2,603 research outputs found

    Magnetism and the Weiss Exchange Field - A Theoretical Analysis Inspired by Recent Experiments

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    The huge spin precession frequency observed in recent experiments with spin-polarized beams of hot electrons shot through magnetized films is interpreted as being caused by Zeeman coupling of the electron spins to the so-called Weiss exchange field in the film. A "Stern-Gerlach experiment" for electrons moving through an inhomogeneous exchange field is proposed. The microscopic origin of exchange interactions and of large mean exchange fields, leading to different types of magnetic order, is elucidated. A microscopic derivation of the equations of motion of the Weiss exchange field is presented. Novel proofs of the existence of phase transitions in quantum XY-models and antiferromagnets, based on an analysis of the statistical distribution of the exchange field, are outlined.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figure

    Phase coexistence of gradient Gibbs states

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    We consider the (scalar) gradient fields η=(ηb)\eta=(\eta_b)--with bb denoting the nearest-neighbor edges in Z2\Z^2--that are distributed according to the Gibbs measure proportional to \texte^{-\beta H(\eta)}\nu(\textd\eta). Here H=bV(ηb)H=\sum_bV(\eta_b) is the Hamiltonian, VV is a symmetric potential, β>0\beta>0 is the inverse temperature, and ν\nu is the Lebesgue measure on the linear space defined by imposing the loop condition ηb1+ηb2=ηb3+ηb4\eta_{b_1}+\eta_{b_2}=\eta_{b_3}+\eta_{b_4} for each plaquette (b1,b2,b3,b4)(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4) in Z2\Z^2. For convex VV, Funaki and Spohn have shown that ergodic infinite-volume Gibbs measures are characterized by their tilt. We describe a mechanism by which the gradient Gibbs measures with non-convex VV undergo a structural, order-disorder phase transition at some intermediate value of inverse temperature β\beta. At the transition point, there are at least two distinct gradient measures with zero tilt, i.e., Eηb=0E \eta_b=0.Comment: 3 figs, PTRF style files include

    Peierls transition in the quantum spin-Peierls model

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    We use the density matrix renormalization group method to investigate the role of longitudinal quantized phonons on the Peierls transition in the spin-Peierls model. For both the XY and Heisenberg spin-Peierls model we show that the staggered phonon order parameter scales as λ\sqrt{\lambda} (and the dimerized bond order scales as λ\lambda) as λ0\lambda \to 0 (where λ\lambda is the electron-phonon interaction). This result is true for both linear and cyclic chains. Thus, we conclude that the Peierls transition occurs at λ=0\lambda=0 in these models. Moreover, for the XY spin-Peierls model we show that the quantum predictions for the bond order follow the classical prediction as a function of inverse chain size for small λ\lambda. We therefore conclude that the zero λ\lambda phase transition is of the mean-field type

    Dimensional Reduction without Extra Continuous Dimensions

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    We describe a novel approach to dimensional reduction in classical field theory. Inspired by ideas from noncommutative geometry, we introduce extended algebras of differential forms over space-time, generalized exterior derivatives and generalized connections associated with the "geometry" of space-times with discrete extra dimensions. We apply our formalism to theories of gauge- and gravitational fields and find natural geometrical origins for an axion- and a dilaton field, as well as a Higgs field.Comment: 23 page

    Nondispersive solutions to the L2-critical half-wave equation

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    We consider the focusing L2L^2-critical half-wave equation in one space dimension itu=Duu2u, i \partial_t u = D u - |u|^2 u, where DD denotes the first-order fractional derivative. Standard arguments show that there is a critical threshold M>0M_* > 0 such that all H1/2H^{1/2} solutions with uL2<M\| u \|_{L^2} < M_* extend globally in time, while solutions with uL2M\| u \|_{L^2} \geq M_* may develop singularities in finite time. In this paper, we first prove the existence of a family of traveling waves with subcritical arbitrarily small mass. We then give a second example of nondispersive dynamics and show the existence of finite-time blowup solutions with minimal mass u0L2=M\| u_0 \|_{L^2} = M_*. More precisely, we construct a family of minimal mass blowup solutions that are parametrized by the energy E0>0E_0 >0 and the linear momentum P0RP_0 \in \R. In particular, our main result (and its proof) can be seen as a model scenario of minimal mass blowup for L2L^2-critical nonlinear PDE with nonlocal dispersion.Comment: 51 page

    Probing resonance matter with virtual photons

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    In the energy domain of 1-2 GeV per nucleon, HADES has measured rare penetrating probes (e+e-) in C+C, Ar+KCl, d+p, p+p and p+Nb collisions. For the first time the electron pairs were reconstructed from quasi-free n+p sub-reactions by detecting the proton spectator from the deuteron breakup. An experimentally constrained NN reference spectrum was established. Our results demonstrate that the gross features of di-electron spectra in C+C collisions can be explained as a superposition of independent NN collisions. On the other hand, a direct comparison of the NN reference spectrum with the e+e- invariant mass distribution measured in the heavier system Ar+KCl at 1.76 GeV/u shows an excess yield above the reference, which we attribute to radiation from resonance matter. Moreover, the combined measurement of di-electrons and strangeness in Ar+KCl collisions has provided further intriguing results which are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference - INPC 2010, Vancouver, Canada, July 4 - 9 201

    Evolution of the Chern-Simons Vortices

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    Based on the gauge potential decomposition theory and the ϕ\phi -mapping theory, the topological inner structure of the Chern-Simons-Higgs vortex has been showed in detail. The evolution of CSH vortices is studied from the topological properties of the Higgs scalar field. The vortices are found generating or annihilating at the limit points and encountering, splitting or merging at the bifurcation points of the scalar field ϕ.\phi .Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Diffusive propagation of wave packets in a fluctuating periodic potential

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    We consider the evolution of a tight binding wave packet propagating in a fluctuating periodic potential. If the fluctuations stem from a stationary Markov process satisfying certain technical criteria, we show that the square amplitude of the wave packet after diffusive rescaling converges to a superposition of solutions of a heat equation.Comment: 13 pages (v2: added a paragraph on the history of the problem, added some references, correct a few typos; v3 minor corrections, added keywords and subject classes

    Localization of a polymer in random media: Relation to the localization of a quantum particle

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    In this paper we consider in detail the connection between the problem of a polymer in a random medium and that of a quantum particle in a random potential. We are interested in a system of finite volume where the polymer is known to be {\it localized} inside a low minimum of the potential. We show how the end-to-end distance of a polymer which is free to move can be obtained from the density of states of the quantum particle using extreme value statistics. We give a physical interpretation to the recently discovered one-step replica-symmetry-breaking solution for the polymer (Phys. Rev. E{\bf 61}, 1729 (2000)) in terms of the statistics of localized tail states. Numerical solutions of the variational equations for chains of different length are performed and compared with quenched averages computed directly by using the eigenfunctions and eigenenergies of the Schr\"odinger equation for a particle in a one-dimensional random potential. The quantities investigated are the radius of gyration of a free gaussian chain, its mean square distance from the origin and the end-to-end distance of a tethered chain. The probability distribution for the position of the chain is also investigated. The glassiness of the system is explained and is estimated from the variance of the measured quantities.Comment: RevTex, 44 pages, 13 figure

    Free energy of the Fr\"ohlich polaron in two and three dimensions

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    We present a novel Path Integral Monte Carlo scheme to solve the Fr\"ohlich polaron model. At intermediate and strong electron-phonon coupling, the polaron self-trapping is properly taken into account at the level of an effective action obtained by a preaveraging procedure with a retarded trial action. We compute the free energy at several couplings and temperatures in three and two dimensions. Our results show that the accuracy of the Feynman variational upper bound for the free energy is always better than 5% although the thermodynamics derived from it is not correct. Our estimates of the ground state energies demonstrate that the second cumulant correction to the variational upper bound predicts the self energy to better than 1% at intermediate and strong coupling.Comment: RevTeX 7 pages 3 figures, revised versio