421 research outputs found

    Le droit et la langue française au Canada : évolution et perspectives

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    Le présent texte explore les avancées et les défis que présentent les droits linguistiques au Canada par rapport à la promotion de la langue française. Y sont abordées les questions relatives au fédéralisme, à l’interprétation juridique et aux nouveaux chantiers où le droit pourrait jouer un rôle utile dans la structuration des rapports sociaux.This article explores the advances made and the challenges presented by language rights in Canada with regard to the promotion of French. We analyze questions of federalism, legal interpretation and new directions where language rights could play a useful role in structuring social relationships

    Le régime juridique des langues dans l'administration publique au Nouveau-Brunswick

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    Linguistic rights in New Brunswick have progressed since the enactment of the Official Languages of New Brunswick Act of 1969. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms has caused the entrenchment of some linguistic guarantees in the Constitution and has provided for judicial enforcement. Collective rights have also been given legislative sanction through the passing, in 1981, of An Act Recognizing the Equality of the Two Official Linguistic Communities in New Brunswick, and new legislation to replace the 1969 Act has now been proposed in a recent government-sponsored study. This paper looks at the legal consequences of these enactments in relation to public administration in New Brunswick

    Les droits scolaires des acadiens et la charte

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    This essay seeks to examine the advent of section 23 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in relation to the French language issue involving the school system in the Maritime provinces. The author gives a detailed account of section 23 and the special rights which it guarantees Acadians to educate their children in the language of their choice. The author also notes that recent amendments to the Schools Act in these provinces have not met the demands of the Acadian population.La présente étude fait analyse de l'avènement de l'article 23 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés à la question de langue d'éducation des enfants de parents francophones aux provinces Maritimes. L'auteur examine en détail I'article 23, et, en particulier, les droits scolaires que guaranti l'article 23, et il constate entre qutres que les modifications apporteés à la loi scolaire de ces provinces n'ont pas encore répondu aux demandes des acadiens

    Uncertainty in measuring laminar burning velocity from expanding methane-air flames at low pressures

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    International audienceThe experimental determination of laminar burning velocity remains essential to evaluate the combustion potential of any fuels but also to validate kinetic mechanisms. Recently, researchers are making great efforts to improve the accuracy of the different setups and techniques to determine this parameter. This work proposes an attempt to summarize the different factors contributing to the uncertainty of the expanding spherical flame method. In particular, the validity of two hypothesis (adiabatic flame propagation and thin flame front) is discussed in the case of stoichiometric methane-air flames in low-pressure environment (from 0.2 to 2 bar). Last, the effect of spark electrode diameters was also considered (0.2, 0.5 and 1 mm)

    Robust road marking extraction in urban environments using stereo images

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    Most road marking detection systems use image processing to extract potential marking elements in their first stage. Hence, the performances of extraction algorithms clearly impact the result of the whole process. In this paper, we address the problem of extracting road markings in high resolution environment images taken by inspection vehicles in a urban context. This situation is challenging since large special markings, such as crosswalks, zebras or pictographs must be detected as well as lane markings. Moreover, urban images feature many white elements that might lure the extraction process. In prior work an efficient extraction process, called Median Local Threshold algorithm, was proposed that can handle all kinds of road markings. This extraction algorithm is here improved and compared to other extraction algorithms. An experimental study performed on a database of images with ground-truth shows that the stereovision strategy reduces the number of false alarms without significant loss of true detection

    Détection d'anomalies dans des images de tunnels par forêts d'arbres aléatoires ou par apprentissage profond

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    International audienceTunnel maintenance requires a complicated and restrictive visual inspection. In order to automate this task, we propose to evaluate and compare three statistical learning algorithms, one random forest and two convolutional networks , dedicated to the detection of anomalies (e.g. cracks) on tunnel linings. Each model is trained on two databases of our own, from images of concrete walls and masonry walls. We show that they are competitive with the state of the art on this application domain.La maintenance des tunnels requiert une inspection visuelle lourde et contraignante. Dans le but d'automatiser cette tâche, nous proposons d'évaluer et de comparer trois algorithmes d'apprentissage statistique, une forêt aléatoire et deux réseaux convolutifs, dédiés à la détection d'anomalies (e.g. des fissures) sur les parements des tunnels. Chaque modèle est entraîné sur deux banques de données créées par nos soins, à partir d'images de parois en béton et de parois en maçonnerie. On montre qu'ils permettent tout trois d'atteindre le niveau de l'état de l'art sur ce domaine applicatif

    The Ship Detection Using Airborne and In-situ Measurements Based on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    International audienceMaritime accidents around the Korean Peninsula are increasing, and the ship detection research using remote sensing data is consequently becoming increasingly important. This study presented a new ship detection algorithm using hyperspectral images that provide the spectral information of several hundred channels in the ship detection field, which depends on high resolution optical imagery. We applied a spectral matching algorithm between the reflection spectrum of the ship deck obtained from two field observations and the ship and seawater spectrum of the hyperspectral sensor of an airborne visible/infrared imaging spectrometer. A total of five detection algorithms were used, namely spectral distance similarity (SDS), spectral correlation similarity (SCS), spectral similarity value (SSV), spectral angle mapper (SAM), and spectral information divergence (SID). SDS showed an error in the detection of seawater inside the ship, and SAM showed a clear classification result with a difference between ship and seawater of approximately 1.8 times. Additionally, the present study classified the vessels included in hyperspectral images by presenting the adaptive thresholds of each technique. As a result, SAM and SID showed superior ship detection abilities compared to those of other detection algorithms
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