213 research outputs found

    Tur Family in Shahname

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    In Shahname, Turanian has been regard as the opposite side of Iranians (Iraj’s Family). Ferdowsi has been devoted the main part of his masterpiece, Shahname, in to the dispute between these two family. In this paper, Tur story, their family and the causes of their dispute are take into consideration then, in a comprehensible manner, Tur family members, the meaning of their names, psychological characteristics wars and their genealogy are studied

    Nutrition in Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome

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    Nephrotic Syndrome is a collection of symptoms due to glomerular damage, characterized by proteinuria ≥3.5g/day or a protein-creatinine ratio ≥2. From an etiological point of view, there are three forms of nephrotic syndrome, including congenital, primary, and secondary. The first sign of the disease is periorbital edema, especially in the morning. Diagnostic confirmation is done through evaluation of urine protein, serum electrolytes, BUN, Cr, Albumin, and cholesterol. The main treatment goals of nephrotic syndrome are decreasing proteinuria, preventing complications, and protecting the renal function via appropriate drugs and diet.The main objective of this study was to review diets required in nephrotic syndrome in children: Protein at a diose of 0.8 mg/kg/day is the most effective diet in nephrotic patients. Low-fat diets (calorie intake <30% and cholesterol ≤200mg/day) can improve hyperlipidemia. Salt and water intake should be restricted in the range of less than 2 gr/day and 1-1.5 liters/day, respectively. Nephrotic syndrome patients have iron, copper, zinc, and calcium deficiency due to increased urine protein excretion or concomitant metabolic disorders. Keywords: Nephrotic syndrome; Diet; Pediatrics; Nutrition. 

    Herbal medicine in pregnancy

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    Background and aims: Herbal medicines are derived from natural plants with medicinal or preventive properties. Use of herbal remedies has increased despite lack of scientific evidence about their efficacy and safety during pregnancy. Methods: This is an internet-based study. In this mini review, a publication search was conducted in the Medline, Google Scholar, and EMBASE databases, using a combination of medical subject headings (MeSH) and Black cohosh, Ginseng, Red Raspberry, Aloe vera, Chamomile, Chasteberry and Garlic keywords. The MeSH terms included herbal medicine, herbal products, pregnancy, and pregnant women. Results: Herbal remedies are very common. Some information will list an herb as safe to consume during pregnancy, whereas another source may list the same herb as unsafe depending on the source. Although herbs are natural, not all herbs are safe to take during pregnancy. Conclusion: Medicinal herbs can be very useful and effective during pregnancy. Despite the beneficial effects of herbs during pregnancy, use of certain herbal and traditional medicines without prior consultation with a health care professional may be harmful for pregnant women and their babies

    The prevalence of malnutrition in a pediatric hospital of Tabriz City, Iran, in 2016

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    BACKGROUND: Malnutrition is a disorder that results from reduction or imbalance in the absorption of food and energy. It leads to prolongation of hospitalization and increased mortality in patients. Screening reduces the costs, complications, and duration of hospitalization. We have tried to evaluate the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized children in Tabriz Pediatric Hospital, Tabriz, Iran, and review the validity of the standard questionnaire of Iran Ministry of Health for pediatric malnutrition.METHODS: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 400 patients were examined. All patients were screened for malnutrition status in the first 24 hours, using a primary nutritional assessment form. Patients were divided into two categories: no malnutrition or mild malnutrition and moderate to severe malnutrition. SPSS software was used to analyze the data.RESULTS: Of the 400 admitted and studied patients, 238 patients were in the age range of 1 to 60 months (group I) and 162 patients were in the age range of 5 to 19 years (group II). In group I, 11 patients were diagnosed with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is defined as weight for height of less than -3 Z-score, which means that 7 cases of patients (2.9%) had severe malnutrition or severe weight loss. In group II, there were 20 patients (12.3%) among a total of 162 patients who were overweight, and 10 patients (6.2%) were obese.CONCLUSION: The results of this study differed from previous studies. Therefore, it is recommended that the Ministry of Health questionnaire be reconsidered, and a restudy is necessary

    Comparison of pulmonary arterial pressure in patients under chronic hemodialysis with and without arteriovenous fistula

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    BACKGROUND: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a progressive disorder and a newly-discovered disease in people with end stage renal disease (ESRD). In patients who are hemodialyzed through arteriovenous fistula (AVF), the incidence of pulmonary hypertension (PHT) is highly probable. Regarding the main role of the AVF in the pathogenesis of PAH and the fact that AVF is the main method of vascular access in patients undergoing dialysis, we decided to investigate pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) in patients under chronic hemodialysis.METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study. All patients with chronic hemodialysis were divided into two groups according to the status of the fistula. The number of cases examined included 100 patients and data were analyzed by SPSS software.RESULTS: The most common cause of ESRD was hypertension (HTN) followed by diabetes mellitus (DM), polycystic kidney disease (PKD), urologic disorders, DM and HTN, combined blood pressure (BP) and PKD, renal stones, and other items ultimately. The average creatinine level was 8.59 mg/dl. Therefore, the mean creatinine level of patients, although relative to mode and median, was in any case significantly higher than the mean, which was predictable according to the ESRD community studied. The mean phosphate level was 5.66 mg/dl, and the mean hemoglobin (Hb) was 11.56 g/dl. The mean parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PAP were 558.68 and 27.33 mmHg, respectively, and the mean of ejection fraction (EF) was 50.75%. There was a significant difference between the mean PAP in the two groups (P = 0.048), as it was higher in the AVF group.CONCLUSION: Results of this study showed that AVF and ESRD both were risk factors for high PAP and PHT

    The relationship between the manners of parenting by parents and the extent of anxiety among the students

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    BACKGROUND: Mental health among the children and adolescents is an essential part of public welfare and health. The transfer of values and culture, and children health are made via training. According to conducted studies, training style of parents is an important factor to predict the health problems among the children. Baumrind has conducted extensive researches on the manner of parenting. He recognized three manners of parenting, authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. These are different from each other in terms of control, and being hot. The aim of this research was to study the relationship of parenting manners of parent and the extent of anxiety among the students.METHODS: This was a correlation type research in which the relationship between the variables was obtained. Statistical population included boy students of the junior high schools in Ilam City, Iran. The sample was selected based on Morgan table, and included 100 students. They were randomly selected in a multistep process. We selected two schools among junior high schools in Ilam City using random sampling. Then, we selected second-grade class in every school.RESULTS: There was a positive and significant relationship between parenting manners (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive manners) with anxious thoughts among the students (P < 0.010). In addition, there was a positive and significant relationship between permissive parenting manner and anxious thoughts among the students (P < 0.050). Independent variable explained 20% of changes in the dependent variable of anxious thoughts.CONCLUSION: The parenting manner influenced students, anxious thoughts at a significant level

    A case report of stomach and esophagus melanoma with liver metastases in a 63-year-old woman

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    BACKGROUND: Melanoma originates from melanocytes, which are dendritic pigmented cells. Malignant melanoma is divided into cutaneous and non-cutaneous types, and cutaneous one is the most common type. Gastric melanoma has rarely been reported, and is divided into primary and secondary categories.CASE REPORT: We report a 63-year-old woman with continues epigastric pain complaining of bloody defecation with elucidated blood, lack of appetite, weight loss, and icteric skin. She was a known case of hypertension, and a surgery of the left eye mass was done for her, which the patient's eye was discharged completely. The patient's biopsy sample was not sent for pathology, and there was no pathology result. The patient was evaluated with endoscopy because of epigastric pain of 6 months before. In addition to class A esophagitis, a nodule with an approximate dimension of 1 cm was seen in the Z-line of the esophagus, and two black lesions in the greater curvature of the stomach were seen, which biopsy of all these lesions was done. In the pathological study of biopsy specimens in a microscopic view, the replication of scattered hotspots in submucosa with atypical cells, large nuclei, and dark brown pigmentation were observed. In the immunohistochemistry study, HMB-25, Ki-67, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and S100 were positive. Ultimately, the patient was diagnosed with melanoma.CONCLUSION: This report demonstrates the importance of medical documentation in determining the origin of diseases. as, if there was documentary evidence of the evacuated eye mass, differentiation of the primary or metastatic melanoma was possible

    Myocardial perfusion imaging using a technetium-99m Sestamibi in asymptomatic and low risk for coronary artery disease patients with diagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to evaluate technetium-99m sestamibi single photon emission tomography (SPECT) myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) and its association with some clinical and laboratory parameters in an asymptomatic systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) population. Materials and Methods : Twenty-one subjects with SLE and no suspected or documented coronary artery disease (CAD) accomplished myocardial perfusion imaging. Some SLE and CAD parameters were also evaluated in association with myocardial SPECT. Results: Twenty-one women with a diagnosis of SLE (mean age 36.9 ± 12.8) entered the study. All patients were in the low-risk category for CAD pretest; however, abnormal myocardial perfusion results were found in eight (38%) patients. Amongst the traditional CAD risk factors, there was a significant association between the presence of dyslipidemia and myocardial perfusion abnormalities (P= 0.047). However, we found no significant association between other traditional and SLE-specific risk factors. Conclusion: This study's significant finding was that asymptomatic CAD is common in SLE patients, even in those thought to be low risk for CAD and in the absence of cardiac symptoms. © The Author(s) 2010

    The relationship between the manners of parenting by parents and the extent of anxiety among the students

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    BACKGROUND: Mental health among the children and adolescents is an essential part of public welfare and health. The transfer of values and culture, and children health are made via training. According to conducted studies, training style of parents is an important factor to predict the health problems among the children. Baumrind has conducted extensive researches on the manner of parenting. He recognized three manners of parenting, authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. These are different from each other in terms of control, and being hot. The aim of this research was to study the relationship of parenting manners of parent and the extent of anxiety among the students. METHODS: This was a correlation type research in which the relationship between the variables was obtained. Statistical population included boy students of the junior high schools in Ilam City, Iran. The sample was selected based on Morgan table, and included 100 students. They were randomly selected in a multistep process. We selected two schools among junior high schools in Ilam City using random sampling. Then, we selected secondgrade class in every school. RESULTS: There was a positive and significant relationship between parenting manners (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive manners) with anxious thoughts among the students (P < 0.010). In addition, there was a positive and significant relationship between permissive parenting manner and anxious thoughts among the students (P < 0.050). Independent variable explained 20% of changes in the dependent variable of anxious thoughts. CONCLUSION: The parenting manner influenced students, anxious thoughts at a significant level

    Limnological study on Zarrineh River

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    Limnological studies of the Zarrineh River have been performed in order to identify physicochemical and biological characteristics of this river. Water samples from 14 sites along the river length were examined monthly during a year. The results indicated the river was polluted by Saghez and Miandoab Cities sewage to the extent of poly saprob, the extent of pollution at other sites was within the limits of oligo saprob or meso saprob. The results also showed that all dissolved and mineral compositions in this river was safe for drinking but iron concentration and water hardness in the terminal sites near the Urmia Lake are higher than EPA standards for drinking . This cannot, however, pose serious problem for warm water fish culture activities. Domestic sewage seem to be the most important pollution source to this river. Although the self-purification capacity of this river seem to be high but large number of polluting sites along the river exceed this capacity
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