36 research outputs found

    Structural determinants in the C-terminal domain of apolipoprotein E mediating binding to the protein core of human aortic biglycan.

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    Abstract Apolipoprotein (apo) E-containing high density lipoprotein particles were reported to interact in vitrowith the proteoglycan biglycan (Bg), but the direct participation of apoE in this binding was not defined. To this end, we examined thein vitro binding of apoE complexed with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) to human aortic Bg before and after glycosaminoglycan (GAG) depletion. In a solid-phase assay, apoE·DMPC bound to Bg and GAG-depleted protein core in a similar manner, suggesting a protein-protein mode of interaction. The binding was decreased in the presence of 1 m NaCl and was partially inhibited by either positively (0.2 m lysine, arginine) or negatively charged (0.2 m aspartic, glutamic) amino acids. A recombinant apoE fragment representing the C-terminal 10-kDa domain, complexed with DMPC, bound as efficiently as full-length apoE, whereas the N-terminal 22-kDa domain was inactive. Similar results were obtained with a gel mobility shift assay. Competition studies using a series of recombinant truncated apoEs showed that the charged segment in the C-terminal domain between residues 223 and 230 was involved in the binding. Overall, our results demonstrate that the C-terminal domain contains elements critical for the binding of apoE to the Bg protein core and that this binding is ionic in nature and independent of GAGs

    liac meeting on vascular research 2013

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    1Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Universita degli Studi di Sassari, 07100 Sassari, Italy 2Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali, Universita degli Studi di Palermo, 90128 Palermo, Italy 3Departement de Biologie Pharmaceutique-Laboratoire de Biochimie Fondamentale, Moleculaire et Clinique, Universite d'Aix-Marseille, INSERM UMR S1076, 13385 Marseille, France 4G.I.R. BIOFORGE (Group for Advanced Materials and Nanobiotechnology), Universidad de Valladolid, CIBER-BBN, 47011 Valladolid, Spai

    Glycosaminoglycan diversity in marine sponge extracellular matrix

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    Aim of this paper is to report on a screening on sponge ECM glycosaminoglycan (GAG) diversity. To investigate the heterogeneity of sponge extracellular sulphated glycans, we determined their content and distribution in some Mediterranean and Caribbean species. To focus on biological and morpho-functional roles of these molecules in the sponge ECM some selected species were considered as models to investigate the topographic distribution of GAGs in sponge body according with the different architecture of specialized regions

    Fine Structure of Glycosaminoglycans from Fresh and Decellularized Porcine Cardiac Valves and Pericardium

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    Cardiac valves are dynamic structures, exhibiting a highly specialized architecture consisting of cells and extracellular matrix with a relevant proteoglycan and glycosaminoglycan content, collagen and elastic fibers. Biological valve substitutes are obtained from xenogenic cardiac and pericardial tissues. To overcome the limits of such non viable substitutes, tissue engineering approaches emerged to create cell repopulated decellularized scaffolds. This study was performed to determine the glycosaminoglycans content, distribution, and disaccharides composition in porcine aortic and pulmonary valves and in pericardium before and after a detergent-based decellularization procedure. The fine structural characteristics of galactosaminoglycans chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate were examined by FACE. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of decellularized pericardium and its propensity to be repopulated by in vitro seeded fibroblasts were investigated. Results show that galactosaminoglycans and hyaluronan are differently distributed between pericardium and valves and within heart valves themselves before and after decellularization. The distribution of glycosaminoglycans is also dependent from the vascular district and topographic localization. The decellularization protocol adopted resulted in a relevant but not selective depletion of galactosaminoglycans. As a whole, data suggest that both decellularized porcine heart valves and bovine pericardium represent promising materials bearing the potential for future development of tissue engineered heart valve scaffolds

    Association between Human Plasma Chondroitin Sulfate Isomers and Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques

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    Several studies have evidenced variations in plasma glycosaminoglycans content in physiological and pathological conditions. In normal human plasma GAGs are present mainly as undersulfated chondroitin sulfate (CS). The aim of the present study was to evaluate possible correlations between plasma CS level/structure and the presence/typology of carotid atherosclerotic lesion. Plasma CS was purified from 46 control subjects and 47 patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy showing either a soft or a hard plaque. The concentration and structural characteristics of plasma CS were assessed by capillary electrophoresis of constituent unsaturated fluorophore-labeled disaccharides. Results showed that the concentration of total CS isomers was increased by 21.4% (P < 0.01) in plasma of patients, due to a significant increase of undersulfated CS. Consequently, in patients the plasma CS charge density was significantly reduced with respect to that of controls. After sorting for plaque typology, we found that patients with soft plaques and those with hard ones differently contribute to the observed changes. In plasma from patients with soft plaques, the increase in CS content was not associated with modifications of its sulfation pattern. On the contrary, the presence of hard plaques was associated with CS sulfation pattern modifications in presence of quite normal total CS isomers levels. These results suggest that the plasma CS content and structure could be related to the presence and the typology of atherosclerotic plaque and could provide a useful diagnostic tool, as well as information on the molecular mechanisms responsible for plaque instability

    Oxidative Modifications in Advanced Atherosclerotic Plaques: A Focus on In Situ Protein Sulfhydryl Group Oxidation

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    Although oxidative stress has been long associated with the genesis and progression of the atherosclerotic plaque, scanty data on its in situ effects on protein sulfhydryl group modifications are available. Within the arterial wall, protein sulfhydryls and low-molecular-weight (LMW) thiols are involved in the cell regulation of both Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) levels and are a target for several posttranslational oxidative modifications that take place inside the atherosclerotic plaque, probably contributing to both atherogenesis and atherosclerotic plaque progression towards complicated lesions. Advanced carotid plaques are characterized by very high intraplaque GSH levels, due to cell lysis during apoptotic and/or necrotic events, probably responsible for the altered equilibrium among protein sulfhydryls and LMW thiols. Some lines of evidence show that the prooxidant environment present in atherosclerotic tissue could modify filtered proteins also by protein-SH group oxidation, and demonstrate that particularly albumin, once filtered, represents a harmful source of homocysteine and cysteinylglycine inside the plaque. The oxidative modification of protein sulfhydryls, with particular emphasis to protein thiolation by LMW thiols and its association with atherosclerosis, is the main topic of this review

    The Levels of adenine nucleotides and pyridine coenzymes in red blood cells from the newborn, determined simultaneously by HPLC

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    The concentrations of ATP, ADP, AMP; NADP and NADPH; NAD and NADH were determined in erythrocytes from healthy newborns and compared with those obtained in healthy adults. No significant differences were found for the adenine nucleotide concentrations, but NADH levels were reduced in newborn erythrocytes, with a consequent increase in the NAD/NADH ratio. Moreover, in newborn erythrocytes increased levels of NADP were observed, with a consequent increase in the NADP/NADPH ratio and a decrease in the NAD/NADP ratio

    Assessment of protein-incorporated arginine methylation in biological specimens by CZE UV-detection

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    Protein arginine methyltransferases methylate post-translationally arginine residues in proteins to synthesize monomethylarginine (MMA), asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), or symmetric dimethylarginine. Protein arginine methylation is involved in the regulation of signal transduction, RNA export, and cell proliferation. Moreover, upon proteolysis, arginines are released into the cytosol in which they exert important biological effects. Both MMA and ADMA are inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase and especially elevated levels of ADMA are associated with endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. Quantification of these analytes is commonly performed by HPLC after sample cleanup and derivatization. We propose a CE method in which these steps have been avoided and the procedure for sample preparation has been simplified. After acidic hydrolysis of proteins, samples were dried, resuspended in water, and directly injected in CE. A baseline separation of analytes was reached in a 60 cm×75 m id uncoated silica capillary, by using a Tris-phosphate run buffer at pH 2.15. This method allows an accurate assessment of protein arginine methylation degree in different biological samples such as whole blood, plasma, red blood cells, cultured cells, and tissue. Moreover, its good sensitivity permits to evaluate the methylation of a single protein type after the opportune purification steps. A method applicability concerns both clinical laboratories, where the evaluation of blood protein from numerous samples could be rapidly performed, and research laboratories where the factors affecting the arginine protein methylation degree could be easily studied

    Glycosaminoglycans:From Vascular Physiology to Tissue Engineering Applications

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    Cardiovascular diseases represent the number one cause of death globally, with atherosclerosis a major contributor. Despite the clinical need for functional arterial substitutes, success has been limited to arterial replacements of large-caliber vessels (diameter > 6 mm), leaving the bulk of demand unmet. In this respect, one of the most challenging goals in tissue engineering is to design a “bioactive” resorbable scaffold, analogous to the natural extracellular matrix (ECM), able to guide the process of vascular tissue regeneration. Besides adequate mechanical properties to sustain the hemodynamic flow forces, scaffold’s properties should include biocompatibility, controlled biodegradability with non-toxic products, low inflammatory/thrombotic potential, porosity, and a specific combination of molecular signals allowing vascular cells to attach, proliferate and synthesize their own ECM. Different fabrication methods, such as phase separation, self-assembly and electrospinning are currently used to obtain nanofibrous scaffolds with a well-organized architecture and mechanical properties suitable for vascular tissue regeneration. However, several studies have shown that naked scaffolds, although fabricated with biocompatible polymers, represent a poor substrate to be populated by vascular cells. In this respect, surface functionalization with bioactive natural molecules, such as collagen, elastin, fibrinogen, silk fibroin, alginate, chitosan, dextran, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), and growth factors has proven to be effective. GAGs are complex anionic unbranched heteropolysaccharides that represent major structural and functional ECM components of connective tissues. GAGs are very heterogeneous in terms of type of repeating disaccharide unit, relative molecular mass, charge density, degree and pattern of sulfation, degree of epimerization and physicochemical properties. These molecules participate in a number of vascular events such as the regulation of vascular permeability, lipid metabolism, hemostasis, and thrombosis, but also interact with vascular cells, growth factors, and cytokines to modulate cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. The primary goal of this review is to perform a critical analysis of the last twenty-years of literature in which GAGs have been used as molecular cues, able to guide the processes leading to correct endothelialization and neo-artery formation, as well as to provide readers with an overall picture of their potential as functional molecules for small-diameter vascular regeneration