35 research outputs found

    Finnish agriculture and rural industries 2007

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    The report consists of following topics: operating environment of agriculture, agricultural and food market, agricultural policy, economic situation of agriculture, agriculture and the environment, rural and regional policy, special topics: biogas etc

    Kirjolohen käyttäytymisen havainnointi akustisella telemetriajärjestelmällä : Käyttökokeet kalankasvatuslaitoksella Saaristomerellä 2021

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    Suomessa on kasvava kiinnostus ja sijainninohjauksesta tuleva paine siirtää kalankasvatusta kohti uusia yhä avoimempia tuotantoalueita sekä ottamaan käyttöön uusia viljelytekniikoita. Kuitenkin vain vähän tiedetään viljellyn kirjolohen käyttäytymisestä ja tarpeista, jotka voivat olla ristiriidassa uusien alueiden ja tuotantotekniikoiden kanssa. Tästä johtuen kalojen käyttäytymisen tutkiminen vaihtelevissa ympäristöoloissa on tärkeää ennen uusien tuotanto-olosuhteiden tai -tekniikoiden käyttöönottoa, jotta voidaan varmistua, että uudet menetelmät tai tuotantoalueet eivät vaaranna kalaterveyttä. Tässä raportissa esitellään Kustavin Korrassa sijainneella upotettavalla kalankasvatuslaitoksella akustisella telemetrialaitteistolla vuonna 2021 kerättyä aineistoa. Aineistoa kirjolohen käyttäytymisen tutkimista varten kertyi tuotantomittakaavan laitoksella yhtäjaksoisesti heinä-joulukuun välisenä aikana yhteensä lähes 3 miljoonaa havaintoa. Aluksi raportti käy läpi biosensoreiden ja akustisen telemetrian käytön vesiviljelytutkimuksessa laajan kirjallisuuskatsauksen kautta. Raportin toisessa osassa esitetään kattavasti tutkimuksessa käytössä ollutta telemetrialaitteistoa, ympäristömittauslaitteet sekä käydään seikkaperäisesti läpi kerätty aineisto ja sen purkaminen ymmärrettävään muotoon. Raportin lopuksi esitetään tuloksia Korrassa valinneista ympäristöoloista sekä kalojen syvyys, lämpötila ja aktiivisuusdataan perustuvaa telemetria-aineistoa. Aineiston perusteella pyrittiin luomaan käsitys kalojen peruskäytöksestä kasvatuskauden aikana, kun ympäristöolot ja kasvatustoiminta on normaalia. Tätä perustasoa vasten voidaan jatkossa verrata kalojen käyttäytymisen muutoksia sään ääri-ilmiöiden (poikkeuksellisen kova virtaus, korkea/alhainen veden lämpötila, korkea aallokko) tai uusien tuotantotekniikoiden (verkkoaltaan upottaminen tai käytös puolisuljetussa merilaitoksessa) aikana. Viljellyn kirjolohen uintikäyttäytymistä ja -syvyyttä ohjaavat vahvasti valo-hämäräsykli sekä ruokinnat. Kalat uivat hämärään aikaan lähempänä pintaa kuin vuorokauden valoisana ajankohtana. Päivän syvempää uintia rikkovat ruokintajaksot, jonka ajaksi kalat nostavat aktiivisuustasoaan ja tulevat ruokailemaan lähelle pintaa. Ruokinnan päätyttyä aktiivisuus laskee lähelle aiempaa ja kalat palaavat uimaan syvempään veteen. Yksilöiden välillä on vaihtelua sekä uintisyvyydessä että syvyyden vaihtelussa

    Effects of multiple targeted repelling measures on the behaviour of individually tracked birds in an area of increasing human–wildlife conflict

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    1. Some animal populations are rapidly increasing in numbers and expanding their ranges, leading to intensified human–wildlife conflicts. A wide range of tools has been developed to repel animals from areas where they are suspected to cause damage. For waterfowl, direct comparisons of multiple repelling methods have so far focused only on species´ presence, total numbers, cost effectiveness or subsequent damage assessments, but not on individual behaviour. 2. Here, we investigated the individual responses of free-flying geese to three repelling methods using high-resolution tracking data. In an experimental setup, tracked individuals were repelled by human approach, gunshot sound or handheld lasers. 3. We found that repelling success and return time to the field where the repelling took place increased when individuals were repelled multiple times. Travel distances after the repelling events were longer after human approach and gunshot sound compared to the handheld laser treatments. In spring, the probability to return to the same field was higher after repelling with handheld lasers, but no difference between treatments was evident in autumn. We observed no increase in the probability to visit accommodation fields, where geese were allowed to forage and were not repelled, after the repelling events. 4. Synthesis and applications. We found no strong differences between the three methods regarding the repelling effectiveness and the resulting behaviour of the tracked geese. However, the higher return rates of individuals after repelling with handheld lasers in spring suggest that this method might be less effective in situations with bright sunlight or very large aggregations of geese. Apart from these limitations, we can recommend handheld lasers for repelling as they might reduce energetic losses for the geese and disturbance of non-target wildlife. Since repelling by gunshot sound and handheld lasers was twice as fast as repelling by human approach, those methods will reduce working hours by 50% and therefore be more cost-effective in practice

    Exploration of Extracellular Vesicle miRNAs, Targeted mRNAs and Pathways in Prostate Cancer : Relation to Disease Status and Progression

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    Simple Summary Prostate cancer lacks non-invasive specific biomarkers for aggressive disease. Urinary extracellular vesicles (uEV) could provide such markers; however, due to technical challenges, little is known regarding the pathogenesis pathways reflected in uEV. We performed a miRNA, target mRNA and pathway study focused on uEV, exploring the differences between cancer (1) status groups (Gleason score) and (2) progression groups. The uEV provided a surprisingly comprehensive presentation of differentially expressed miRNAs, target mRNAs and pathogenesis pathways. The miRNAs associated with prostate cancer status or progression were mostly unique, but still targeted overlapping sets of signalling, resistance, hormonal and immune pathways. Interestingly, mRNA targets of the key miRNAs (miR-892a, miR-223-3p, miR-146a-5p) were widely expressed in both uEV and plasma EV from PCa patients. The study thus suggests that uEV carry a vast presentation of PCa status and progression-linked RNAs that are worth further exploration in large personalized medicine trials. Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) lacks non-invasive specific biomarkers for aggressive disease. We studied the potential of urinary extracellular vesicles (uEV) as a liquid PCa biopsy by focusing on the micro RNA (miRNA) cargo, target messenger RNA (mRNA) and pathway analysis. Methods: We subjected uEV samples from 31 PCa patients (pre-prostatectomy) to miRNA sequencing and matched uEV and plasma EV (pEV) from three PCa patients to mRNA sequencing. EV quality control was performed by electron microscopy, Western blotting and particle and RNA analysis. We compared miRNA expression based on PCa status (Gleason Score) and progression (post-prostatectomy follow-up) and confirmed selected miRNAs by quantitative PCR. Expression of target mRNAs was mapped in matched EV. Results: Quality control showed typical small uEV, pEV, RNA and EV-protein marker enriched samples. Comparisons between PCa groups revealed mostly unique differentially expressed miRNAs. However, they targeted comprehensive and largely overlapping sets of cancer and progression-associated signalling, resistance, hormonal and immune pathways. Quantitative PCR confirmed changes in miR-892a (Gleason Score 7 vs. >= 8), miR-223-3p (progression vs. no progression) and miR-146a-5p (both comparisons). Their target mRNAs were expressed widely in PCa EV. Conclusions: PCa status and progression-linked RNAs in uEV are worth exploration in large personalized medicine trials.Peer reviewe

    Exploration of Extracellular Vesicle miRNAs, Targeted mRNAs and Pathways in Prostate Cancer: Relation to Disease Status and Progression

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    Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) lacks non-invasive specific biomarkers for aggressive disease. We studied the potential of urinary extracellular vesicles (uEV) as a liquid PCa biopsy by focusing on the micro RNA (miRNA) cargo, target messenger RNA (mRNA) and pathway analysis. Methods: We subjected uEV samples from 31 PCa patients (pre-prostatectomy) to miRNA sequencing and matched uEV and plasma EV (pEV) from three PCa patients to mRNA sequencing. EV quality control was performed by electron microscopy, Western blotting and particle and RNA analysis. We compared miRNA expression based on PCa status (Gleason Score) and progression (post-prostatectomy follow-up) and confirmed selected miRNAs by quantitative PCR. Expression of target mRNAs was mapped in matched EV. Results: Quality control showed typical small uEV, pEV, RNA and EV-protein marker enriched samples. Comparisons between PCa groups revealed mostly unique differentially expressed miRNAs. However, they targeted comprehensive and largely overlapping sets of cancer and progression-associated signalling, resistance, hormonal and immune pathways. Quantitative PCR confirmed changes in miR-892a (Gleason Score 7 vs. ≥8), miR-223-3p (progression vs. no progression) and miR-146a-5p (both comparisons). Their target mRNAs were expressed widely in PCa EV. Conclusions: PCa status and progression-linked RNAs in uEV are worth exploration in large personalized medicine trials

    Exploration of Extracellular Vesicle miRNAs, Targeted mRNAs and Pathways in Prostate Cancer : Relation to Disease Status and Progression

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    Simple Summary Prostate cancer lacks non-invasive specific biomarkers for aggressive disease. Urinary extracellular vesicles (uEV) could provide such markers; however, due to technical challenges, little is known regarding the pathogenesis pathways reflected in uEV. We performed a miRNA, target mRNA and pathway study focused on uEV, exploring the differences between cancer (1) status groups (Gleason score) and (2) progression groups. The uEV provided a surprisingly comprehensive presentation of differentially expressed miRNAs, target mRNAs and pathogenesis pathways. The miRNAs associated with prostate cancer status or progression were mostly unique, but still targeted overlapping sets of signalling, resistance, hormonal and immune pathways. Interestingly, mRNA targets of the key miRNAs (miR-892a, miR-223-3p, miR-146a-5p) were widely expressed in both uEV and plasma EV from PCa patients. The study thus suggests that uEV carry a vast presentation of PCa status and progression-linked RNAs that are worth further exploration in large personalized medicine trials. Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) lacks non-invasive specific biomarkers for aggressive disease. We studied the potential of urinary extracellular vesicles (uEV) as a liquid PCa biopsy by focusing on the micro RNA (miRNA) cargo, target messenger RNA (mRNA) and pathway analysis. Methods: We subjected uEV samples from 31 PCa patients (pre-prostatectomy) to miRNA sequencing and matched uEV and plasma EV (pEV) from three PCa patients to mRNA sequencing. EV quality control was performed by electron microscopy, Western blotting and particle and RNA analysis. We compared miRNA expression based on PCa status (Gleason Score) and progression (post-prostatectomy follow-up) and confirmed selected miRNAs by quantitative PCR. Expression of target mRNAs was mapped in matched EV. Results: Quality control showed typical small uEV, pEV, RNA and EV-protein marker enriched samples. Comparisons between PCa groups revealed mostly unique differentially expressed miRNAs. However, they targeted comprehensive and largely overlapping sets of cancer and progression-associated signalling, resistance, hormonal and immune pathways. Quantitative PCR confirmed changes in miR-892a (Gleason Score 7 vs. >= 8), miR-223-3p (progression vs. no progression) and miR-146a-5p (both comparisons). Their target mRNAs were expressed widely in PCa EV. Conclusions: PCa status and progression-linked RNAs in uEV are worth exploration in large personalized medicine trials.Peer reviewe

    Glucose metabolism in completed suicide: a forensic-pathological pilot study

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    Aim To determine whether antemortem blood levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and glucose predict completed suicide and, by extension, whether markers of glucose metabolism might be associated with a prosuicidal trait or state. Method From consecutively performed autopsies, samples of blood and vitreous humor from 17 suicide victims and 27 non-suicide controls were compared with regard to levels of glucose, lactate, and HbA1c. Results Mean HbA1c was higher, and mean estimated blood glucose lower, among suicide victims, although tests revealed no significant differences (P = 0.171 and P = 0.395, respectively). HbA1c levels exceeding 48.0 mmol/mol, which were indicative of persistent hyperglycemia, were twice as common in suicide victims (59% vs 30%; P = 0.068). Conclusion The finding of this pilot study suggest that deranged glucose metabolism may reflect biological events antecedent to, or concomitant with, completed suicide, with the following clinical implications: recurring hyperglycemia due to defective glucose transport, which may give rise to depression and suicidal ideation, and elevated HbA1c levels, which may represent an assayable correlate to neurobiological conditions predisposing to suicide

    Effects of multiple targeted repelling measures on the behaviour of individually tracked birds in an area of increasing human-wildlife conflict

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    1. Some animal populations are rapidly increasing in numbers and expanding their ranges, leading to intensified human-wildlife conflicts. A wide range of tools has been developed to repel animals from areas where they are suspected to cause damage. For waterfowl, direct comparisons of multiple repelling methods have so far focused only on species ' presence, total numbers, cost effectiveness or subsequent damage assessments, but not on individual behaviour. 2. Here, we investigated the individual responses of free-flying geese to three repelling methods using high-resolution tracking data. In an experimental setup, tracked individuals were repelled by human approach, gunshot sound or handheld lasers. 3. We found that repelling success and return time to the field where the repelling took place increased when individuals were repelled multiple times. Travel distances after the repelling events were longer after human approach and gunshot sound compared to the handheld laser treatments. In spring, the probability to return to the same field was higher after repelling with handheld lasers, but no difference between treatments was evident in autumn. We observed no increase in the probability to visit accommodation fields, where geese were allowed to forage and were not repelled, after the repelling events. 4. Synthesis and applications. We found no strong differences between the three methods regarding the repelling effectiveness and the resulting behaviour of the tracked geese. However, the higher return rates of individuals after repelling with handheld lasers in spring suggest that this method might be less effective in situations with bright sunlight or very large aggregations of geese. Apart from these limitations, we can recommend handheld lasers for repelling as they might reduce energetic losses for the geese and disturbance of non-target wildlife. Since repelling by gunshot sound and handheld lasers was twice as fast as repelling by human approach, those methods will reduce working hours by 50% and therefore be more cost-effective in practice.</p