15 research outputs found

    Premolis semirufa (Walker, 1856) Envenomation, Disease Affecting Rubber Tappers of the Amazon: Searching for Caterpillar-Bristles Toxic Components

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    Pararama, the popular name of the larval form of the moth Premolis semirufa inhabits rubber plantations in the Amazon region and the accidental contact of the skin with the caterpillar's bristles or cocoons results in immediate and intense heat, pain, edema, and itching. In many cases a chronic inflammatory reaction with immobilization of the joints occurs. The current study has evaluated the biological and immunochemical characteristics of the Pararama caterpillar bristles extract. Electrophoretic analysis showed the presence of several components, including a very intense 82 kDa band. This latter component was endowed with intense gelatinolytic activity, as observed in zymography assays. Further analysis revealed that the extract also contained hyaluronidase activity but is devoid of phospholipase A2 activity. In vivo assays, using mice, showed that the extract was not lethal, but caused significant edema and induced intense infiltration of inflammatory cells to the envenomation site. The extract also induced high specific antibody titers, but no autoantibodies were detected. The data obtained, so far, demonstrate the existence of a mixture of different enzymes in the bristles of Premolis semirufa caterpillar, which can act together in the generation and development of the clinical manifestations of the Pararama envenomation

    Developing your negotiation skills

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    Consenso brasileiro sobre políticas públicas do álcool Brazilian consensus on public policies on alcohol

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    Esse é um resumo de uma reunião na qual vários especialistas, representando diversas organizações médicas e universitárias brasileiras, criaram um consenso sobre as principais políticas que deveriam ser implementadas pelos diferentes níveis de governo no Brasil. Há mais de 30 anos a OMS vem buscando um consenso internacional sobre as ações com maior potencial de trazer benefícios sociais. Essa busca trouxe duas conclusões importantes: 1) A pesquisa estabelece, sem margem à dúvida, que existem medidas de eficácia comprovada para reduzir os custos e os danos relacionados ao uso de álcool, visando ao bem comum; 2) É possível desenvolver estratégias que influenciam tanto a quantidade de álcool consumida por uma comunidade quanto os comportamentos de consumo e os contextos de alto risco causadores dos problemas relacionados ao consumo de álcool. Os objetivos deste Consenso são: 1) Tornar as evidências científicas mais acessíveis para os que elaboram políticas públicas; 2) Facilitar a avaliação das diversas estratégias disponíveis segundo critérios de efetividade, suporte científico, custo e viabilidade de transposição cultural; 3) Familiarizar o profissional de saúde, e em especial os que trabalham em saúde mental, sobre as prioridades da política do álcool.<br>This is the summary of a meeting where a group of experts, representing several health organizations and academic departements from different parts of Brazil, created a consensus about the main alcohol policies which should be implemented by different levels of the brazilian government. The World Health Organization has been suggesting for 30 years the actions that should be implemented for the public good. Two important conclusions were reached: 1) The research establishes beyond doubt that public health measures of proven effectiveness are available to serve the public good by reducing the widespread costs and pain related to alcohol use; 2) To that end, it is appropriate to deploy responses that influence both the total amount of alcohol consumed by a population and the high-risk contexts and drinking behaviours that are so often associated with alcohol-related problems. To conceive of these intrinsically complementary approaches as contractory alternatives would be a mistake. The objectives of the consensus are: 1) To make the scientific evidences more available to the Brazilian policy makers; 2) To facilitate the evaluation of the available estrategies according their effectivity, scientific support, cost and cultural adaptability; 3) To make the brazilian health professionais familiar with the priorities of alcohol policies