6 research outputs found


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    The results of estimation of growth and development parameters, SSR analysis, electron microscopic examination of the surface of pollen and seeds, biochemical composition (ascorbic acid, carotenoids, carotenes, macro- and microelements content in the stem part of plant) of 8 Chinese broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra samples grown in the unheated greenhouse of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, Novosibirsk (54°49′33″ N, 83°06′34″ E) and phy- totron of N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) have been presented. Through the study, the large surface cellularity of B.oleracea var. alboglabra (cv. “Siji Xianggu jie lan” [“SX”]) seeds was similar with seed coat surface of B.oleraceae var. capitata f. alba cv. "Slava". A scanning electron microscopic study of Chinese broccoli pollen (cv. “SX”) revealed the formation of colpate pollen with ellipsoidal shape with a size of 32.9 ± 0.76 x 17.8 ± 0.42 μm, characterized by foveolate ornamentation with a length-to-diameter ratio – 1.85.The duration of the period from emergence stage to thickening of a stalk and flower-bud formation of cv. “SX” continued for 49-54 days. Сlose correlation was established between the largest diameter of the stem and the length of the leaf petiole (r=0,87, p < 0,001) and between the length of the leaf petiole and the weight of the stem (r=0,77, p < 0,001). As a result of molecular screening of Chinese broccoli using 5 SSR markers (Na10D09, Ol12F02, Ra2E12, BC 7 и BC 65) the greatest polymorphism was in the test with the BC 7 marker - five alleles from 160 to 295 bp in size. In the “SX” variety single flowering (10%) occurred on 59 ... 63 day and mass flowering (75%) – on 65 ... 68 day. The stem part of B. oleracea var. alboglabra is a fairly good source of vitamin C, accumulating as much as 32-46 mg/100 g, and also increased concentration of K, Ca, Mg and Cu. At the end of the season the fruits, together with the phytomass of stems are well-seasoned for 3-4 weeks forming viable seeds with germination above 85% corresponding to the Russian state standard (GOST 32592-2013) for white cabbage seeds. Приведены результаты оценки параметров роста и развития, SSR анализа, электронно-микроскопического исследования поверхности пыльцы и семян, биохимического состава, содержания макро- и микроэлементов в стеблевой части растений 8 образцов китайской брокколи Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra, выращенных в условиях необогреваемой пленочной теплицы ЦСБС СО РАН, г. Новосибирск (54°49′33″ с.ш. 83°06′34″ в.д.) и фитотрона. При исследовании поверхности семенной кожуры (спермодермы) семян видов рода Brassica L. установлено сходство крупной ячеистости поверхности семян B.oleracea var. alboglabra (сортобразец “Siji Xianggu jie lan” (“SX”) с семенами B.oleraceae var. сapitata f. alba, сv. Слава. При электронно-микроскопическом исследовании пыльцы китайской брокколи (“SX”) отмечено формирование в пыльниках кольпатной пыльцы эллипсоидного очертания, размером 32,9±0,76 х 17,8±0,42 мкм, характеризующейся фовеолятной орнаментацией, с соотношением длины к диаметру 1,85. Продолжительность периода от всходов до технической спелости, характеризующейся утолщением стебля китайской брокколи (“SX”) и переходом растений к бутонизации, продолжался 49-54 суток. Установлена тесная корреляционная связь между наибольшим диаметром стебля и длиной черешка листа (r=0,87, p < 0,001), а также между длиной черешка листа и массой товарной части стебля (r=0,77, p < 0,001). В результате молекулярно-генетического скрининга 5 SSR маркерами (Na10D09, Ol12F02, Ra2E12, BC 7 и BC 65) наибольший полиморфизм был при скринировании исследуемого материала маркером BC 7 – пять аллелей размером от 160 до 295 п.н. У образца “SX” цветение единичное (10%) наступало на 59-63 сутки, массовое цветение (75%) – на 65-68 сутки. Стеблевая часть B. oleracea var. alboglabra является достаточно хорошим источником витамина С, накапливая 32-46 мг%, также отличаясь повышенной концентрацией K, Ca, Mg и Сu. В конце сезона плоды вместе со срезанной фитомассой стеблей в течение 3-4 недель хорошо дозариваются, формируя полноценные семена со всхожестью выше 85%, соответствуя стандарту (ГОСТ 32592-2013) для семян капусты белокочанной


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    The results of estimation of growth and development parameters, SSR analysis, electron microscopic examination of the surface of pollen and seeds, biochemical composition (ascorbic acid, carotenoids, carotenes, macro- and microelements content in the stem part of plant) of 8 Chinese broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra samples grown in the unheated greenhouse of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, Novosibirsk (54°49′33″ N, 83°06′34″ E) and phy- totron of N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) have been presented. Through the study, the large surface cellularity of B.oleracea var. alboglabra (cv. “Siji Xianggu jie lan” [“SX”]) seeds was similar with seed coat surface of B.oleraceae var. capitata f. alba cv. "Slava". A scanning electron microscopic study of Chinese broccoli pollen (cv. “SX”) revealed the formation of colpate pollen with ellipsoidal shape with a size of 32.9 ± 0.76 x 17.8 ± 0.42 μm, characterized by foveolate ornamentation with a length-to-diameter ratio – 1.85.The duration of the period from emergence stage to thickening of a stalk and flower-bud formation of cv. “SX” continued for 49-54 days. Сlose correlation was established between the largest diameter of the stem and the length of the leaf petiole (r=0,87, p < 0,001) and between the length of the leaf petiole and the weight of the stem (r=0,77, p < 0,001). As a result of molecular screening of Chinese broccoli using 5 SSR markers (Na10D09, Ol12F02, Ra2E12, BC 7 и BC 65) the greatest polymorphism was in the test with the BC 7 marker - five alleles from 160 to 295 bp in size. In the “SX” variety single flowering (10%) occurred on 59 ... 63 day and mass flowering (75%) – on 65 ... 68 day. The stem part of B. oleracea var. alboglabra is a fairly good source of vitamin C, accumulating as much as 32-46 mg/100 g, and also increased concentration of K, Ca, Mg and Cu. At the end of the season the fruits, together with the phytomass of stems are well-seasoned for 3-4 weeks forming viable seeds with germination above 85% corresponding to the Russian state standard (GOST 32592-2013) for white cabbage seeds

    The PREFER (Polarization REsearch for Fusion Experiments and Reactors) - Collaboration: Purposes and present status

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    The possibility to exploit spin physics in fusion science opens new impressive panorama and challenging fields to be explored. In addition to the fundamental interesting topics the PREFER collaboration is trying with synergistic efforts to make the well known behavior of spin-dependent nuclear reactions available for feasibility studies and experimental tests for fusion programs. In this contribution the main challenges of the different collaborating groups will be put in evidence, and recent developments with the respective references will be provided

    Polarization REsearch for Fusion Experiments and Reactors - The PREFER Collaboration: Purposes and Present Status

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    The PREFER (Polarization REsearch for Fusion Experiments and Reactors) collaboration aims to address the know–hows in different fields and techniques to the challenging bet on fusion with polarized fuel. The efforts on a variety of duties and goals are shared between different research groups, indicated here by underlining in the authors’ list the scientific responsibles. Starting from still open questions of fusion reaction physics, as for example the study of D+D spin–dependent cross–sections (Vasilyev) to the acceleration of polarized ions from laser-induced plasmas (Büscher), there are many connections between the involved research groups. The collaboration is also tackling the production of nuclear polarized molecules, recombined from a polarized atomic beam (Engels), and its cryogenic condensation and transport (Ciullo). Other options for the production of polarized fuel are investigated in parallel, like spin separation of molecules in polarized molecular beam sources (Toporkov), or via photodissociation of molecules into polarized hydrogen/deuterium atoms (Rakitzis). The status of the different fields under investigation and the connections between these topics and the different research groups will be provided