128 research outputs found

    Abilities, disabilities and possibilities: a qualitative study exploring the academic and social experiences of gifted and talented students who have co-occurring learning disabilities

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    It is estimated that 1-2.5% of the UK school population are gifted and talented students who have co-occurring learning disabilities (National Association for Gifted Children, 2001). Many authors have published recommendations for helping to support this unique group. However, far fewer have supported these with empirical research. The current study used 1:1 interviews with secondary school and university students (N=18) to explore their academic and social experiences. As well as being identified as gifted and talented, the students also had a diagnosis of dyslexia, dyspraxia or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). A semi-structured interview schedule was used to ask students about their extra-curricular activities, friendships, bullying, support and future ambitions. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of interview transcripts revealed eight themes: everyday life, extra activities, social development, support, identification, underachievement, mental health issues and suggestions. Students were capable of making friends and mixing with peers but experienced problems with bullying and social isolation. Teachers, mentors, family and technology were found to be helpful, however, support could be inconsistent and parents themselves may benefit from support groups. Finally, some commonly used strategies to help these students were collated and could be useful to help others who share the same or similar experiences

    La enfermedad mental en el anciano: representaciones sociales de los estudiantes de medicina em el Reino Unido

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    Objectivo O estudo propõe investigar as representações sociais de estudantes de medicina sobre a doença mental entre idosos. Método a pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória foi baseada na teoria das representações sociais. Os principais métodos utilizados foram dois grupos focais com estudantes pré-clínicos (grupo 1, N=4; grupo 2, N=4) e dez entrevistas individuais com estudantes em prática clínica. A análise temática explorou os significados e diferenças entre os grupos. Resultados Três principais temas refletem as representações dos participantes sobre a doença mental na velhice: doença mental na velhice, polarização do cuidado, desafios ao cuidado. A atenção primária à saúde constitui uma estratégia importante para ultrapassar barreiras ao cuidado em saúde mental na comunidade. Contudo, crenças depreciativas, estigma e organização de serviços se apresentam como os principais desafios. Conclusão Esse estudo aponta para a necessidade de profissionais de saúde responderem aos desafios culturais e organizacionais ao cuidado em saúde mental do idoso.Este estudio tiene como propósito explorar la representaciones sociales de los estudiantes de medicina acerca de las enfermedades mentales en adultos en edad madura. Objective Present and analyze the case of an adolescent who is addicted to drugs, pregnant and the victim of lifelong domestic violence. Method Abarca una investigación exploratoria y cualitativa basada en la teoría de representaciones sociales. Se realizan entrevistas a dos grupos de interés, médicos pre-clínica (grupo 1, N=4, grupo 2, N=4) así como 10 entrevistas individuales a estudiantes de medicina clínica. Results Tres temas generales reflejan las representaciones de los participantes sobre los problemas mentales en el futuro - enfermedades mentales a edades avanzadas, polarización de la atención, y desafíos de la atención. La atención primaria en salud aparece como una estrategia importante para hacer frente a los obstáculos a la atención de la salud mental en la comunidad. No obstante, representacionces descalificadoras, estigmas y la organización de servicios constitutyen los retos principales al cuidado de la salud mental en la madurez. Conclusion Este artículo destaca la necesidad de hacer frente a los obstáculos culturales y organizativos para promover la calidad en la atención.Objective This study aims to explore medical students’ social representations of mental ill health in older adults. Method It comprises an exploratory and qualitative investigation based on the theory of social representations. Two focus groups with pre-clinical medics (group 1, N=4; group 2, N=4) and 10 individual interviews with clinical medical students were conducted. Thematic analysis at a latent level explored meanings and differences between groups. Results Three overarching themes reflect participants’ representations of mental health problems in later life – mental ill health in old age, polarisation of care, and challenges to care. Primary health care appears as an important strategy to overcome barriers to mental health care in the community. Nevertheless, disqualifying representations, stigma and organization of services constitute the main challenges to quality mental health care in later life. Conclusion This paper highlights the need to address cultural and organizational barriers to promote quality care

    What We Mean When We Talk About Adherence In Respiratory Medicine

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    The Respiratory Effectiveness Group (REG; www.effectivenessevaluation.org) supported the Expert Adherence Panel Meeting at which many of the concepts presented in this paper were first discussed. REG also supported the manuscript submission costs. ALD, EvG, and MdB have received funding from the European Community's 7th Framework (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 282593. Teva supported the meeting costs at which the concepts in this paper were discussed by the co-authors and the open access publication fee for this article. The authors had full editorial control over the ideas presented.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Barriers and Facilitators of Conducting Medication Reviews in Nursing Home Residents:A Qualitative Study

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    Objectives: Inappropriate medication prescribing is a recognized clinical problem in nursing home residents of whom many have polypharmacy. However, results about the effectiveness of medication reviews targeted at improving prescribing and deprescribing have been equivocal. We therefore examined barriers and facilitators of conducting medication reviews. Method: We purposively sampled medication reviews to capture salient barriers and facilitators of conducting medication reviews both in nursing home care units for dementia and disabling conditions. We held semi-structured interviews about consecutive steps of medication reviews. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed with the "method of constant comparison." Results: Six nursing home residents/relatives of nursing home residents, 8 elder care physicians, 5 pharmacists, and 10 nurses took part in the semi-structured interviews. We observed four overarching themes of barriers and facilitators: "realizing fidelity of the patient perspective (theme 1)," "level of comprehensiveness of medication reviews (theme 2)," "inclinations of healthcare providers (theme 3)," and "inter-professional collaboration and alliances (theme 4)." Theme 1 "realizing fidelity of the patient perspective" referred to the observation that assessing the patient perspective was a delicate balance between the value and the impediments of a proper assessment of the patient perspective. Theme 2 "level of comprehensiveness of medication reviews" reflected the struggle of practitioners to find an optimum between medication reviews being both comprehensive and feasible. Theme 3 "inclinations of healthcare providers" concerned setting intervention targets that were complementary to the practices of physicians and keeping the pharmacist blind to the patient perspective as a countermeasure to physicians' inclinations. Finally, theme 4 "inter-professional collaboration and alliances" highlighted mutual support and inter-professional collaboration to strengthen healthcare practitioners' contributions. Discussion: These themes of barriers and facilitators emphasize the need to improve meta-communication during the medication review process. This pertains to the need for healthcare providers to appraise the fidelity of the patient perspective in a dialogue with residents/relatives. Furthermore, discourse between healthcare practitioners is needed beforehand about the level of comprehensiveness intervention targets, and inter-professional collaboration