8 research outputs found

    La innovación entre las PYME emprendedoras durante la crisis de la COVID-19 en Irá

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    [ENG] COVID-19 is affecting the development of the global economy and threatening the survival of SMEs worldwide. In light of the current situation, this paper examines the factors affecting product and process innovation in SMEs during the COVID-19 crisis. We carried out a simple random sample of 185 SME entrepreneurs in Ardakan, Iran, using a multivariate regression analysis. The results showed that experience is one of the most important factors affecting innovation. Organization size and age were negatively associated with process innovation during the current crisis. Moreover, the findings reveal that training to facilitate cooperation as well as higher commitment to R&D can lead to greater innovation. An important conclusion is that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, government efforts to encourage SMEs to create new products helped them to withstand the crisis. The study suggests that, during the COVID-19 crisis, embracing innovation as a core organizational value helped SMEs to remain competitive. [SPA] La crisis COVID-19 está afectando al desarrollo de la economía mundial y amenazando la supervivencia de las PYMEs de todo el mundo. A la luz de la situación actual, este trabajo examina los factores que afectan a la innovación de productos y procesos en las PYMEs durante la crisis de la COVID-19. Para ello se realizó un muestreo aleatorio simple de 185 empresarios de PYMEs de Ardakan, Irán, utilizando un análisis de regresión multivariante. Los resultados mostraron que la experiencia es uno de los factores más importantes que afectan a la innovación. El tamaño y la edad de las empresas se asociaron negativamente con la innovación de procesos durante la crisis actual. Además, los resultados revelan que, la formación encaminada a facilitar la cooperación, así como un mayor compromiso en I+D, pueden conducir a una mayor innovación. Una conclusión importante es que, durante la pandemia de la COVID-19, los esfuerzos del gobierno por alentar a las PYMEs a crear nuevos productos les ayudaron a resistir a la crisis. El estudio sugiere que, durante la crisis del COVID-19, la adopción de la innovación como valor organizativo fundamental ayudó a las PYME a seguir siendo competitivas

    Emergence of a new focus of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania tropica in rural communities of Bam district after the earthquake, Iran

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    objectives To describe a new emerging focus of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) due to Leishmania tropica in rural areas of Dehbakry county, south-eastern Iran, after the earthquake of 2003. methods House-to-house survey of 3884 inhabitants for active leishmaniasis lesions or scars. The diagnosis was confirmed by smears, cultures and identification of the parasite by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). results All age groups were affected, although patients £10 years of age showed the highest rate of infection (P = 0.0001). The overall prevalence rate was 5.3%; 6.3% in females and 4.3% in males. Of 204 cases, 1.8% had active sores and 3.5% had scars, with a significant difference between the sexes (P = 0.005). 47% of the lesions were on the face and 77.9% had one lesion. The incidence rose gradually 2004–2005, but grew exponentially 2006–2008. Electrophoresis of PCR products indicated that L. tropica was the causative agent. conclusions The current emergence was unexpected in this rural locality, where no previous history of CL was recorded. According to our knowledge this is the first report of a gradually establishing new ACL focus in rural communities after the 2003 earthquake

    Damage of the Bacterial Cell Envelope by Antimicrobial Peptides Gramicidin S and PGLa as Revealed by Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy▿

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    Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to examine the ultrastructural changes in bacteria induced by antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Both the β-stranded gramicidin S and the α-helical peptidyl-glycylleucine-carboxyamide (PGLa) are cationic amphiphilic AMPs known to interact with bacterial membranes. One representative Gram-negative strain, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and one representative Gram-positive strain, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, were exposed to the AMPs at sub-MICs and supra-MICs in salt-free medium. SEM revealed a shortening and swelling of the E. coli cells, and multiple blisters and bubbles formed on their surface. The S. aureus cells seemed to burst upon AMP exposure, showing open holes and deep craters in their envelope. TEM revealed the formation of intracellular membranous structures in both strains, which is attributed to a lateral expansion of the lipid membrane upon peptide insertion. Also, some morphological alterations in the DNA region were detected for S. aureus. After E. coli was incubated with AMPs in medium with low ionic strength, the cells appeared highly turgid compared to untreated controls. This observation suggests that the AMPs enhance osmosis through the inner membrane, before they eventually cause excessive leakage of the cellular contents. The adverse effect on the osmoregulatory capacity of the bacteria is attributed to the membrane-permeabilizing action of the amphiphilic peptides, even at low (sub-MIC) AMP concentrations. Altogether, the results demonstrate that both TEM and SEM, as well as appropriate sample preparation protocols, are needed to obtain detailed mechanistic insights into peptide function

    Evaluation of Er,Cr:YSGG Laser Effect on Microshear Bond Strength of a Self-Adhesive Flowable Composite in the Dentin of Permanent Molar: An In Vitro Study

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    Aim and Background. Recently, new restorative materials such as self-adhesive flowable composites, because of their simple use and no need to bonding and etching, are considered important, particularly in pediatric dentistry. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of Er,Cr:YSGG laser on microshear bond strength of self-adhesive flowable composite on permanent teeth dentin in vitro. Material and Methods. In this experimental study, 40 dentin sections were prepared from healthy third molars and divided into two groups according to their surface preparation by Er,Cr:YSGG laser or without laser, only with silicon carbide paper. In each group, two groups of 10 teeth were treated with self-adhesive flowable composite (Dyad) and conventional flowable composite (acid etch and bonding). Samples were stored in normal saline and after 48 hours their bond strength was measured. The failure mode of samples was observed on stereomicroscope. In order to analyse the results, the one way ANOVA and Tukey’s test for multiple comparisons were used. Result. The maximum bond strength was related to conventional flowable composite with laser preparation group (24/21 Mpa). The lowest one was seen in Dyad composite without laser emitting (9/89 Mpa). The statistical difference between this two groups was significant (P value = 0/0038). The microshear bond strength differences between Dyad composite groups with laser preparation (mean = 16/427±1/79) and without laser preparation (mean = 12/85±1/90) were statistically significant too (P value = 0/01). Conclusion. Self-adhesive flowable composite has lower microshear bond strength than conventional flowable composite. Moreover, the laser irradiation as a surface treatment can improve this bond strength