34 research outputs found

    Specific features and models of electric power consumption by household - type consumers

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    In the paper, the results of analysis of the load curves for the household - type consumers fed from the LV electric power network are presented. In the study, the influence of the sunset time and ambient temperature on the electric load curves has been assessed and, consequently, the specific features of the graphs for the allocated consumer groups have been defined. Also, suitable models considering the impact of the observed factors on the electrical energy consumption have been developed. Energy consumption in the tariff zones by the consumers settled according to G12 tariff has been of special interest

    Speciffic features of load curves for the house-hold type consumers

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy krzywych obci膮偶enia odbiorc贸w zasilanych z sieci niskiego napi臋cia i zaliczanych do grupy gospodarstw domowych. W badaniach oceniono wp艂yw czasu zachodu s艂o艅ca oraz temperatury powietrza na krzywe obci膮偶enia elektrycznego i na tej podstawie okre艣lono specyficzne cechy grafik贸w wydzielonych grup odbiorc贸w. Opracowano tak偶e odpowiednie modele uwzgl臋dniaj膮ce wp艂yw badanych czynnik贸w na pob贸r energii elektrycznej.In the paper, the results of analysis of the load curves for the household-type consumers fed from the LV electric power network are presented. In the study, the influence of the sunset time and ambient temperature on the electric load curves has been assessed and, consequently, then the specific features of the graphs for the allocated consumer groups have been defined. Also, suitable models considering the impact of the observed factors on the electrical energy consumption have been developed

    Electrical energy consumption by the household - type consumers

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    In the paper, selected results of analysis of the electrical energy consumption by the household-type consumer group as well as results for energy defined regarding the standard profiles for such a group are presented. In the analysis, a developed tailored IT tool has been used

    Models of individual consumers load versus standard profiles; MS Excel - aided study

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    In the paper, the results of comparative analysis for electrical energy consumption by the household group individual consumers settled according to the G (LV) tariff and the standard profiles elaborated PTPiREE are reported. In analysis, the special tailored IT tool using the MS Excel has been applied

    Investigation of the possibility of shear forming of Hastelloy C-276 material

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    W artykule zamieszczono informacje na temat kszta艂towania materia艂u Hastelloy C-276, metod膮 zgniatania obrotowego rzutowego. Opisano przebieg bada艅 przeprowadzonych w Instytucie Obr贸bki Plastycznej. Kr膮Ski o 艣rednicy 200 mm kszta艂towano na trzech wzornikach, celem uzyskania wyrobu o po艂owie k膮ta rozwarcia stoSka r贸wnym 30o. Badania prowadzono z zastosowaniem mi臋dzyoperacyjnej obr贸bki cieplnej. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono badania moSliwo艣ci kszta艂towania materia艂u, z pomini臋ciem jednej lub dw贸ch operacji, maj膮cych na celu optymalizacj臋 kszta艂towania metod膮 zgniatania obrotowego rzutowego. W artykule zamieszczono wyniki bada艅, maj膮cych na celu doskonalenie metod kszta艂towania obrotowego.The paper contains information on shaping Hastelloy C-276 material by the method of shear forming. Investigation performed by the Metal Forming Institute has been described. Disks with the diameter of ? 200 mm have been formed on three templets in order to obtain a product with half angle of cone equal to 30o. The investigation has been performed with heat treatment between operations. Additionally, tests of forming the material with the omission of one or two operations intended to optimize shaping by the method of shear forming

    Rotary forming of perforated metal sheet products

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    Rozw贸j technologii kszta艂towania obrotowego zwi膮zany jest zapotrzebowaniem r贸偶nych ga艂臋zi przemys艂u na wyroby w kszta艂cie pow艂ok osiowo symetrycznych. W zwi膮zku z licznymi zapytaniami do Instytutu Obr贸bki Plastycznej dotycz膮cymi mo偶liwo艣ci kszta艂towania obrotowego wyrob贸w z blachy perforowanej, badania takie zosta艂y przeprowadzone w ramach pracy statutowej: Badania innowacyjnych technologii t艂oczenia, wyoblania i zgniatania obrotowego, szczeg贸lnie wyrob贸w o z艂o偶onych kszta艂tach z trudno odkszta艂calnych i szybko umacniaj膮cych si臋 materia艂贸w z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnych technik komputerowych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 procesu wyoblania cz臋艣ci wykonanych z ocynkowanego ogniowo materia艂u perforowanego Z-275 DX51D oraz materia艂u perforowanego DC01. W ramach bada艅 zosta艂 sprawdzony wp艂yw wielko艣ci otwor贸w perforacji oraz wp艂yw niedziurkowanego ko艂nierza z litego materia艂u na mo偶liwo艣ci kszta艂towania obrotowego .The development of rotary forming technology is related to the demand for products in the shape of axisymmetrical coatings in various industry branches. Since the Metal Forming Institute has received many questions concerning the possibility of rotary forming of perforated metal sheet products, such investigation has been performed within the statute work: Investigation of innovative technologies of stamping, spinning and flow forming, particularly of complex shaped products of hard-to-deform and quickly consolidating materials, with the use of modern computer techniques [1]. The paper presents the results of investigation of the process of spinning parts made of hot-dip zinc coated perforated Z-275 DX51D material and perforated DC01 material. The investigation included determination of the influence of the perforation hole size and the influence of not perforated flange of solid material on the possibilities of rotary forming [2-3]

    Graphs of standard profiles of electric load for household-type consumers

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    W artykule zostan膮 zaprezentowane wybrane wyniki bada艅 profili standardowych dla odbiorc贸w indywidualnych, rozliczaj膮cych si臋 za energi臋 elektryczn膮 wed艂ug grup taryfowych G. W analizie uwzgl臋dniono profile dla trzech lat ich opracowania (2014, 2015, 2017). Baz膮 dla przedmiotowych bada艅 jest og贸lnodost臋pna informacja o profilach standardowych zamieszczona na stronach internetowych ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. W 艣wietle doniesie艅 medialnych o planowanej zmianie dotycz膮cej przyj臋tych godzin wschodu i zachodu S艂o艅ca (zachowanie czasu letniego przez ca艂y rok) odniesiono si臋 tak偶e do wp艂ywu takiej zmiany na grafik obci膮偶enia badanych odbiorc贸w. Badania przeprowadzono na przygotowanych do tego celu autorskich narz臋dzi informatycznych zaprojektowanych w arkuszu kalkulacyjnym.In the paper, chosen results of the research work on the standard profiles for individual consumers accounted for electric energy according to the G tariff groups shall be presented. In analysis, the profiles reported for three years (2014, 2015, 2017) has been considered. A readily available information on standard profiles published on the ENEA Operator Company Ltd websites was the source of data. Regarding the would-be extension of the Daylight saving time (DST) all around the year and the resulting change in the assumed sunset and sunrise times, the impact of such a change on the electric load graph in the considered consumer group has been assessed. In the work, the purposededicated IT tools developed in the calculation sheet have been used