36 research outputs found

    Dielectrophoretic separation of blood pathogens ou Bacterial extraction from biological samples using DEP forces

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    International audienceWe report here a method based on DEP separation to concentrate pathogens out of a biological sample by combining positive and negative DEP to separate pathogens from the sample matrix. In this approach, we take advantage from the large tolerance of micro-organisms towards osmotic shock to perform dielectrophoretic separation in a low electric conductivity medium. This condition enables to collect micro-organisms by positive DEP, while lysed blood cells are repelled from the electrodes by negative DEP. Our microfluidic device is designed based on numerical simulation. This approach is validated on a large range of microorganisms, since it has been tested with different species of bacteria (S. epidermidis (Gram +) and E. coli (Gram -)) and yeasts (C. albicans)

    Micro-confinement of bacteria into w/o emulsion droplets for rapid detection and enumeration

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    International audienceToday, rapid detection and identification of bacteria in microbiological diagnosis is a major issue. Reference methods usually rely on growth of microorganisms, with the drawback of lengthy time-to-result. The method provides global information on a clonal population that is known to be inhomogeneous relative to metabolic states and activities. Therefore, there may be a significant advantage of methods that allow characterisation of individual bacteria from a large population, both for test time reduction and the clinical value of the characterisation. We report here a method for rapid detection and real-time monitoring of the metabolic activities of single bacteria. Water-in-oil emulsions were used to encapsulate single Escherichia coli cells into picolitre (pL)-sized microreactor droplets. The glucuronidase activity in each droplet was monitored using the fluorogenic reporter molecule MUG (4-methylumbelliferyl- - d-glucuronide) coupled to time-lapse fluorescence imaging of the droplets. Such bacterial confinement provides several major advantages. (1) Enzymatic activities of a large number of single bacterium-containing droplet could be monitored simultaneously, allowing the full characterisation of metabolic heterogeneity in a clonal population. We monitored glucuronidase enzymatic activity and growth over ∼200 single bacteria over a 24-h period. (2) Micro-confinement of cells in small volumes allows rapid accumulation of the fluorescent metabolite, hence decreasing the detection time. Independent of the initial concentration of bacteria in the sample, detection of the presence of bacteria could be achieved in less than 2 h. (3) Considering the random distribution of bacteria in droplets, this method allowed rapid and reliable enumeration of bacteria in the initial sample. Overall, the results of this study showed that confinement of bacterial cells increased the effective concentration of fluorescent metabolites leading to rapid (2 h) detection of the fluorescent metabolites, thus significantly reducing time to numeration

    Early/recycling endosomes-to-TGN transport involves two SNARE complexes and a Rab6 isoform

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    The molecular mechanisms underlying early/recycling endosomes-to-TGN transport are still not understood. We identified interactions between the TGN-localized putative t-SNAREs syntaxin 6, syntaxin 16, and Vti1a, and two early/recycling endosomal v-SNAREs, VAMP3/cellubrevin, and VAMP4. Using a novel permeabilized cell system, these proteins were functionally implicated in the post-Golgi retrograde transport step. The function of Rab6a' was also required, whereas its closely related isoform, Rab6a, has previously been implicated in Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum transport. Thus, our study shows that membrane exchange between the early endocytic and the biosynthetic/secretory pathways involves specific components of the Rab and SNARE machinery, and suggests that retrograde transport between early/recycling endosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum is critically dependent on the sequential action of two members of the Rab6 subfamily

    Single-cell scattering and auto-fluorescence-based fast antibiotic susceptibility testing for gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria

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    In this study, we assess the scattering of light and auto-fluorescence from single bacterial cells to address the challenge of fast (<2 h), label-free phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST). Label-free flow cytometry is used for monitoring both the respiration-related auto-fluorescence in two different fluorescence channels corresponding to FAD and NADH, and the morphological and structural information contained in the light scattered by individual bacteria during incubation with or without antibiotic. Large multi-parameter data are analyzed using dimensionality reduction methods, based either on a combination of 2D binning and Principal Component Analysis, or with a one-class Support Vector Machine approach, with the objective to predict the Susceptible or Resistant phenotype of the strain. For the first time, both Escherichia coli (Gram-negative) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (Gram-positive) isolates were tested with a label-free approach, and, in the presence of two groups of bactericidal antibiotic molecules, aminoglycosides and beta-lactams. Our results support the feasibility of label-free AST in less than 2 h and suggest that single cell auto-fluorescence adds value to the Susceptible/Resistant phenotyping over single-cell scattering alone, in particular for the mecA+ Staphylococcus (i.e., resistant) strains treated with oxacillin

    Discuter les catégories du droit en ligne. Intermédiation et raisonnement juridique dans les forums d’entraide sur la Réglementation Thermique 2012

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    Ce working paper propose une première analyse des modalités d’interaction sur un forumd’entraide consacré à la « Réglementation thermique 2012 », la réglementation régissant lescaractéristiques thermiques des bâtiments. Les données concernent la période 2013-2018, etelles ont fait l’objet d’une collecte par webscrapping. Les traitements quantitatifs (analysefactorielle, classification et statistique textuelle) s’attachent à décrire le travaild’intermédiation que ce forum met en oeuvre. Les analyses qualitatives du matériaupermettent une étude des formes du raisonnement juridique qui se manifestent dans un teldispositif.Cet article reprend largement notre communication présentée au Congrès 2019 de l’AFS« Classer, déclasser, reclasser », dans le cadre du réseau thématique « Sociologie du droit etde la justice » (RT13), Aix-en-Provence – 27-30 aout 201

    Les connaissances dans le marché

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    La sociologie économique n’ignore pas la question de la connaissance dès lors que l’on considère la façon dont les ressorts de l’action économique y ont été envisagés. Nombre de travaux renvoient ainsi à un enjeu socio-cognitif fondamental : l’interprétation des situations et l’anticipation des conséquences des actions. Les réseaux, la culture, les dispositifs, les institutions, les entrepreneurs, la concurrence ou encore la qualité, peuvent être relues au regard des enjeux de mobilisation des connaissances dans l’action qui les concernant. Trois thématiques sont ici approfondies : l’incertitude, les problèmes liés à l’absence ou l’instabilité des connaissances dans la définition de la qualité des biens ; l’hétérogénéité des régimes et des types de connaissances mobilisées dans la valuation des biens ; la performativité des connaissances économiques dans le cas de la marchandisation de la production de ces connaissances.Economic sociology does not ignore the question of knowledge when considering the way in which the drivers of economic action have been studied. A number of publications thus refer to a fundamental socio-cognitive issue: the interpretation of situations and the anticipation of the consequences of actions. Networks, culture, devices, institutions, institutions, entrepreneurs, competition and quality can be re-examined with regard to the issue of knowledge mobilization in the action that concerns them. Three themes are examined in depth here: uncertainty, problems linked to the absence or instability of knowledge in the definition of the quality of goods; the heterogeneity of regimes and types of knowledge mobilised in the valuation of goods; the performativity of economic knowledge in the case of the marketisation of the production of this knowledge.La sociología económica no ignora la cuestión del conocimiento al considerar la forma en que se han contemplado los motores de la acción económica. Así, varias publicaciones se refieren a una cuestión sociocognitiva fundamental: la interpretación de las situaciones y la anticipación de las consecuencias de las acciones. Las redes, la cultura, los dispositivos, las instituciones, los emprendedores, la competencia y la calidad pueden ser reexaminados en lo que respecta a las cuestiones de movilización de los conocimientos en la acción que les concierne. Aquí se examinan en profundidad tres temas: la incertidumbre, los problemas vinculados a la ausencia o inestabilidad del conocimiento en la definición de la calidad de los bienes; la heterogeneidad de los regímenes y tipos de conocimiento movilizados en la valoración de los bienes; la performatividad del conocimiento económico en el caso de la mercantilización de la producción de este conocimiento

    Los conocimientos en el mercado

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    La sociología económica no ignora la cuestión del conocimiento al considerar la forma en que se han contemplado los motores de la acción económica. Así, varias publicaciones se refieren a una cuestión sociocognitiva fundamental: la interpretación de las situaciones y la anticipación de las consecuencias de las acciones. Las redes, la cultura, los dispositivos, las instituciones, los emprendedores, la competencia y la calidad pueden ser reexaminados en lo que respecta a las cuestiones de movilización de los conocimientos en la acción que les concierne. Aquí se examinan en profundidad tres temas: la incertidumbre, los problemas vinculados a la ausencia o inestabilidad del conocimiento en la definición de la calidad de los bienes; la heterogeneidad de los regímenes y tipos de conocimiento movilizados en la valoración de los bienes; la performatividad del conocimiento económico en el caso de la mercantilización de la producción de este conocimiento.La sociologie économique n’ignore pas la question de la connaissance dès lors que l’on considère la façon dont les ressorts de l’action économique y ont été envisagés. Nombre de travaux renvoient ainsi à un enjeu socio-cognitif fondamental : l’interprétation des situations et l’anticipation des conséquences des actions. Les réseaux, la culture, les dispositifs, les institutions, les entrepreneurs, la concurrence ou encore la qualité, peuvent être relues au regard des enjeux de mobilisation des connaissances dans l’action qui les concernant. Trois thématiques sont ici approfondies : l’incertitude, les problèmes liés à l’absence ou l’instabilité des connaissances dans la définition de la qualité des biens ; l’hétérogénéité des régimes et des types de connaissances mobilisées dans la valuation des biens ; la performativité des connaissances économiques dans le cas de la marchandisation de la production de ces connaissances.Economic sociology does not ignore the question of knowledge when considering the way in which the drivers of economic action have been studied. A number of publications thus refer to a fundamental socio-cognitive issue: the interpretation of situations and the anticipation of the consequences of actions. Networks, culture, devices, institutions, institutions, entrepreneurs, competition and quality can be re-examined with regard to the issue of knowledge mobilization in the action that concerns them. Three themes are examined in depth here: uncertainty, problems linked to the absence or instability of knowledge in the definition of the quality of goods; the heterogeneity of regimes and types of knowledge mobilised in the valuation of goods; the performativity of economic knowledge in the case of the marketisation of the production of this knowledge