5,896 research outputs found

    Single pilot IFR operating problems determined from accidental data analysis

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    The accident reports examined were restricted to instrument rated pilots flying in IFR weather. A brief examination was made of accidents which occurred during all phases of flight and which were due to all causes. A detailed examination was made of those accidents which involved a single pilot which occurred during the landing phases of flight, and were due to pilot error. Problem areas found include: (1) landing phase operations especially final approach, (2) pilot weather briefings, (3) night approaches in low IFR weather, (4) below minimum approaches, (5) aircraft icing, (6) imprecise navigation, (7) descending below minimum IFR altitudes, (8) fuel mismanagement, (9) pilot overconfidence, and (10) high pilot workload especially in twins. Some suggested areas of research included: (1) low cost deicing systems, (2) standardized navigation displays, (3) low cost low-altitude warning systems, (4) improved fuel management systems, (5) improved ATC communications, (6) more effective pilot training and experience acquisition methods, and (7) better weather data dissemination techniques

    Settling for Efficiency: Power and the People Left in Its Wake

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    This study examines claims data, prepared by an insurance carrier and obtained through an open records request, of police-involved incidents in Rochester, New York from 2001-2012. The dataset includes information about the incidents and financial outcomes accepted by claimants. Eighteen independent variables are broken up into three categories: claimant characteristics, claim characteristics, and situational characteristics. The research question guiding this study is: What, if any, claimant, claim, or situational characteristics impact final settlement amounts for claims stemming from police-involved incidents? Four theories are utilized to explain the phenomenon examined in this study: social capital, power differentials using Donald Blackā€™s behavior of law, bureaucratic efficiency, and the postindustrial policing thesis. Descriptive statistics and bivariate analyses are conducted on the dataset (n = 453) and subset (n = 260). An Ordinary Least Squares regression was used on the subset; it identified five key predictors for final settlement amount: claims that last longer than 3 months; claims offered an immediate payout of greater than 500;claimantvehicleinvolved;autoimpoundorauctioninvolved;andchildinvolved.Overthecourseof12years,theCityofRochesterlimiteditslossesforpoliceāˆ’involvedclaimsto500; claimant vehicle involved; auto impound or auction involved; and child involved. Over the course of 12 years, the City of Rochester limited its losses for police-involved claims to 4.9 million. Fifty-nine percent of claimants received a settlement and 73% of claims resolved within three months. The study indicates that the City prioritizes bureaucratic efficiency over fairness. Policy recommendations are offered. A future research agenda includes interviewing stakeholders, testing hypotheses, and gathering data from similarly-sized municipalities to see if the findings in Rochester hold in other cities in order to make informed generalizations about mid-sized municipalities and their claims processes

    Genetic algorithms: a pragmatic, non-parametric approach to exploratory analysis of questionnaires in educational research

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    Data from a survey to determine student attitudes to their courses are used as an example to show how genetic algorithms can be used in the analysis of questionnaire data. Genetic algorithms provide a means of generating logical rules which predict one variable in a data set by relating it to others. This paper explains the principle underlying genetic algorithms and gives a non-mathematical description of the means by which rules are generated. A commercially available computer program is used to apply genetic algorithms to the survey data. The results are discussed

    A generic database and spatial interface for the application of hydrological and water resource models

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    The paper discusses a software package that has been designed to enhance the efficiency of applying a range of hydrological and water resource simulation models. The SPATSIM (SPatial and Time Series Information Modeling) system has been developed in Delphi using MapObjects and incorporates a spatial data interface for access to the different types of information commonly associated with water resource analyses. All of the information is stored within database tables (Paradox by default) with generic structures. The structure and components of the system are briefly described and some example applications provided. The discussion identifies some of the criticisms that have been leveled at the software, the approach of the developers to user support and some possible future developments. The conclusions suggest that the development can be considered successful in that it has substantially improved the efficiency of the Institute for Water Research to undertake one of its core functions of hydrological model development and application

    Methodologies for the design of LCC voltage-output resonant converters

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    Abstract: The paper presents five structured design methodologies for third-order LCC voltage output resonant converters. The underlying principle of each technique is based on an adaptation of a FMA equivalent circuit that accommodates the nonlinear behaviour of the converter. In contrast to previously published methods, the proposed methodologies explicitly incorporate the effects of the transformer magnetising inductance. Furthermore, a number of the methodologies allow the resonant-tank components to be specified at the design phase, thereby facilitating the use of standard off-the-shelf components. A procedure for sizing the filter capacitor is derived, and the use of error mapping, to identify parameter boundaries and provide the designer with a qualitative feel for the accuracy of a proposed converter design, is explored

    Role of glucocorticoids in neutrophil and endothelial adhesion molecule expression and function

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    Glucocorticoids are very effective inhibitors of both the acute and chronic inflammatory response. In this study the hypothesis that glucocorticoids inhibit an early component of the inflammatory response, neutrophil adhesion to endothelium, by down-regulation of adhesion molecules on neutrophils or endothelium was examined. No effect of dexamethasone on neutrophil adhesion to endothelium or of antigen expression by neutrophils or endothelium was found. The mechanism of action of glucocorticoids in the inflammatory response is probably not mediated by alterations in adhesion molecules
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