17 research outputs found

    Synchrony between the Central Atlantic magmatic province and the Triassic-Jurassic mass-extinction event? Reply to Marzoli et al.

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    We are very pleased with the attention, long overdue, that the Triassicā€“Jurassic boundary and associated events, such as the CAMP, are receiving. This can only lead to greater specificity of hypotheses and greater understanding in the long run, and it is worth emphasizing some broad areas of agreement. Marzoli et al. (2008-this volume) points out the closeness in time of CAMP and Trā€“J extinctions, and on this we all agree. We also agree that the systematic differences among different isotopic systems used for dating is a challenge to determining the relative timing of events dated with different techniques. This problem, however, seem to be fading as high-precision single-crystal Uā€“Pb dates (206Pb/238U) are available from a variety of tuffs interbedded with marine strata as well as the North Mountain Basalt of Nova Scotia, which lies above the palynological Triassicā€“Jurassic extinction event in Nova Scotia. Schoene et al. (2006) obtained an age of 201.27 Ā± 0.03 Ma from this basalt, which is very close to an age of 201.5 Ma for a tuff 1 m above the last local occurrence of the topmost Triassic guide-fossil, the ammonite Choristoceras in a marine section in Peru (Schaltegger et al., 2007), presumably very close to the Triassicā€“Jurassic extinction event. Schaltegger et al. (2007) also obtained an age of 199.5 Ma for the Hettangianā€“Sinemurian boundary from the latter section. Consistent with these ages, PĆ”lfy and Mundil (2006) obtained ages of 200.6 Ā± 0.3 Ma for an ash layer in ammonite-bearing Middle Hettangian marine sediments in, Alaska, and 198.0 Ā± 0.6 Ma for a tuff layer in Early Sinemurian sediments in Hungary. These dates are not compatible with the multi-crystal age for the Triassicā€“Jurassic boundary of 199.6 Ā± 0.3 Ma of PĆ”lfy and Mundil (2006), a fact recognized by PĆ”lfy and Mundil (2006). Thus, we are in complete agreement that the Triassicā€“Jurassic extinction event is extremely close in time to the onset of the CAMP. The question is, "are any of the known flows of the CAMP actually at or before this extinction event?". That is the key issue dealt with by Whiteside et al. (2007), and it is a possibility that we recognize as completely plausible, but not yet demonstrated. It is in that spirit of general agreement that we reply to Marzoli et al.'s, comment. We note, however, that their comment touches on far too many points to adequately address in this reply, and we chose to focus our response on their most substantive issues, recalling that our paper was focusing on the testable aspects of their overall hypothesis. We deal with their criticisms in the order they present them

    Continental Triassic-Jurassic Boundary in Central Pangea: Recent Progress and Discussion of an Ir Anomaly

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    The Triassic-Jurassic (Tr-J) boundary marks one of the five largest mass extinctions in the past 0.5 b.y. In many of the exposed rift basins of the Atlantic passive margin of eastern North America and Morocco, the boundary is identified as an interval of stratigraphically abrupt floral and faunal change within cyclical lacustrine sequences. A comparatively thin interval of Jurassic strata separates the boundary from extensive overlying basalt flows, the best dates of which (ca. 202 Ma) are practically indistinguishable from recent dates on tuffs from marine Tr-J boundary sequences. The pattern and magnitude of the Tr-J boundary at many sections spanning more than 10Ā° of paleolatitude in eastern North America and Morocco are remarkably similar to those at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, sparking much debate on the cause of the end-Triassic extinctions, hypotheses focusing on bolide impacts and climatic changes associated with flood basalt volcanism. Four prior attempts at finding evidence of impacts at the Tr-J boundary in these rift basin localities were unsuccessful. However, after more detailed sampling, a modest Ir anomaly has been reported (up to 285 ppt, 0.29 ng/g) in the Newark rift basin (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, United States), and this anomaly is directly associated with a fern spike. A search for shocked quartz in these rift basins has thus far been fruitless. Although both the microstratigraphy and the biotic pattern of the boundary are very similar to continental Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sections in the western United States, we cannot completely rule out a volcanic, or other nonimpact, hypothesis using data currently available

    Synchrony between the Central Atlantic magmatic province and the Triassicā€“Jurassic mass-extinction event?

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    We present new data and a synthesis of cyclostratigraphic, lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and published magnetostratigraphic and basalt geochemical data from eastern North America and Morocco in an attempt to clarify the temporal relationship between the Triassicā€“Jurassic mass extinction (? 202 Ma) and Earth's largest sequence of continental flood basalts, the Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP). Newly discovered zones of reverse polarity within CAMP flow sequences of Morocco have been hypothesized by Marzoli et al. [Marzoli, A., Bertrand, H., Knight, K.B., Cirilli, S., Buratti, N., VĆ©rati, C., Nomade, S., Renne, P.R., Youbi, N., Martini, R., Allenbach, K., Neuwerth, R., Rapaille, C., Zaninetti, L., Bellieni, G., 2004. Synchrony of the Central Atlantic magmatic province and the Triassicā€“Jurassic boundary climatic and biotic crisis. Geology 32, 973ā€“976.] and Knight et al. [Knight, K.B., Nomade, S., Renne, P.R., Marzoli, A., Betrand, H., Youbi, N., 2004. The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province at the Triassicā€“Jurassic boundary: paleomagnetic and 40Ar/30Ar evidence from Morocco for brief, episodic volcanism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 228, 143ā€“160.] as correlates of a very short, uppermost Triassic age reverse chron in the Newark basin, thus suggesting that much of the Moroccan CAMP was synchronous with or predates the Triassicā€“Jurassic boundary. Here, however, we explain these apparent reverse polarity zones as possible correlatives of poorly sampled lower Jurassic basalt flow sequences and overlying strata in eastern North America and lower Jurassic reverse polarity sequences recognized by others in the Paris basin. A revised Milankovitch cyclostratigraphy based on new core and field data constrains the duration of eastern North America basaltic flows to ? 610 ky after the Triassicā€“Jurassic palynological turnover event. Palynological data indicates correlation of the initial carbon isotopic excursion of Hesselbo et al. [Hesselbo, S.P., Robinson, S.A., Surlyk, F., Piasecki, S., 2002. Terrestrial and marine extinction at the Triassicā€“Jurassic boundary synchronized with major carbon-cycle perturbation: a link to initiation of massive volcanism. Geology 30, 251ā€“254.] at St. Audrie's Bay to the palynological turnover event and vertebrate extinction level in eastern North America, suggesting a revised magnetostratigraphic correlation and robust carbon isotopic tests of the Marzoliā€“Knight hypothesis. We conclude that as yet there are no compelling data showing that any of the CAMP predated or was synchronous with the Triassicā€“Jurassic extinction event

    Pollen and spores from the perennial sea-ice covered environment of the central Arctic Ocean, summer 2004 (IODP ACEX 302)

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    We obtained three different types of samples from the central Arctic Ocean during the IODP Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) 302, which took place during summer 2004: they are (1) sea water, (2) sea-ice, and (3) diatom mat samples. A total of 227 specimens of pollen and spores as well as 52 pollen fragments were found in the samples. Dominant pollen taxa are vesiculate: Pinus (pines, ā€œMatsuā€ in Japanese), Picea (spruce, ā€œTouhiā€ in Japanese) and Abies (fir, ā€œMomiā€ in Japanese). Porate pollen and monolete spores were also found, but their populations were very small. Most of the pollen grains encountered were from the sea water sample type, whereas in sea-ice or diatom mat samples pollen grains were very rare. It is most likely that these pollen grains were transported via the Arctic Current rather than via atmospheric pathways, such as the geostrophic wind