11 research outputs found

    Occupational therapy for inpatients with chronic schizophrenia: A pilot randomized controlled trial

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    Aim: People with schizophrenia tend to experience difficulties in social and cognitive function, self-care, residual negative symptoms, high rates of unemployment, and social exclusion. Occupational therapy has contributed to the treatment and rehabilitation of people with severe mental health problems. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of occupational therapy on symptoms of patients with schizophrenia. Methods: This survey was an experimental study in which positive and negative symptoms of patients with schizophrenia were assessed with a scale for the assessment of positive and negative symptoms (SANS, SAPS, respectively). The study was conducted in Sina Hospital, Shahrekord, Iran. The samples consisted of patients with schizophrenia who were divided randomly into intervention and usual treatment groups (30 patients in each group). The occupational therapy was performed in the intervention group for 18h/week for 6months. SANS and SAPS were assessed at the beginning and after 6months of treatment. Results: The groups were homogeneous in demographic variables, SANS and SAPS scores at baseline. The occupational therapy group showed significant improvement in the total score for the SANS and SAPS at 6months (P<0.001), but the control group did not show any significant improvement. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that occupational therapy combined with medications can improve the symptoms of schizophrenia

    Predicted coping styles with pregnancy-specific stress on basis of spiritual well-being

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    Background and aims: Pregnancy seems a pleasure time of women`s life, but this time considers as an experience of the high levels of stress. About stress and coping strategies, one of the important concepts is spiritual health. Therefore, the present study was aimed to predict specific styles of coping with stress during pregnancy based on spiritual health in pregnant women referred to health centers in Hafshejan. Methods: The study was a descriptive correlational research. The surveyed sample was 200 pregnant women referred to health centers in Hafshejan who selected by convenience sampling. For data collection, Spiritual Well-being (Paloutzian and Ellison) and Billings and Mouse questionnaires were used. Collected data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple regressions tests. Results: The results showed that the mean age of pregnant women was 27.68±4.75, the mean number of pregnancies in mothers was 1.73±0.79, the mean pregnancy interval was 68.22±44.17 and the mean number of children was 0.71±0.73. Also, the results showed a positive significant linear correlation between spiritual well-being and coping styles (r=0.457, P<0.001). Multiple regression analysis showed that spiritual well-being was able to predict the coping styles with stress during pregnancy. Conclusion:. Considering the positive relationship between spiritual health and coping styles during pregnancy, more attention of women's health care specialists on the methods to promote spiritual well-being is emphasized during pregnancy

    Family functioning in families of patients with schizophrenia and mood disorders

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    Family functioning is one of the most important aspects of psychiatric treatment. The purpose of this study was the comparison of family functioning in family members of schizophrenic patients and patients with mood disorders in Shahrekord, Iran. METHODS: This analytical descriptive study was conducted on family members of 186 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and mood disorders. The data were collected through interviews using the family assessment device. Data were analyzed using chi- ..

    Family functioning in families of patients with schizophrenia and mood disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Family functioning is one of the most important aspects of psychiatric treatment. The purpose of this study was the comparison of family functioning in family members of schizophrenic patients and patients with mood disorders in Shahrekord, Iran. METHODS: This analytical descriptive study was conducted on family members of 186 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and mood disorders. The data were collected through interviews using the family assessment device. Data were analyzed using chi-square, Student’s t-test, Pearson correlation, and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). RESULTS: The mean total score of the questionnaire in the family members of patients with mood disorders (2.34 ± 0.26) was significantly (P &lt; 0.001) lower than that in schizophrenic patients' family members (2.55 ± 0.31). CONCLUSION: The present study highlighted that family functioning among family members of patients with schizophrenia had problems in all domains

    The relationship between positive and negative symptoms and quality of life in chronic schizophrenic patients of Sina hospital Juneqan

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    Aim and Background: Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric disorder. The positive and negative symptoms are not only important in the prognosis of the disease but also affect the quality of life among the patients. Therefore, the present survey aimed to determine the relationship between positive and negative symptoms and quality of life among schizophrenic patients in Sina Hospital in Juneqan. Methods and Materials: This cross-sectional study was performed on 62 patients with schizophrenia in Sina Hospital in Juneqan. The data was collected through interview by psychologists, using the individual and social factors questionnaire, schizophrenic quality of life scale (SQLS), and Anderson positive and negative symptoms questionnaire. The data was assessed using descriptive and inferential statistics and Pearson correlation analysis. Findings: The mean scores of negative symptoms, positive symptoms, and quality of life were 99.67 ± 32.57, 71.14 ± 19.5, and 93.55 ± 13.06, respectively. In addition, Pearson correlation coefficient showed a significant inverse relationship between positive symptoms and quality of life (r = 0.48, P ≥ 0.001), as well as negative symptoms and quality of life (r = 0.38, P ≥ 0.01). Thus, increased positive and negative symptoms increase quality of life in patients and higher mean scores indicate more problems and lower quality of life. Conclusions: Since the positive and negative symptoms have a negative effect on quality of life in schizophrenic patients, it is important to reduce and control these symptoms and provide the patients with a promoted quality of life

    Comparision of family function in the families of psychiatric patients with difference diagnosis

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    Abstract Aim and Background: The family functioning is a suitable anticipant scale for mental health therefore; the goal of the current study was to compare family functioning of psychiatric disorders. Methods and Materials: This study was an analytical descriptive and cross-sectional study that performed on 150 patients with anxiety disorders , depressive disorders and bipolar disorders schizophrenia. The data was collected through interview by researcher, using the FDA (Family Function Questionnaire). The data assessed using by SPSS software using descriptive statistics and ANOVA analysis and Kruskal-Wallis. Findings: There was significant difference between the mean score of family functioning of patients with anxiety disorders, depressive disorders and bipolar disorders. Also the most difficult area of family functioning was on roles, involvement emotional and overall function (p ≤ 0. 05). Conclusions: In the present study, the incidence of the family system confirms on mental illness so evaluation of family functioning can help psychiatrists, mental health authorities and families in achieving a more comprehensive approach toward the management of the disorder

    Parental attitude of female high school students in Shahrekord schools , 2001.

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    نیمه دوم قرن بیستم را می توان با شجاعت و افتخار عصر کودکان نامید. شخصیت کودک در خانواده تکوین می یابد و کودک آزاری می تواند عوارض غیر قابل جبران روحی و جسمی برجای بگذارد. کودک آزاران معمولاً کسانی هستند که با کودک زندگی می کنند وعمدتاً والدین کودک راشامل میشود ..با توجه به اینکه یکی ازاولویتهای ملی واجتماعی ارتقاء سلامتی کودکان است و مهمترین فاکتورایجاد کننده سوء رفتار با کودک کمبود آگاهی و مهارتهای والدینی ضعیف دروالدین جوان است، لذا این پژوهش با هدف تعیین نگرش والدی دانش آموزان سال آخر دبیرستانهای دخترانه شهر شهرکرد و تاُثیر آموزش نحوه صحیح رفتار با کودک بر اساس رشد و تکامل در تغییر نگرشهای منفی آنها صورت گرفته اسـت. پژوهش حاضـر یک مطالعــه دو مرحله ای است که مرحله اول آن توصیفی ومرحله دوم آن از نوع تجربی و در دو گروه (یک گروه مورد و یک گروه شاهد) انجام شده است. نمونه های مورد بژوهش در مرحله اول 476 دانش آموز دختر سال آخر دبیرستان در کلیه رشته های تحصیلی بودند که پس از تکمیل پرسشنامه نگرش والدی نوجوانان ، تعداد40 نفر که بر اساس نمرات حاصله از پرسشنامه ، دارای نگرش منفی بودند، جهت شرکت در مرحله دوم بطور تصادفی به دو گروه تجربی و شاهد توزیع شدند. جهت گروه مورد، چهار جلسه دو ساعته آموزش نحوه صحیح رفتار با کودک بر اساس رشد و تکامل گذاشته شد. سپس از هر دو گروه مورد و شاهد، مجدداً پرسشنامه تکمیل شد و نتایج با یکدیگر مقایسه گردید. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که 3/6 درصد واحدهای مورد پژوهش دارای نگرش والدی منفی ، 4/83 درصد دارای نگرش خنثی و8/12 درصد نگرش مثبت داشته اندواختلاف نمرات والدی قبل و بعدازآموزش در گروه مورد و شاهد تفاوت معنی دار داشت، بطوری که نگرش والدی واحدهای مورد پژوهش درگروه مورد بعدازآموزش بطورقابل توجهی مثبت شده بود. نتایج این مطالعه، شیوع بالای نگرش خنثی درواحدهای موردپژوهش را نشان داد. بدین معنی که نوجوانان ما در مورد نحوه رفتارباکودک آگاهی ندارند واین عدم آگاهی می تواند درآینده منجر به استفاده از روش های غیر صحیح درتربیت کودک شود.همچنین یافته های حاصل از پژوهش تاُثیرآموزش نحوه صحیح رفتاربا کودک با تکیه بر ویژگیهای طبیعی رشدوتکامل وی ،درتغییرنگرشهای منفی وخنثی نوجوانان دبیرستانی را تأئید نمود

    A survey on quality of life in patients with myocardial infarction, referred to Shahrekord Hagar hospital in 2005

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: سکته های قلبی از جمله شایع ترین و خطرناک ترین اختلالاتی هستند که زندگی انسانها را تهدید می کنند و در دراز مدت با ماهیت ناتوان کننده خود محدودیت های فراوان در ابعاد مختلف زندگی فرد مبتلا بوجود می آورد. پژوهش حاضر به منظور بررسی کیفیت زندگی بیماران مبتلا به سکته قلبی مراجعه کننده به بیمارستان آموزشی درمانی هاجر شهرکرد انجام گرفته است. روش بررسی: در این پژوهش توصیفی – تحلیلی 150 بیمار مبتلا به سکته قلبی که در بخش مراقبت های ویژه بیمارستان آموزشی درمانی هاجر(س) شهرکرد بستری بودند، به صورت نمونه گیری آسان انتخاب شدند. اطلاعات با استفاده از پرسشنامه دو قسمتی شامل ویژگی های دموگرافیک و بررسی ابعاد کیقیت زندگی (پرسشنامه استاندارد SF36) از طریق مصاحبه و مراجعه به پرونده بیمار گردآوری و با استفاده از آزمون کای اسکور تجزیه و تحلیل گردید. یافته ها: میانگین سن بیماران 5/10±7/55 سال و کیفیت زندگی اکثریت واحدهای مورد پژوهش (53) نسبتاً مطلوب بود. اکثریت واحد های مورد پژوهش دارای کیفیت زندگی نسبتاً مطلوب در بعد وضعیت عمومی (62) و بعد وضعیت اجتمایی - عملکرد شغلی (65) بودند. وضعیت خواب 61 واحدهای مورد پژوهش مطلوب و فعالیت جسمی 62 واحدهای مورد پژوهش نامطلوب بود. بین طول مدت بیماری با کیفیت زندگی ارتباط آماری معنی دار وجود داشت (05/0

    A comparison of life style with body mass index (BMI) of loss and more than 25 in individuals between 20-65 years in Shahrekord city

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    Background and aim: The present study aimed to compare the habits and features of obese (BMI>25) and normal (BM25 kg/m2 then it was designated in the case group (obese). Samples with BMI between 20-25 kg/m2 were assigned into the control (normal) group. The Miller-Smith life style questionnaires were used for both groups. Data were analyzed using Chi-square and t-tests. Results: No significant differences were found between the two groups tested in terms of the mean age, gender, level of education, marital status insurance, the length of sleep during 24 h, cigarette smoking and losing job or spouse. However, a significant relation was found in using vegetables, sausage, fried potatoes, enriched breads, low fat milk, low salt, candies and chocolates (P<0.05). Conclusion: The present study suggests that one way to control obesity and prevent diseases is to ameliorate the life styles with education to people

    Predicted coping styles with pregnancy-specific stress on basis of spiritual well-being

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    Background and aims: Pregnancy seems a pleasure time of women`s life, but this time considers as an experience of the high levels of stress. About stress and coping strategies, one of the important concepts is spiritual health. Therefore, the present study was aimed to predict specific styles of coping with stress during pregnancy based on spiritual health in pregnant women referred to health centers in Hafshejan. Methods: The study was a descriptive correlational research. The surveyed sample was 200 pregnant women referred to health centers in Hafshejan who selected by convenience sampling. For data collection, Spiritual Well-being (Paloutzian and Ellison) and Billings and Mouse questionnaires were used. Collected data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple regressions tests. Results: The results showed that the mean age of pregnant women was 27.68±4.75, the mean number of pregnancies in mothers was 1.73±0.79, the mean pregnancy interval was 68.22±44.17 and the mean number of children was 0.71±0.73. Also, the results showed a positive significant linear correlation between spiritual well-being and coping styles (r=0.457, P<0.001). Multiple regression analysis showed that spiritual well-being was able to predict the coping styles with stress during pregnancy. Conclusion:. Considering the positive relationship between spiritual health and coping styles during pregnancy, more attention of womenchr('39')s health care specialists on the methods to promote spiritual well-being is emphasized during pregnancy