97 research outputs found


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    This study examined the type of mathematical tasks in two Australian and two Indonesian mathematics textbooks for 7th-grade students. The quantitative data were collected from the coding results of the tasks in the textbooks. The tasks were coded based on six categories: the presentation forms, the cognitive requirements, the contextual features, the information provided, the number of steps required, and the numbers of answers. Both the similarities and differences in the mathematical tasks provided in the selected textbooks were analysed. The coding results reveal that the majority of tasks in both the Australian and Indonesian textbooks were presented in verbal and combined forms. Routine and closed tasks were still dominant in the four textbooks. More than 93% of tasks in the four textbooks had sufficient information for students to solve the problem. One of the Australian textbooks had a higher proportion of tasks with real-world contexts than the other textbooks. One of the Indonesian textbooks showed a high proportion of tasks requiring multiple steps or procedures. These results were used to explore the learning opportunities offered by the textbooks, and the possible influence on students’ performances in international assessments. Some recommendations for the refinement of the textbooks and future research are also outlined at the end of the study


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    Munkám során arra voltam kíváncsi, hogy régiónk lakosainak fittségi állapota hogyan viszonyul a magyarországi átlagos értékhez, illetve egy másik, kulturális és történelmi hagyományait tekintve eltérő hazai régióhoz. Annak megértése érdekében, hogy ezen fittségi állapot milyen okok miatt alakul ki, illetve annak milyen felnőtt és időskori következményei lesznek az adott populáció sportolási szokásainak szempontjából, kérdőíves felmérésekben vizsgáltam az Észak-alföldi régió lakosainak ilyen irányú szokásait. Arra kerestem választ, hogy melyek azok a tényezők, amik a sportolás iránti igényt meghatározzák, illetve melyek azok a visszatartó okok, amelyek miatt egyesek keveset, vagy egyáltalán nem sportolnak. Munkám további részében, annak felderítésére, hogy a fiatalkori szervezett sportolás milyen infrastrukturális és anyagi támogatottsággal rendelkezik, Magyarország sportiskolai rendszerét vizsgáltam. Megállapítottam, hogy a fiatalok egészségmagatartásának fejlesztése egyrészt elengedhetetlen a jövő egészséges generációjának felneveléséhez, másrészt, hogy ennek szükséges az országos méretű intézményi kereteit kialakítani.During my research work, I wanted to learn how the fitness status of the inhabitants of the region I live in correlates with the average Hungarian values and also with those of another Hungarian region which is different in terms of cultural and historical traditions. In order to understand the causes of the given fitness status, as well as the resulting consequences in adult and old age from the aspect of the sports habits of the given population, I carried out questionnaire surveys focusing on the respective habits of the inhabitants of the North Great Plain region. I was looking for the factors which determine people’s need to do sports and also the causes which keep certain people from doing enough or any sports. In the rest of my work, I examined the sports school system of Hungary in order to explore the infrastructural and financial background of organised sports at young age. I concluded that the development of the health behaviour of youngsters is indispensable from the aspect of raising a healthy future generation and that it is needed to develop the necessary country-wide institutional framework.d

    Primary numeracy: a review of Australian research

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    Focuses on a national project that analyzed Australian research on primary school numeracy from 1994 to 2004. Effective teaching methods used in numeracy education; Summary of children\u27s development of specific mathematical concepts; Findings of several researches on primary school probability and statistics, measurement, number, space and equity.<br /

    IT stereotypes in television shows

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    Despite over 20 years of Information Technology (IT) intervention programs, the proportion of females in the discipline has decreased this century. The depiction of the IT profession on television is a significant source of information about IT careers and may influence student career decisions. In this study, the ways in which male and female IT expert characters were portrayed in five television shows were examined and compared. While many existing stereotypes were challenged, all IT expert characters displayed some stereotypical characteristics, with IT technicians portrayed in the most stereotypical way. Female characters were not as stereotypical as males; but also not well recognised. We posit that the male “geek” technician stereotype overshadows any alternative depictions of IT professionals and reinforces masculinization of the discipline. We suggest that parents and influential adults, the primary audience of these shows, should be included in any future discussions to break down IT media stereotypes

    A primary numeracy : a mapping review and analysis of Australian research in numeracy learning at the primary school level : report

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    The outcome from this project produces a database of over 185 projects and 726 publications relating to numeracy research to systematically &lsquo;mapped&rsquo; Australian research on primary school numeracy over the last decade. The database incorporates research summaries and findings that are easily accessible to teachers and teacher educators, and act as a valuable tool for determining further research directions. The project report examines the available research and organises the discussion of the research findings under a set of themes and sub-themes. Some summarised examples from the report reveals that: * Effective teachers of numeracy: - have high expectations of their students; - focus on children&rsquo;s mathematical learning, rather than on providing pleasant classroom experiences; - provide a challenging curriculum; - use higher-order questioning; - make connections both within mathematics and between mathematics in different contexts; and - use highly interactive teaching involvement with students in class discussion. * Effective professional development programmes: - provide teachers with the time and appropriate resources to enable them to reflect on their teaching; - provide continuing support and encouragement while teachers explore possibilities and trial new strategies in their classrooms; - involve teachers in school-based and wider networks; - are of sufficient duration to allow significant changes to habitual beliefs and practices; and - create opportunities for the exploration of theory-practice relationships.<br /

    Showcasing recent Australian research in gender and mathematics

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    In this paper findings from a recent review of Australian research on gender issues in mathematics education (Vale, Forgasz &amp; Horne, 2004) are presented

    Mathematics, computers in mathematics, and gender: public perceptions in context

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    In Australia, national tests of mathematics achievement continue showing small but consistent gender differences in favor of boys. Societal views and pressures are among the factors invoked to explain such subtle but persistent differences. In this paper we focus directly on the beliefs of the general public about students’ learning of mathematics and the role played by computers, and then we compare the findings with data previously gathered from students. Although many considered it inappropriate to differentiate between boys and girls, gender based stereotyping was still evident. Matemáticas, ordenadores en matemáticas y género: percepciones públicas en contexto En Australia, los test nacionales del logro matemático continúan mostrando pequeñas pero consistentes diferencias de género en favor de los chicos. Las presiones y visiones sociales están entre los factores invocados para explicar tales diferencias sutiles pero persistentes. En este trabajo nos centramos directamente en las creencias del público en general acerca del aprendizaje matemático de los estudiantes y del papel desempeñado por los ordenadores, y después comparamos las conclusiones con datos previamente obtenidos de los estudiantes. Aunque muchos consideran inapropiado diferenciar entre niños y niñas, todavía son evidentes estereotipos basados en el género.Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10481/1601

    Devising principles of design for numeracy tasks

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    Numeracy is a fundamental component of the Australian National Curriculum as a General Capability identified in each F-10 subject. In this paper, we consider the principles of design necessary for the development of numeracy tasks specific to subjects other than mathematics – in this case, the subject of English. We explore the nature of potential design principles by synthesising generic principles of task design from relevant literature, mapping these principles against an episode of classroom practice sourced from a project concerned with enhancing teaching in numeracy, and interrogating this mapping for elements of design that are complementary to aspects identified in the generic principles

    Pre-service teachers and numeracy in an beyond the classroom

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    Data from a pilot study concerned with pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the numeracy demands on Australian teachers are reported. The sample comprised 211 students enrolled in pre-service teacher education courses at a large Australian university. While most recognised the importance of mathematics and its applications in everyday life, less than half considered there were mathematical demands on teachers beyond their teaching domain. NAPLAN-related information data was used to examine the group’s ability to access, apply, and interpret the statistical information
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