336 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence for Noninvasive Fetal Electrocardiogram Analysis

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    Temporal archetypal analysis for action segmentation

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    Unsupervised learning of invariant representations that efficiently describe high-dimensional time series has several applications in dynamic visual data analysis. Clearly, the problem becomes more challenging when dealing with multiple time series arising from different modalities. A prominent example of this multimodal setting is the human motion which can be represented by multimodal time series of pixel intensities, depth maps, and motion capture data. Here, we study, for the first time, the problem of unsupervised learning of temporally and modality invariant informative representations, referred to as archetypes, from multiple time series originating from different modalities. To this end a novel method, coined as temporal archetypal analysis, is proposed. The performance of the proposed method is assessed by conducting experiments in unsupervised action segmentation. Experimental results on three different real world datasets using single modal and multimodal visual representations indicate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed methods, outperforming compared state-of-the-art methods by a large, in most of the cases, margin

    Temporal archetypal analysis for action segmentation

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    Unsupervised learning of invariant representations that efficiently describe high-dimensional time series has several applications in dynamic visual data analysis. Clearly, the problem becomes more challenging when dealing with multiple time series arising from different modalities. A prominent example of this multimodal setting is the human motion which can be represented by multimodal time series of pixel intensities, depth maps, and motion capture data. Here, we study, for the first time, the problem of unsupervised learning of temporally and modality invariant informative representations, referred to as archetypes, from multiple time series originating from different modalities. To this end a novel method, coined as temporal archetypal analysis, is proposed. The performance of the proposed method is assessed by conducting experiments in unsupervised action segmentation. Experimental results on three different real world datasets using single modal and multimodal visual representations indicate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed methods, outperforming compared state-of-the-art methods by a large, in most of the cases, margin


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    The purpose of the present systematic review was to gather information on the interest of researchers on psychological issues of people with physical disabilities throughout a time period of twenty years (1995-2015). Previous similar reviews were not determined by the literature. For the implementation of their view electronic bases and hand search were used following specific criteria. Search revealed approximately 70.000 studies but only 58 in total covered the set criteria. The findings of the review revealed a limited research interest on psychological issues relevant to people with physical disabilities, with the interest increasing for the period 2006-2010. It was also found that descriptive, cross-sectional and qualitative research designs were preferred with data mainly gathered via questionnaires. Samples were derived from general and sport population (male and female). Finally, psychological issues mainly studies were parts of the self and emotions and less parts of personality and motivation.  Article visualizations

    Effects of a Music-Movement Program in Elementary School Physical Education Classes on Pupils’ Rhythmic Ability

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    The aim of this study was to develop a short music-movement program and evaluate its effectiveness in improving elementary school pupils’ rhythmic ability. The sample of the study comprised two hundred forty-five pupils (10.5±.526 years) assigned to control and experimental group. Pupils were tested on their ability to synchronize hand clapping and walking to 48beats at the rhythmic patterns of 2/4, 7/8, and 9/8 using the Digital Rhythmic Ability Evaluation Tool (DRAET). Participants completed DRAET before, immediately after and two months after the implementation of the program. Pupils in the intervention group attended the music-movement program during the warm-up phase of the lesson, whereas those in the control group attended the regular warming up proposed in the national curriculum. The program was implemented twice a week for 13 weeks. The results of the ANOVA with repeated measures on time revealed a significant improvement of rhythmic ability in intervention group pupils as compared to control group pupils. The effect of the program was retained in the follow-up measurement. The findings of the study support the effectiveness of a music-movement program on pupils’ rhythmic ability. Keywords: rhythmic ability, physical education, music-movement, intervention program

    Assoziation von funktionell wirksamen Polymorphismen auf dem humanen Chromosom 1 mit der Pathogenese der chronischen Parodontitis

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    Die chronische Parodontitis und weitere chronisch entzündliche Erkrankungen, wie Morbus Crohn, stellen komplexe multifaktorielle Krankheiten dar. Obwohl pathogene Bakterien und verschiedene Umweltfaktoren bei der Pathogenese der Parodontitis mitwirken, können diese nur einen Teil der Variabilität innerhalb von definierten Populationen der Erkrankung erklären. So spielen genetische Faktoren eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung einer chronischen Parodontitis. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Polymorphismen rs11584383, rs11465804, rs2274910, rs9286879, rs3737240, rs13294, rs2476601 und rs3024505 ausgewählt, die alle auf dem Chromosom 1 liegen und zuvor als Suszeptibilitätsgene für Morbus Crohn und andere entzündliche chronische Krankheiten in genomweiten Assoziationsstudien identifiziert wurden. Die DNA von 352 Patienten mit einer chronischen Parodontitis und 587 gesunden Individuen, alle kaukasischer Herkunft, wurde untersucht. Die Genotypisierung erfolgte mittels der MALDI TOF MS Technik. Für den Polymorphismus rs2274910 konnte eine signifikante Assoziation mit der chronischen Parodontitis festgestellt werden, die sich risikoverstärkend auf die Pathogenese einer chronischen Parodontitis auswirken könnte. Der rs2274910 befindet sich in der Intron Region vom proteinkodierenden Omentin-1-Gen. Bei Omentin-1 handelt es sich um ein Adipokin, welches eine entscheidende Rolle in der Immunantwort sowie in der Regulation des Stoffwechsels spielt. Omentin-1 wird mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 sowie Adipositas in Verbindung gebracht, beides Krankheiten die mit einer chronischen Parodontitis assoziiert sind. Für die übrigen 7 Polymorphismen konnte keine Assoziation mit der chronischen Parodontitis nachgewiesen werden. In der Haplotypanalyse war ebenfalls keine Allelkombination mit der chronischen Parodontitis assoziiert