4 research outputs found

    Neurocranial asymmetry from normal shape to pathology

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    Asymetrie mozkové části lebky v normě i patologii Abstrakt: Bakalářská práce se zabývala nejčastější asymetrií lebky člověka - deformační plagiocefalií. Deformační (polohová) plagiocefalie je deformita lebky, která je způsobena externí silou na vyvíjející se, málo rigidní, lebku novorozence a kojence. Zvýšený výskyt této deformity byl zaznamenán po roce 1992, kdy byla supinační poloha Americkou akademií pediatrů označena jako nejbezpečnější spánková poloha u malých dětí, snižující riziko náhlého úmrtí kojence (SIDS). Práce zahrnuje kontext této deformity, jako je vývoj lebky, kraniosynostóza či tortikolis. Kraniosynostóza, způsobena předčasným srůstem švů, může ústit k podobnému výslednému tvaru lebky jako u polohové plagiocefalie. Odlišení kraniosynostózy a deformit způsobených externími silami je však velmi důležité z klinického hlediska - kraniosynostóza může vést ke zvýšení nitrolebního tlaku i jiným komplikacím. Rozvoj deformační plagiocefalie je v určitých případech dále spojen i s tortikolis, vedoucí k asymetrickému postavení hlavy a její následné konformaci.Neurocranial asymmetry from normal shape to pathology Abstract: The bachelor thesis deals with the most frequent asymmetry of human skull - deformational plagiocephaly. Deformational (positional) plagiocephaly is the deformity of the skull, which is casued by external forces on developing, little rigid, skull of infants. An increased incidence of this deformity was noticed after 1992, when American Academy of Pediatrics marked supine position as the most safe sleeping position for infants, which decreases risk of Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). This thesis includes the context of this deformity such as the correct development of the skull, craniosynostosis or torticollis. Craniosynostosis, caused by premature fusion of suture, can lead to similiar resulting shape of the skull. To differentiate craniosynostosis from deformities caused by external forces is very important from the point of clinial view - craniosynostosis can lead to increasing of intracranial pressure and other complications. Expansion of deformational plagiocephaly can be connected in some cases with torticollis, which leads to asymmetrical posture of a head and following confirmation.Department of Anthropology and Human GeneticsKatedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Development of neurocranium in children with deformational plagiocephaly:influence of therapy using cranial orthosis

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    Deformační plagiocefalie představuje polohovou deformitu, která je v raném věku nejčastější příčinou abnormality tvaru hlavy. Je považována za klinicky nevýznamný nález s možným nepříznivým kosmetickým efektem. Její zvýšený výskyt je dáván do souvislosti s doporučením supinační spánkové polohy jako prevence syndromu náhlého úmrtí kojence. Nejčastěji je pro nápravu deformity volena konzervativní léčba ve formě rehabilitačních cvičení a režimových opatření, při jejich neúspěchu pak aplikace kraniálních ortéz. Stěžejním cílem předložené diplomové práce bylo popsat růst neurokrania během ortotické léčby. Dílčím cílem bylo popsat tvar neurokrania zdravých jedinců v časné postnatální ontogenezi. V práci jsou analyzovány dva soubory jedinců. První soubor zahrnuje pacienty s deformační plagiocefalií (n = 22; pacienti), kteří podstoupili ortotickou léčbu. Druhým souborem je kontrolní soubor (n = 26; kontrolní soubor), který obsahuje jedince bez diagnostikované deformační plagiocefalie. Výsledky ortotické léčby (soubor pacienti) byly hodnoceny pomocí metod geometrické morfometrie na základě 3D skenů a dále oba dva soubory metodami klasické morfometrie. Práce prokazuje žádoucí účinek léčby deformační plagiocefalie s využitím kraniální ortézy ("helmy"). Aplikací kraniální ortézy došlo ke statisticky významnému...Deformational plagiocephaly represent a positional deformity, that is the most frequent abnormality of misshapen head presenting at an early age. It is accepted as clinical insignificant finding with possible unfavourable superficial effect. Its increased incidence is associated with recommendation of supine sleep position as a prevention of sudden infant death. The most common therapy for correction of this asymmetry is conservative treatment in the form of rehabilitation and regime arrangement and in the case of failure the application of cranial orthoses. The main aim of the thesis was to evaluate the growth of neurocranium during the orthotic treatment. The partial aim was to describe the shape of neurocranium in early postnatal ontogenesis in healthy infants. Two cohorts are analyzed in this thesis. The first group are patients (n = 22; patients), who underwent orthotic therapy. The second, control group (n = 26; control group) includes individuals without diagnosed deformational plagiocephaly. The results of orthotic treatment (patients) were evaluated using geometric morphometry methods based on 3D scans. Both sets were evaluated using classical morphometry. The work demonstrates the positive effect of treatment of deformational plagiocephaly using cranial orthoses ("helmet"). Using of...Katedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaDepartment of Anthropology and Human GeneticsPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Development of neurocranium in children with deformational plagiocephaly:influence of therapy using cranial orthosis

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    Deformational plagiocephaly represent a positional deformity, that is the most frequent abnormality of misshapen head presenting at an early age. It is accepted as clinical insignificant finding with possible unfavourable superficial effect. Its increased incidence is associated with recommendation of supine sleep position as a prevention of sudden infant death. The most common therapy for correction of this asymmetry is conservative treatment in the form of rehabilitation and regime arrangement and in the case of failure the application of cranial orthoses. The main aim of the thesis was to evaluate the growth of neurocranium during the orthotic treatment. The partial aim was to describe the shape of neurocranium in early postnatal ontogenesis in healthy infants. Two cohorts are analyzed in this thesis. The first group are patients (n = 22; patients), who underwent orthotic therapy. The second, control group (n = 26; control group) includes individuals without diagnosed deformational plagiocephaly. The results of orthotic treatment (patients) were evaluated using geometric morphometry methods based on 3D scans. Both sets were evaluated using classical morphometry. The work demonstrates the positive effect of treatment of deformational plagiocephaly using cranial orthoses ("helmet"). Using of..

    Neurocranial asymmetry from normal shape to pathology

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    Neurocranial asymmetry from normal shape to pathology Abstract: The bachelor thesis deals with the most frequent asymmetry of human skull - deformational plagiocephaly. Deformational (positional) plagiocephaly is the deformity of the skull, which is casued by external forces on developing, little rigid, skull of infants. An increased incidence of this deformity was noticed after 1992, when American Academy of Pediatrics marked supine position as the most safe sleeping position for infants, which decreases risk of Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). This thesis includes the context of this deformity such as the correct development of the skull, craniosynostosis or torticollis. Craniosynostosis, caused by premature fusion of suture, can lead to similiar resulting shape of the skull. To differentiate craniosynostosis from deformities caused by external forces is very important from the point of clinial view - craniosynostosis can lead to increasing of intracranial pressure and other complications. Expansion of deformational plagiocephaly can be connected in some cases with torticollis, which leads to asymmetrical posture of a head and following confirmation