demonstrate that the new grid performs as expected. The most important test in this work is a comparison of identical tilted disks, one evolved using our spherical-polar grid and the other with the cubed-sphere grid. We also demonstrate an interesting dependence of the early-time evolution of our disks on their orientation with respect to the grid alignment. This dependence arises from the differing treatment of current sheets within the disks, especially whether they are aligned with symmetry planes of the grid or not.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Ap

    Hydrodynamic Simulations of Tilted Thick-Disk Accretion onto a Kerr Black Hole

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    We present results from fully general relativistic three-dimensional numerical studies of thick-disk accretion onto a rapidly-rotating (Kerr) black hole with a spin axis that is tilted (not aligned) with the angular momentum vector of the disk. We initialize the problem with the solution for an aligned, constant angular momentum, accreting thick disk, which is then allowed to respond to the Lense-Thirring precession of the tilted black hole. The precession causes the disk to warp, beginning at the inner edge and moving out on roughly the Lense-Thirring precession timescale. The propagation of the warp stops at a radius in the disk at which other dynamical timescales, primarily the azimuthal sound-crossing time, become shorter than the precession time. At this point, the warp effectively freezes into the disk and the evolution becomes quasi-static, except in cases where the sound-crossing time in the bulk of the disk is shorter than the local precession timescale. We see evidence that such disks undergo near solid-body precession after the initial warping has frozen in. Simultaneous to the warping of the disk, there is also a tendency for the midplane to align with the symmetry plane of the black hole due to the preferential accretion of the most tilted disk gas. This alignment is not as pronounced, however, as it would be if more efficient angular momentum transport (e.g. from viscosity or magneto-rotational instability) were considered.Comment: 51 pages, 34 figures (color figures reduced for this archive), this version accepted to Ap
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