91 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the bank stability and toe erosion model (BSTEM) for predicting lateral retreat on composite streambanks

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    Streambank erosion is known to be a major source of sediment in streams and rivers. The Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) was developed in order to predict streambank retreat due to both fluvial erosion and geotechnical failure. However, few, if any, model evaluations using long-term streambank retreat data have been performed. The objectives of this research were to (1) monitor long-term composite streambank retreat during a hydraulically active period on a rapidly migrating stream, (2) evaluate BSTEM’s ability to predict the measured streambank retreat, and (3) assess the importance of accurate geotechnical, fluvial erosion, and near-bank pore-water pressure properties. The Barren Fork Creek in northeastern Oklahoma laterally eroded 7.8 to 20.9 m along a 100-m length of stream between April and October 2009 based on regular bank location surveys. The most significant lateral retreat occurred in mid- to late-May and September due to a series of storm events, and not necessarily the most extreme events observed during the monitoring period. BSTEM (version 5.2) was not originally programmed to run multiple hydrographs iteratively, so a subroutine was written that automatically input the temporal sequence of stream stage and to lag the water table in the near-bank ground water depending on user settings. Eight BSTEM simulations of the Barren Fork Creek streambank were performed using combinations of the following input data: with and without a water table lag; default BSTEM geotechnical parameters (moderate silt loam) versus laboratory measured geotechnical parameters based on direct shear tests on saturated soil samples; and default BSTEM fluvial erosion parameters versus field measured fluvial erosion parameters from submerged jet tests. Using default BSTEM input values underestimated the actual erosion that occurred. Lagging the water table predicted more geotechnical failures resulting in greater streambank retreat. Using measured fluvial and geotechnical parameters and a water table lag also under predicted retreat (approximately 3.3 m), but did predict the appropriate timing of streambank collapses. The under prediction of retreat was hypothesized to be due to over predicting the critical shear stress of the non-cohesive gravel, under predicting the erodibility of the non-cohesive gravel, and/or under predicting the imposed shear stress acting on the streambank. Current research improving our understanding of shear stress distributions, streambank pore-water pressure dynamics, and methods for estimating excess shear stress parameters for noncohesive soils will be critical for improving BSTEM and other streambank stability models

    Evaluation of the bank stability and toe erosion model (BSTEM) for predicting lateral retreat on composite streambanks

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    Streambank erosion is known to be a major source of sediment in streams and rivers. The Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) was developed in order to predict streambank retreat due to both fluvial erosion and geotechnical failure. However, few, if any, model evaluations using long-term streambank retreat data have been performed. The objectives of this research were to (1) monitor long-term composite streambank retreat during a hydraulically active period on a rapidly migrating stream, (2) evaluate BSTEM’s ability to predict the measured streambank retreat, and (3) assess the importance of accurate geotechnical, fluvial erosion, and near-bank pore-water pressure properties. The Barren Fork Creek in northeastern Oklahoma laterally eroded 7.8 to 20.9 m along a 100-m length of stream between April and October 2009 based on regular bank location surveys. The most significant lateral retreat occurred in mid- to late-May and September due to a series of storm events, and not necessarily the most extreme events observed during the monitoring period. BSTEM (version 5.2) was not originally programmed to run multiple hydrographs iteratively, so a subroutine was written that automatically input the temporal sequence of stream stage and to lag the water table in the near-bank ground water depending on user settings. Eight BSTEM simulations of the Barren Fork Creek streambank were performed using combinations of the following input data: with and without a water table lag; default BSTEM geotechnical parameters (moderate silt loam) versus laboratory measured geotechnical parameters based on direct shear tests on saturated soil samples; and default BSTEM fluvial erosion parameters versus field measured fluvial erosion parameters from submerged jet tests. Using default BSTEM input values underestimated the actual erosion that occurred. Lagging the water table predicted more geotechnical failures resulting in greater streambank retreat. Using measured fluvial and geotechnical parameters and a water table lag also under predicted retreat (approximately 3.3 m), but did predict the appropriate timing of streambank collapses. The under prediction of retreat was hypothesized to be due to over predicting the critical shear stress of the non-cohesive gravel, under predicting the erodibility of the non-cohesive gravel, and/or under predicting the imposed shear stress acting on the streambank. Current research improving our understanding of shear stress distributions, streambank pore-water pressure dynamics, and methods for estimating excess shear stress parameters for noncohesive soils will be critical for improving BSTEM and other streambank stability models

    Comparison of Aquifer Sustainability Under Groundwater Administrations in Oklahoma and Texas

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    We compared two approaches to administration of groundwater law on a hydrologic model of the North Canadian River, an alluvial aquifer in northwestern Oklahoma. Oklahoma limits pumping rates to retain 50% aquifer saturated thickness after 20 years of groundwater use. The Texas Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District’s (GCD) rules limit pumping to a rate that consumes no more than 50% of saturated thickness in 50 years, with reevaluation and readjustment of permits every 5 years. Using a hydrologic model (MODFLOW), we simulated river-groundwater interaction and aquifer dynamics under increasing levels of ‘‘development’’ (i.e., increasing groundwater withdrawals). Oklahoma’s approach initially would limit groundwater extraction more than the GCD approach, but the GCD approach would be more protective in the long run. Under Oklahoma rules more than half of aquifer storage would be depleted when development reaches 65%. Reevaluation of permits under the Texas Panhandle GCD approach would severely limit pumping as the 50% level is approached. Both Oklahoma and Texas Panhandle GCD approaches would deplete alluvial base flow at approximately 10% development. Results suggest periodic review of permits could protect aquifer storage and river base flow. Modeling total aquifer storage is more sensitive to recharge rate and aquifer hydraulic conductivity than to specific yield, while river leakage is most sensitive to aquifer hydraulic conductivity followed by specific yield

    Introduction to groundwater hydrology and management

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    Field evidence of a natural capillary barrier in a gravel alluvial aquifer

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    Ozark streams commonly feature “composite” floodplains, in which the vadose zone consists of silt or silt loam soils (?1 m thick) overlying gravel subsoil. Previous work has shown that preferential flow paths can exist within the gravel subsoil, which can conduct water and P at rates exceeding the sorption capacity of the gravel. At a site on Barren Fork Creek, a 1- by 1-m infiltration plot was constructed and an infiltration experiment was performed using sequentially introduced solutes including P (the constituent of regulatory interest), Rhodamine-WT (Rh-WT, a visual tracer), and Cl− (an electrical tracer). The solute transport was measured with monitoring wells (MWs) placed 1 m from the plot boundary and 5 m down the groundwater flow gradient using an electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) array. The ERI method utilized differences between a pre-infiltration background image and subsequent temporal images taken during the test to quantify changes induced by the tracers. The infiltration test maintained a steady-state flow rate of 4.5 L min−1 for 84.75 h. Electrical resistivity imaging data showed significant changes in resistivity induced by the tracers within the soil vadose zone under the plot but no similar changes within the gravel, indicating that the interface was acting as a capillary barrier. Electrical resistivity images 5 m away from the plot showed tracer breakthrough into the gravel in areas not sampled by the MWs. Solute detection was limited in MWs, indicating that MWs could not adequately monitor movement below the capillary barrier because it controlled migration of solute to the heterogeneous phreatic zone

    Trapping Phosphorus in Runoff with a Phosphorus Removal Structure

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    Reduction of phosphorus (P) inputs to surface waters may decrease eutrophication. Some researchers have proposed fi ltering dissolved P in runoff with P-sorptive byproducts in structures placed in hydrologically active areas with high soil P concentrations. Th e objectives of this study were to construct and monitor a P removal structure in a suburban watershed and test the ability of empirically developed fl ow-through equations to predict structure performance. Steel slag was used as the P sorption material in the P removal structure. Water samples were collected before and after the structure using automatic samples and analyzed for total dissolved P. During the fi rst 5 mo of structure operation, 25% of all dissolved P was removed from rainfall and irrigation events. Phosphorus was removed more effi ciently during low fl ow rate irrigation events with a high retention time than during high fl ow rate rainfall events with a low retention time. Th e six largest fl ow events occurred during storm fl ow and accounted for 75% of the P entering the structure and 54% of the P removed by the structure. Flow-through equations developed for predicting structure performance produced reasonable estimates of structure “lifetime” (16.8 mo). However, the equations overpredicted cumulative P removal. Th is was likely due to diff erences in pH, total Ca and Fe, and alkalinity between the slag used in the structure and the slag used for model development. Th is suggests the need for an overall model that can predict structure performance based on individual material properties

    Benefits and concerns associated with Aerobic Treatment Systems (ATS)

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    Trapping Phosphorus in Runoff with a Phosphorus Removal Structure

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    Reduction of phosphorus (P) inputs to surface waters may decrease eutrophication. Some researchers have proposed fi ltering dissolved P in runoff with P-sorptive byproducts in structures placed in hydrologically active areas with high soil P concentrations. Th e objectives of this study were to construct and monitor a P removal structure in a suburban watershed and test the ability of empirically developed fl ow-through equations to predict structure performance. Steel slag was used as the P sorption material in the P removal structure. Water samples were collected before and after the structure using automatic samples and analyzed for total dissolved P. During the fi rst 5 mo of structure operation, 25% of all dissolved P was removed from rainfall and irrigation events. Phosphorus was removed more effi ciently during low fl ow rate irrigation events with a high retention time than during high fl ow rate rainfall events with a low retention time. Th e six largest fl ow events occurred during storm fl ow and accounted for 75% of the P entering the structure and 54% of the P removed by the structure. Flow-through equations developed for predicting structure performance produced reasonable estimates of structure “lifetime” (16.8 mo). However, the equations overpredicted cumulative P removal. Th is was likely due to diff erences in pH, total Ca and Fe, and alkalinity between the slag used in the structure and the slag used for model development. Th is suggests the need for an overall model that can predict structure performance based on individual material properties

    Flow and transport experiments for a streambank seep originating from a preferential flow pathway

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    Streambank seeps commonly originate from localized heterogeneity or preferential flow pathways (PFPs) in riparian floodplains. However, limited field data have been reported on ground water seep flows and solute transport to seeps from PFPs. The objective of this research was to build upon previous floodplain-scale investigations of PFPs by analyzing seep discharge and transport characteristics through a single PFP. An important research question was whether this PFP could be conceptualized as a homogeneous, one-dimensional flow path. Streambank seep discharge measurements were obtained by inducing a hydraulic head in a trench injection system. Also, co-injection of Rhodamine WT (RhWT) and a potassium chloride (KCl) tracer over a 60-min period was used to investigate transport dynamics. Seep discharge and breakthrough curves for electrical conductivity (EC) and RhWT were measured at the streambank using a lateral flow collection device. The breakthrough curves were fit to one-dimensional convective-dispersion equations (CDEs) to inversely estimate solute transport parameters. The PFP from which the seep originated was clean, coarse gravel (6% by mass less than 2.0 mm) surrounded by gravel with finer particles (20% by mass less than 2.0 mm). Located approximately 2 m from the trench, the seep (50 cm by 10 cm area) required at least 40 cm of hydraulic head for flow to emerge at the streambank. At a higher hydraulic head of 125 cm, seep discharge peaked at 3.5 L/min. This research verified that localized PFPs can result in the rapid transport of water (hydraulic conductivity on the order of 400 m/d) and solutes once reaching a sufficient near-bank hydraulic head. A one-dimensional equilibrium CDE was capable of simulating the EC (R2 = 0.94) and RhWT (R2 = 0.91) breakthrough curves with minimal RhWT sorption (distribution coefficient, Kd, equal to 0.1 cm3/g). Therefore, the PFP could be conceptualized as a one-dimensional, homogenous flow and transport pathway. These results are consistent with previous research observing larger-scale phosphorus transport

    Stage-dependent transient storage of phosphorus in alluvial floodplains

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    Models for contaminant transport in streams commonly idealize transient storage as a well-mixed but immobile system. These transient storage models capture rapid (near-stream) hyporheic storage and transport, but do not account for large-scale, stage-dependent interaction with the alluvial aquifer. The objective of this research was to document transient storage of phosphorus (P) in coarse gravel alluvium potentially influenced by large-scale, stage-dependent preferential flow pathways (PFPs). Long-term monitoring was performed at floodplain sites adjacent to the Barren Fork Creek and Honey Creek in northeastern Oklahoma. Based on results from subsurface electrical resistivity mapping which was correlated to hydraulic conductivity data, observation wells were installed both in higher hydraulic conductivity and lower hydraulic conductivity subsoils. Water levels in the wells were monitored over time, and water samples were obtained from the observation wells and the stream to document P concentrations at multiple times during high flow events. Contour plots indicating direction of flow were developed using water table elevation data. Contour plots of total P concentrations showed the alluvial aquifer acting as a transient storage zone, with P-laden stream water heterogeneously entering the aquifer during the passage of a storm pulse, and subsequently re-entering the stream during baseflow conditions. Some groundwater in the alluvial floodplains had total P concentrations that mirrored the streams’ total P concentrations. A detailed analysis of P forms indicated that particulate P (i.e. P attached to particulates greater than 0·45 μm) was a significant portion of the P transport. This research suggests the need for more controlled studies on stage-dependent transient storage in alluvial systems