81 research outputs found

    Rol del sistema sensoriomotor en la estabilidad articular

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    Actualmente, en el ámbito de las ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte crea cierta controversia la expresión «sistema sensoriomotor», la cual ha sido mal llamada y simplificada frecuentemente con el término de «propiocepción». Este complejo sistema incorpora todos los componentes aferentes, el proceso de integración y procesamiento central y las respuestas eferentes, con el objetivo de mantener la estabilidad funcional de la articulación durante los movimientos del cuerpo. La presente revisión tiene como principal objetivo esclarecer los conceptos relacionados con el sistema sensoriomotor y entender así su importancia en el entrenamiento, la prevención y la readaptación a la competición deportiva. © 2012 Consell Català de l’Esport. Generalitat de Catalunya. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados

    Análisis de los factores de riesgo neuromusculares de las lesiones

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    La actividad física, y especialmente el deporte de competición, se encuentran continuamente bajo la influencia de una incidencia lesiva difícil de disminuir. Este artículo realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre los diferentes factores de riesgo neuromuscular que predisponen a los deportistas a padecer una mayor incidencia lesiva, en especial en los deportes en los que predominan saltos, cambios de dirección y variaciones de velocidad (aceleraciones y desaceleraciones). La literatura científica actual destaca, entre otros, la fatiga muscular, la alteración de la magnitud y de los tiempos de activación muscular, la alteración de la capacidad de coactivación muscular, la estrategia de control de la extremidad inferior predominante en el plano frontal, los desequilibrios neuromusculares entre pierna dominante y no dominante, la inadecuada stiffness muscular, los déficits en el control postural, la disminución de la propiocepción, los déficits de core y la disminución en los mecanismos de anticipación. El análisis de estos factores de riesgo proporciona una guía práctica a la hora de diseñar tareas dentro de un plan de prevención adecuado a cada tipo de especialidad deportiva, y será útil tanto para entrenadores y preparadores físicos como para fisioterapeutas

    Rol del sistema sensoriomotor en l’estabilitat articular durant

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    Actualment, en l’àmbit de les ciències de l’activitat física i l’esport hi ha una certa controvèrsia en l’expressió «sistema sensoriomotor», que ha estat sovint mal anomenat i simplificat amb la paraula «propiocepció». Aquest sistema complex incorpora tots els components aferents, el procés d’integració i processament central i les respostes eferents, amb l’objectiu de mantenir l’estabilitat funcional de l’articulació durant els moviments del cos. Aquesta revisió té com a principal objectiu aclarir els conceptes relacionats amb el sistema sensoriomotor i comprendre’n la importància en l’entrenament, la prevenció i la readaptació a la competició esportiva. © 2012 Consell Català de l’Esport. Generalitat de Catalunya. Publicat per Elsevier España, S.L. Tots els drets reservats

    Anàlisi dels factors de risc neuromusculars de les lesions esportives

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    L’activitat física, i especialment l’esport de competició, es troben contínuament sota la influència d’una incidència lesiva difícil de disminuir. Aquest article fa una revisió bibliogràfica dels diferents factors de risc neuromuscular que predisposen els esportistes a patir una major incidència lesiva, especialment en els esports en els quals predominen salts, canvis de direcció i variacions de velocitat (acceleracions i desacceleracions). La literatura científica actual destaca, entre altres, la fatiga muscular, l’alteració de la magnitud i dels temps d’activació muscular, l’alteració de la capacitat de coactivació muscular, l’estratègia de control de l’extremitat inferior predominant en el pla frontal, els desequilibris neuromusculars entre la cama dominant i la no dominant, l’stiffness (rigidesa) muscular inadequada, els dèficits del control postural, la disminució de la propiocepció, els dèficits del core i la disminució dels mecanismes d’anticipació. L’anàlisi d’aquests factors de risc proporciona una guia pràctica a l’hora de dissenyar tasques dins d’un pla de prevenció adequat a cada tipus d’especialitat esportiva, i en conseqüència, és útil tant per a entrenadors i preparadors físics com per a fisioterapeutes

    Seasonal variation of inter-limb jumping asymmetries in youth team-sport athletes

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    The main objective of the present study was to provide seasonal variation data for inter-limb asymmetry in youth elite team-sport athletes. Fifty-nine players performed the single leg countermovement jump (SLCMJ) and the one leg hop for distance (OLHT) tests during pre-season, mid-season and end-season. A repeated-measures analysis of variance was conducted to determine magnitude differences in asymmetry scores between time points. Kappa coefficients (κ) were calculated to determine the levels of agreement for the direction of asymmetry. When comparing inter-limb asymmetry magnitudes across the season, the SLCMJ test showed significantly higher asymmetries at mid-season in comparison with pre-season and end-season (p<0.01, d=-1.03 for pre to mid; p<0.01, d=1.12 for pre to end). However, OLHT inter-limb asymmetry magnitude remained consistent throughout the season (ES range=-0.02 to -0.06). For the direction of asymmetry, levels of agreement ranged from poor to slight in the SLCMJ (k-0.10 to 0.18) and in the OLHT (k-0.21 to 0.18). No significant differences were found between mean asymmetry values at any time point or for either test when comparing males and females. In conclusion, jump height asymmetry during the SLCMJ was the only metric to show significant magnitude changes across the season

    Higher vertical jumping asymmetries and lower physical performance are indicators of increased injury incidence in youth team-sport athletes

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    To date, the literature looking at the association between injury-risk factors and actual injury incidence in young elite team-sports athletes is scarce. The main objective of the present study was to examine how modifiable factors may affect injury incidence. Eighty-one young elite team-sports athletes (age: u-14 to u-18) performed the countermovement jump (CMJ), a single leg CMJ (SLCMJ), the one-legged hop test (OLHT), a 30 m sprint test, the v-cut test, a repeated sprint ability and the 30-15 intermittent fitness test during the pre-season period. Inter-limb asymmetries were calculated for SLCMJ and OLHT. Injuries were recorded prospectively for the entirety of the 2017-2018 season. Comparison of injury and non-injury data was carried out using a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results of the ANOVA according to injury showed significant differences in CMJ (p = 0.01), SLCMJ on the lowest performing limb (p = 0.03) and SLCMJ asymmetry (< 0.001). Sex*injury interaction was significant from CMJ (p = 0.018) and 30-15 IFT (p = < 0.001). In conclusion, the current study indicated that athletes with greater inter-limb asymmetries, less vertical jump capacity and lower intermittent aerobic fitness had a greater predisposition to injury. Therefore, monitoring CMJ, aerobic performance and inter-limb asymmetries is recommended given their sensitivity to detect significant differences between injured and healthy youth athletes

    External Load Monitoring in Female Basketball: A Systematic Review

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    The primary aim of this systematic review was to summarize the current state of research in relation to external load monitoring in female basketball. The review was conducted according to the PRISMA-P® statement. Publications included in the review: 1) were original research, 2) evaluated healthy female basketball players, and 3) monitored basketball practice and competition. The STROBE scale was used to assess quality. A total of 40 publications were included. The external load was assessed during practice (n = 9), competition (n = 11) or both events (n = 8). Also, time- motion analysis was implemented in practice (n = 2), competition (n = 9), or both events (n = 1). Accelerometry (n = 28) and time-motion (n = 12) analysis were the most frequently used methods. However, a wide range in methods and variables were used to quantify the external load. Placement of devices on the upper back and measuring with a sampling frequency of 100 Hz were most common. Player Load (PL) values increased with the competitive level of players and were higher in competition compared to training. Small-sided games can be used to gradually increase loads in female basketball (PL 5v5: 34.8 ± 8, PL 3v3: 47.6 ± 7.4, TD 5v5: 209.2 ± 35.8 m, and TD 3v3: 249.3 ± 2.8 m). Tasks without defense seemed to be less demanding. More research is needed to reach a consensus on load control in women's basketball, on what data are important to collect, and how to use and transfer knowledge to stakeholders

    Assessing the magnitude and direction of asymmetry in unilateral jump and change of direction speed tasks in youth female team-sport athletes

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    The direction of inter-limb asymmetries and the change of direction (COD) deficit are two aspects that have increased in recent years. The main objective of the present study was to assess the magnitude of neuromuscular asymmetries in an elite youth female team-sports sample and determine its directionality. Secondary objectives were to evaluate the relationship between COD deficit, linear speed and COD time performance. Elite female youth basketball and handball players (n = 33, age = 16 ± 1.17 y) performed the Single Leg Countermovement Jump in vertical (SLCJ-V), horizontal (SLCJ-H), and lateral (SLCJ-L) directions, the COD and the 10-m sprint. Results showed statistical differences between limbs in all the neuromuscular tests (p &lt; 0.001). The Kappa coefficient showed poor to fair levels of agreement between tasks (K range = -0.087 to 0.233), indicating that asymmetries rarely favoured the same limb between skills. Additionally, small and non-significant correlations were found between the linear sprint capacity and the COD ability. The findings of the present study highlight the independent directionality of asymmetries across tests. The COD deficit does not appear to be much more advantageous than COD total time to measure asymmetry. Practitioners are encouraged to use a fitness testing battery to detect existing side differences and each ability should be specifically trained with functional tasks

    Inter-limb asymmetries are associated with decrements in physical performance in youth elite team sports athletes

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    Actually, there is scarce literature looking for the relationship between inter-limb asymmetries and performance in youth elite team sports. The main purpose of this cross-sectional study was to examine the relationships between inter-limb asymmetries and physical performance in youth elite team-sports players. A secondary objective was to evaluate the presence of between-sexes differences in inter-limb asymmetries in elite youth team sports players. Eighty-one young elite team-sports athletes (age: u-14 to u-18) performed the star excursion balance test in the anterior direction (SEBT ANT), a single leg vertical countermovement jump test (SLCMJ), the one leg hop test for distance (OLHT), a 30 m sprint test, and the V-cut test. Inter-limb asymmetries were calculated for SEBT ANT, SLCMJ and OLHT. Pearson r was used to analyse the relationships between inter-limb asymmetries and physical performance. Results showed significant (p ˂ 0.05) but small (r = 0.26) relationships between SLCMJ asymmetries and 30 m sprint time for the total group. Significant negative correlations with small to moderate magnitude of correlation were also found between SLCMJ asymmetries and SLCMJ performance on the lowest performing limb for the total group (p < 0.05; r = -0.26), males (p < 0.01; r = -0.48) and females (p < 0.05; r = -0.30). Moreover, significant negative correlations with moderate and large magnitude were also present between OLHT asymmetries and OLHT performance on the lowest performing limb for the total group (p < 0.01; r = -0.44), males (p < 0.01; r = -0.56) and females (p < 0.01; r = -0.64). No correlations were observed between asymmetries and either the V-cut test or SEBT ANT performance. No correlation were observed between SEBT ANT asymmetries and physical performance. In addition, when comparing asymmetry values between sexes there were no significant differences in vertical (p = 0.06) and horizontal (p = 0.61) jumping tests. However, there were significant differences in asymmetry between sexes in the ANT SEBT (p = 0.04). In conclusion, the current study indicated that jumping asymmetries were associated with decrements in sprint speed and jumping performance. Therefore, assessing inter-limb asymmetries would be recommended to improve training interventions for youth elite team-sports athletes

    Relationship between inter-limb asymmetries and speed and change of direction speed in youth handball players

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    The aims of the present study were to quantify inter-limb asymmetry from jumping, change of direction speed (CODS) and iso-inertial tests and to establish the association between those asymmetry scores and performance during speed and CODS tests in youth handball athletes. Twenty-six youth handball players (age: 16.2 0.9 years) volunteered to participate in this study and performed single leg countermovement jumps (SLCMJ), broad jumps (SLBJ), lateral jumps (SLLJ), CODS tests at 180º (CODS180) and 90º (CODS90), change of direction actions with iso-inertial overload (crossover step (CRO) and lateral shuffle step (LSS)) and 20 m sprint test. Excellent ICC values were found for all tests (ICC = 0.96-1.00) with the exception of the dominant limb during the CODS90 test (ICC = 0.69). Inter-limb asymmetry scores ranged from 3.66-12.67%. Iso-inertial asymmetry values were higher than those found during jumping tasks (9.8-12.7% vs. 3.66-8.76%). Spearman's r correlations showed significant relationships between CRO asymmetry and CODS90 performance on both limbs (r = 0.48-0.51; p < 0.05) and CODS180 (r = 0.41-0.51; p < 0.05) and sprint test (r = 0.46; p < 0.05). These results show the test-specific nature of asymmetries in youth handball players, with iso-inertial device and CODS deficit presenting the greatest magnitude of asymmetries. Furthermore, inter-limb differences during iso-inertial device (CRO) were associated with reduced CODS and sprint performance. These results suggest that the use of iso-inertial devices for the detection of inter-limb asymmetry may be more effective than total time during traditional CODS tests and that larger imbalances are associated with reduced athletic performance in youth handball players