7 research outputs found

    El català i l'aragonès, llengües en contacte (Edat Mitjana i Moderna)

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    The paper deals first with those bibliographic sources concerning the relationship between Catalan and Aragonese lexis, analyzling the use of the two vulgar tongues in contact made by sources from the Aragonese area. Then, there is a study of a number of code-switching phenomena in various marriage documents from the 16th century found in the records of the Municipal Archives of Massalió (Terol), which show instances of such code-switching

    Lèxic de l'administració i del mon rural en documentació municipal de Fraga (s.XVI.)

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    A study of legal-administrative and agricultural vocabulary of the minutes book of the town of Fraga between 1477 and 1505. Although this is a formal compilation, it shows many characteristics of real language in a region which constitutes a linguistic boundary. Thus, together with repetitive bureaucratic expressions, there are numerous terms of legal or rural vocabulary, coincidental with or akin to north-western Catalan and Valencian, which have eventually become part of the general language

    Bilingüisme en el Baix Aragó: el català i l'aragonès en un document del segle XIV

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    This article studies the linguistic parallelisms bettween Catalan and Aragonese found in a 16th century notarial document. It also describes those peculiarities in Catalan and Aragonese attested in this text. The transcription of the parchment, which is kept at the Municipal Archives of Calaceite (Teruel, Spain), is included in this paper.Este artículo se dedica al estudio, en un documento del siglo XIV, de aquellos paralelismos lingüísticos que se hallan en catalán y en aragonés, así como de aquellas peculiaridades del catalán o del aragonés que se atestiguan en dicho texto notarial. Se publica asimismo la transcripción del pergamino que se conserva en el Archivo Municipal de Calaceite (Teruel)

    En torno a la lengua de un documento turiasonense de finales del siglo XV

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    Elements lèxics i toponímics en un document de Fraga de 1501

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    Los poetas del Cancionero de Baena

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    Appendix II: Select Bibliography

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