6 research outputs found

    “Airport city” ou urbanisme VIP ? Les stratĂ©gies immobiliĂšres financiarisĂ©es des gestionnaires d’aĂ©roport en question

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    International audienceAirport authorities are gradually shaping urban spaces through their property development: hotels, business parks, conference centers, etc. This article challenges these development strategies pursued by increasingly financialized and privatized airports in the name of “airport city” policies. It shows that the changes underway are a vivid expression of a VIP model of urbanism, in which the airport authority, maximizing its revenues and land value, naturalizes its emphasis on high-end real-estate projects, trivializing their social reach. The analysis draws on the case of the Paris city region, characterized by land scarcity and housing issues, and its airport authority, AĂ©roports de Paris (ADP), one of the largest landowners in the region. Using documents from ADP, a press corpus, and interviews, we highlight how the distinctive geography at play in air terminals changes scale by being projected onto real-estate “diversification” projects, as ADP opts for urbanization centered around the upper fractions of the flying public. This market-led development leads to a form of elite capture that seeks to dwarf or endogenize other existing and potential uses and users of airport land. This article further deconstructs this urban model by shedding light on the multiple tensions it generates and pleads for a more critical debate on airport land uses and planning.Les gestionnaires d'aĂ©roport façonnent de plus en plus les espaces mĂ©tropolitains, par leurs activitĂ©s de transport mais aussi par l’édification croissante d’hĂŽtels, de parcs d'affaires, de centres de confĂ©rence ou de commerces sur les terrains aĂ©roportuaires. Cet article interroge les stratĂ©gies fonciĂšres et immobiliĂšres de ces acteurs, marquĂ©s par des processus de financiarisation et de privatisation. Il montre que les transformations Ă  l'Ɠuvre, menĂ©es au nom de l’"airport city", traduisent un modĂšle d'urbanisme VIP. Pour maximiser leurs revenus et la valeur de leur patrimoine foncier, les gestionnaires naturalisent l’accent mis sur les dĂ©veloppements immobiliers haut de gamme, banalisant sa portĂ©e sociale. L'analyse s'appuie sur le cas de la mĂ©tropole parisienne, marquĂ©e par une pĂ©nurie fonciĂšre et des problĂšmes importants d’accĂšs au logement, et d’AĂ©roports de Paris (ADP), gestionnaire des aĂ©roports et l'un des plus grands propriĂ©taires fonciers franciliens. En mobilisant la documentation produite par ADP et un corpus de presse et d'entretiens, nous montrons que la gĂ©ographie de la distinction Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans les terminaux change d’échelle en s’élargissant aux projets fonciers et immobiliers de diversification. Elle prend sens dans le cadre d’une production urbaine financiarisĂ©e centrĂ©e sur les fractions sociales supĂ©rieures, opĂ©rant une captation qui Ă©clipse ou cherche Ă  endogĂ©nĂ©iser les autres usages et utilisateurs, existants et potentiels, des terrains aĂ©roportuaires. L'article contribue Ă  dĂ©construire ce modĂšle urbain en Ă©clairant les multiples tensions qu'il gĂ©nĂšre et plaide pour un dĂ©bat plus critique sur les usages, la planification et les modalitĂ©s de gestion et de dĂ©veloppement du foncier aĂ©roportuaire

    Familial transmission of chromoanagenesis leads to unpredictable unbalanced rearrangements through meiotic recombination

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    Abstract Chromoanagenesis is a cellular mechanism that leads to complex chromosomal rearrangements (CCR) during a single catastrophic event. It may result in loss and/or gain of genetic material and may be responsible for various phenotypes. These rearrangements are usually sporadic. However, some familial cases have been reported. Here, we studied six families in whom an asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic parent transmitted a CCR to its offspring in an unbalanced manner. The rearrangements were characterized by karyotyping, fluorescent in situ hybridization, chromosomal microarray (CMA) and/or whole genome sequencing (WGS) in the carrier parents and offspring. We then hypothesized meiosis‐pairing figures between normal and abnormal parental chromosomes that may have led to the formation of new unbalanced rearrangements through meiotic recombination. Our work indicates that chromoanagenesis might be associated with a normal phenotype and normal fertility, even in males, and that WGS may be the only way to identify these events when there is no imbalance. Subsequently, the CCR can be transmitted to the next generation in an unbalanced and unpredictable manner following meiotic recombination. Thereby, prenatal diagnosis using CMA should be proposed to these families to detect any pathogenic imbalances in the offspring