82 research outputs found

    An Experimental Study of Adaptive Control for Evolutionary Algorithms

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    The balance of exploration versus exploitation (EvE) is a key issue on evolutionary computation. In this paper we will investigate how an adaptive controller aimed to perform Operator Selection can be used to dynamically manage the EvE balance required by the search, showing that the search strategies determined by this control paradigm lead to an improvement of solution quality found by the evolutionary algorithm

    A two-stage approach for table extraction in invoices

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    The automated analysis of administrative documents is an important field in document recognition that is studied for decades. Invoices are key documents among these huge amounts of documents available in companies and public services. Invoices contain most of the time data that are presented in tables that should be clearly identified to extract suitable information. In this paper, we propose an approach that combines an image processing based estimation of the shape of the tables with a graph-based representation of the document, which is used to identify complex tables precisely. We propose an experimental evaluation using a real case application

    A Computational Model for Logical Analysis of Data

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    Initially introduced by Peter Hammer, Logical Analysis of Data is a methodology that aims at computing a logical justification for dividing a group of data in two groups of observations, usually called the positive and negative groups. Consider this partition into positive and negative groups as the description of a partially defined Boolean function; the data is then processed to identify a subset of attributes, whose values may be used to characterize the observations of the positive groups against those of the negative group. LAD constitutes an interesting rule-based learning alternative to classic statistical learning techniques and has many practical applications. Nevertheless, the computation of group characterization may be costly, depending on the properties of the data instances. A major aim of our work is to provide effective tools for speeding up the computations, by computing some \emph{a priori} probability that a given set of attributes does characterize the positive and negative groups. To this effect, we propose several models for representing the data set of observations, according to the information we have on it. These models, and the probabilities they allow us to compute, are also helpful for quickly assessing some properties of the real data at hand; furthermore they may help us to better analyze and understand the computational difficulties encountered by solving methods. Once our models have been established, the mathematical tools for computing probabilities come from Analytic Combinatorics. They allow us to express the desired probabilities as ratios of generating functions coefficients, which then provide a quick computation of their numerical values. A further, long-range goal of this paper is to show that the methods of Analytic Combinatorics can help in analyzing the performance of various algorithms in LAD and related fields

    A Unified Framework to Compute over Tree Synchronized Grammars and Primal Grammars

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    Tree languages are powerful tools for the representation and schematization of infinite sets of terms for various purposes (unification theory, verification and specification ...). In order to extend the regular tree language framework, more complex formalisms have been developed. In this paper, we focus on Tree Synchronized Grammars and Primal Grammars which introduce specific control structures to represent non regular sets of terms. We propose a common unified framework in order to achieve the membership test for these particular languages. Thanks to a proof system, we provide a full operational framework, that allows us to transform tree grammars into Prolog programs (as it already exists for word grammars with DCG) whose goal is to recognize terms of the corresponding language

    1 Context Hybrid Solving for CSP

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    Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) [27] provide a general framework for the modeling of many practical applications (planning, scheduling, time tabling,...). Many examples of such constraint satisfaction problems can be found in [12]. A CSP is usually defined by a set of variables associated to domains of possible values and by a set of constraints. We only consider here CSP over finite domains. Constraints can be understood as relations over the variables and therefore, solving a CSP consists in finding an assignment of values to the variables that satisfies these constraints. Many resolution algorithms have been proposed to achieve this purpose and we may distinguish at least two classes of general methods: • Complete methods aims at exploring the whole search space in order to find all the solutions or to detect that the CSP is not consistent. Complete methods are mainly based on local consistency mechanisms [19, 21] which allow the algorithms to prune the search space by deleting inconsistent values from variables domains. A complete solver usually build a searc

    A Computational Model for Logical Analysis of Data

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    Initially introduced by Peter Hammer, Logical Analysis of Data is a methodology that aims at computing a logical justification for dividing a group of data in two groups of observations, usually called the positive and negative groups. Consider this partition into positive and negative groups as the description of a partially defined Boolean function; the data is then processed to identify a subset of attributes, whose values may be used to characterize the observations of the positive groups against those of the negative group. LAD constitutes an interesting rule-based learning alternative to classic statistical learning techniques and has many practical applications. Nevertheless, the computation of group characterization may be costly, depending on the properties of the data instances. A major aim of our work is to provide effective tools for speeding up the computations, by computing some \emph{a priori} probability that a given set of attributes does characterize the positive and negative groups. To this effect, we propose several models for representing the data set of observations, according to the information we have on it. These models, and the probabilities they allow us to compute, are also helpful for quickly assessing some properties of the real data at hand; furthermore they may help us to better analyze and understand the computational difficulties encountered by solving methods. Once our models have been established, the mathematical tools for computing probabilities come from Analytic Combinatorics. They allow us to express the desired probabilities as ratios of generating functions coefficients, which then provide a quick computation of their numerical values. A further, long-range goal of this paper is to show that the methods of Analytic Combinatorics can help in analyzing the performance of various algorithms in LAD and related fields

    Interleaved Alldifferent Constraints: CSP vs. SAT Approaches

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    Abstract. In this paper, we want to handle multiple interleaved Alldiff constraints from two points of view: a uniform propagation framework with some CSP reduction rules and a SAT encoding of these rules that preserves the reduction properties of CSP.
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