2,119 research outputs found

    Critical Droplets and Phase Transitions in Two Dimensions

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    In two space dimensions, the percolation point of the pure-site clusters of the Ising model coincides with the critical point T_c of the thermal transition and the percolation exponents belong to a special universality class. By introducing a bond probability p_B<1, the corresponding site-bond clusters keep on percolating at T_c and the exponents do not change, until p_B=p_CK=1-exp(-2J/kT): for this special expression of the bond weight the critical percolation exponents switch to the 2D Ising universality class. We show here that the result is valid for a wide class of bidimensional models with a continuous magnetization transition: there is a critical bond probability p_c such that, for any p_B>=p_c, the onset of percolation of the site-bond clusters coincides with the critical point of the thermal transition. The percolation exponents are the same for p_c<p_B<=1 but, for p_B=p_c, they suddenly change to the thermal exponents, so that the corresponding clusters are critical droplets of the phase transition. Our result is based on Monte Carlo simulations of various systems near criticality.Comment: Final version for publication, minor changes, figures adde

    Implementation of the Quantum Fourier Transform

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    The quantum Fourier transform (QFT) has been implemented on a three bit nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computer, providing a first step towards the realization of Shor's factoring and other quantum algorithms. Implementation of the QFT is presented with fidelity measures, and state tomography. Experimentally realizing the QFT is a clear demonstration of NMR's ability to control quantum systems.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    An NMR Analog of the Quantum Disentanglement Eraser

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    We report the implementation of a three-spin quantum disentanglement eraser on a liquid-state NMR quantum information processor. A key feature of this experiment was its use of pulsed magnetic field gradients to mimic projective measurements. This ability is an important step towards the development of an experimentally controllable system which can simulate any quantum dynamics, both coherent and decoherent.Comment: Four pages, one figure (RevTeX 2.1), to appear in Physics Review Letter

    20 years of network community detection

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    A fundamental technical challenge in the analysis of network data is the automated discovery of communities - groups of nodes that are strongly connected or that share similar features or roles. In this commentary we review progress in the field over the last 20 years.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Published in Nature Physic

    Multiresolution community detection for megascale networks by information-based replica correlations

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    We use a Potts model community detection algorithm to accurately and quantitatively evaluate the hierarchical or multiresolution structure of a graph. Our multiresolution algorithm calculates correlations among multiple copies ("replicas") of the same graph over a range of resolutions. Significant multiresolution structures are identified by strongly correlated replicas. The average normalized mutual information, the variation of information, and other measures in principle give a quantitative estimate of the "best" resolutions and indicate the relative strength of the structures in the graph. Because the method is based on information comparisons, it can in principle be used with any community detection model that can examine multiple resolutions. Our approach may be extended to other optimization problems. As a local measure, our Potts model avoids the "resolution limit" that affects other popular models. With this model, our community detection algorithm has an accuracy that ranks among the best of currently available methods. Using it, we can examine graphs over 40 million nodes and more than one billion edges. We further report that the multiresolution variant of our algorithm can solve systems of at least 200000 nodes and 10 million edges on a single processor with exceptionally high accuracy. For typical cases, we find a super-linear scaling, O(L^{1.3}) for community detection and O(L^{1.3} log N) for the multiresolution algorithm where L is the number of edges and N is the number of nodes in the system.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, published version with minor change

    The pairing Hamiltonian for one pair of identical nucleons bound in a potential well

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    The problem of one pair of identical nucleons sitting in N{\cal N} single particle levels of a potential well and interacting through the pairing force is treated introducing even Grassmann variables. The eigenvectors are analytically expressed solely in terms of these with coefficients fixed by the eigenvalues and the single particle energies. When the latter are those of an harmonic oscillator well an accurate expression is derived for both the collective eigenvalue and for those trapped in between the single particle levels, for any strength of the pairing interaction and for any number of levels. Notably the trapped solutions are labelled through an index upon which they depend parabolically.Comment: 5 pages, 1 postscript figur

    Phase diagram for a Cubic Consistent-Q Interacting Boson Model Hamiltonian: signs of triaxiality

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    An extension of the Consistent-Q formalism for the Interacting Boson Model that includes the cubic QxQxQ term is proposed. The potential energy surface for the cubic quadrupole interaction is explicitly calculated within the coherent state formalism using the complete chi-dependent expression for the quadrupole operator. The Q-cubic term is found to depend on the asymmetry deformation parameter gamma as a linear combination of cos(3gamma) and cos^2(3\gamma) terms, thereby allowing for triaxiality. The phase diagram of the model in the large N limit is explored, it is described the order of the phase transition surfaces that define the phase diagram, and moreover, the possible nuclear equilibrium shapes are established. It is found that, contrary to expectations, there is only a very tiny region of triaxiality in the model, and that the transition from prolate to oblate shapes is so fast that, in most cases, the onset of triaxiality might go unnoticed.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figure

    Decoherence-Free Quantum Information Processing with Four-Photon Entangled States

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    Decoherence-free states protect quantum information from collective noise, the predominant cause of decoherence in current implementations of quantum communication and computation. Here we demonstrate that spontaneous parametric down-conversion can be used to generate four-photon states which enable the encoding of one qubit in a decoherence-free subspace. The immunity against noise is verified by quantum state tomography of the encoded qubit. We show that particular states of the encoded qubit can be distinguished by local measurements on the four photons only.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, revtex

    Numerical experiments in 2D variational fracture

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    In the present work we present some results of numerical experiments obtained with a variationalmodel for quasi-static Griffith-type brittle fracture. Essentially the analysis is based on a recent formulation byFrancfort and Marigo the main difference being the fact that we rely on local rather than on globalminimization. Propagation of fracture is obtained by minimizing, in a step by step process, a form of energythat is the sum of bulk and interface terms. To solve the problem numerically we adopt discontinuous finiteelements based on variable meshes and search for the minima of the energy through descent methods. We use asort of mesh dependent relaxation of the interface energy to get out of small energy wells. The relaxationconsists in the adoption of a carefully tailored cohesive type interface energy, tending to the Griffith limit as themesh size tends to zero

    Phase transitions in the Interacting Boson Fermion Model: the gamma-unstable case

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    The phase transition around the critical point in the evolution from spherical to deformed gamma-unstable shapes is investigated in odd nuclei within the Interacting Boson Fermion Model. We consider the particular case of an odd j=3/2 particle coupled to an even-even boson core that undergoes a transition from spherical U(5) to gamma-unstable O(6) situation. The particular choice of the j=3/2 orbital preserves in the odd case the condition of gamma-instability of the system. As a consequence, energy spectrum and electromagnetic transitions, in correspondence of the critical point, display behaviours qualitatively similar to those of the even core. The results are also in qualitative agreement with the recently proposed E(5/4) model, although few differences are present, due to the different nature of the two schemes.Comment: In press in PRC as rapid communication. 7 pages, 4 figure
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