21,863 research outputs found

    Disentanglement and Decoherence without dissipation at non-zero temperatures

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    Decoherence is well understood, in contrast to disentanglement. According to common lore, irreversible coupling to a dissipative environment is the mechanism for loss of entanglement. Here, we show that, on the contrary, disentanglement can in fact occur at large enough temperatures TT even for vanishingly small dissipation (as we have shown previously for decoherence). However, whereas the effect of TT on decoherence increases exponentially with time, the effect of TT on disentanglement is constant for all times, reflecting a fundamental difference between the two phenomena. Also, the possibility of disentanglement at a particular TT increases with decreasing initial entanglement.Comment: 3 page

    Lightcone fluctuations in flat spacetimes with nontrivial topology

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    The quantum lightcone fluctuations in flat spacetimes with compactified spatial dimensions or with boundaries are examined. The discussion is based upon a model in which the source of the underlying metric fluctuations is taken to be quantized linear perturbations of the gravitational field. General expressions are derived, in the transverse trace-free gauge, for the summation of graviton polarization tensors, and for vacuum graviton two-point functions. Because of the fluctuating light cone, the flight time of photons between a source and a detector may be either longer or shorter than the light propagation time in the background classical spacetime. We calculate the mean deviations from the classical propagation time of photons due to the changes in the topology of the flat spacetime. These deviations are in general larger in the directions in which topology changes occur and are typically of the order of the Planck time, but they can get larger as the travel distance increases.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, some discussions added and a few typos corrected, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Restrictions on Negative Energy Density in Flat Spacetime

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    In a previous paper, a bound on the negative energy density seen by an arbitrary inertial observer was derived for the free massless, quantized scalar field in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. This constraint has the form of an uncertainty principle-type limitation on the magnitude and duration of the negative energy density. That result was obtained after a somewhat complicated analysis. The goal of the current paper is to present a much simpler method for obtaining such constraints. Similar ``quantum inequality'' bounds on negative energy density are derived for the electromagnetic field, and for the massive scalar field in both two and four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.Comment: 17 pages, including two figures, uses epsf, minor revisions in the Introduction, conclusions unchange

    Cosmological and Black Hole Horizon Fluctuations

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    The quantum fluctuations of horizons in Robertson-Walker universes and in the Schwarzschild spacetime are discussed. The source of the metric fluctuations is taken to be quantum linear perturbations of the gravitational field. Lightcone fluctuations arise when the retarded Green's function for a massless field is averaged over these metric fluctuations. This averaging replaces the delta-function on the classical lightcone with a Gaussian function, the width of which is a measure of the scale of the lightcone fluctuations. Horizon fluctuations are taken to be measured in the frame of a geodesic observer falling through the horizon. In the case of an expanding universe, this is a comoving observer either entering or leaving the horizon of another observer. In the black hole case, we take this observer to be one who falls freely from rest at infinity. We find that cosmological horizon fluctuations are typically characterized by the Planck length. However, black hole horizon fluctuations in this model are much smaller than Planck dimensions for black holes whose mass exceeds the Planck mass. Furthermore, we find black hole horizon fluctuations which are sufficiently small as not to invalidate the semiclassical derivation of the Hawking process.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 4 figures, uses eps

    The Effects of Stress Tensor Fluctuations upon Focusing

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    We treat the gravitational effects of quantum stress tensor fluctuations. An operational approach is adopted in which these fluctuations produce fluctuations in the focusing of a bundle of geodesics. This can be calculated explicitly using the Raychaudhuri equation as a Langevin equation. The physical manifestation of these fluctuations are angular blurring and luminosity fluctuations of the images of distant sources. We give explicit results for the case of a scalar field on a flat background in a thermal state.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, new material added in Sect. III and in Appendices B and

    Twilight for the energy conditions?

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    The tension, if not outright inconsistency, between quantum physics and general relativity is one of the great problems facing physics at the turn of the millennium. Most often, the problems arising in merging Einstein gravity and quantum physics are viewed as Planck scale issues (10^{19} GeV, 10^{-34} m, 10^{-45} s), and so safely beyond the reach of experiment. However, over the last few years it has become increasingly obvious that the difficulties are more widespread: There are already serious problems of deep and fundamental principle at the semi-classical level, and worse, certain classical systems (inspired by quantum physics, but in no sense quantum themselves) exhibit seriously pathological behaviour. One manifestation of these pathologies is in the so-called ``energy conditions'' of general relativity. Patching things up in the gravity sector opens gaping holes elsewhere; and some ``fixes'' are more radical than the problems they are supposed to cure.Comment: Honourable mention in the 2002 Gravity Research Foundation essay contest. 12 pages. Plain LaTeX 2

    Gravitational vacuum polarization III: Energy conditions in the (1+1) Schwarzschild spacetime

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    Building on a pair of earlier papers, I investigate the various point-wise and averaged energy conditions for the quantum stress-energy tensor corresponding to a conformally-coupled massless scalar field in the in the (1+1)-dimensional Schwarzschild spacetime. Because the stress-energy tensors are analytically known, I can get exact results for the Hartle--Hawking, Boulware, and Unruh vacua. This exactly solvable model serves as a useful sanity check on my (3+1)-dimensional investigations wherein I had to resort to a mixture of analytic approximations and numerical techniques. Key results in (1+1) dimensions are: (1) NEC is satisfied outside the event horizon for the Hartle--Hawking vacuum, and violated for the Boulware and Unruh vacua. (2) DEC is violated everywhere in the spacetime (for any quantum state, not just the standard vacuum states).Comment: 7 pages, ReV_Te

    Quantum Inequalities and Singular Energy Densities

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    There has been much recent work on quantum inequalities to constrain negative energy. These are uncertainty principle-type restrictions on the magnitude and duration of negative energy densities or fluxes. We consider several examples of apparent failures of the quantum inequalities, which involve passage of an observer through regions where the negative energy density becomes singular. We argue that this type of situation requires one to formulate quantum inequalities using sampling functions with compact support. We discuss such inequalities, and argue that they remain valid even in the presence of singular energy densities.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex, 2 figures, uses eps

    Electromagnetic field quantization in an anisotropic magnetodielectric medium with spatial-temporal dispersion

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    By modeling a linear, anisotropic and inhomogeneous magnetodielectric medium with two independent set of harmonic oscillators, electromagnetic field is quantized in such a medium. The electric and magnetic polarizations of the medium are expressed as linear combinations of the ladder operators describing the magnetodielectric medium. The Maxwell and the constitutive equations of the medium are obtained as the Heisenberg equations of the total system. The electric and magnetic susceptibilities of the medium are obtained in terms of the tensors coupling the medium with the electromagnetic field. The explicit forms of the electromagnetic field operators are obtained in terms of the ladder operators of the medium.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Reply to Comment on "Completely positive quantum dissipation"

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    This is the reply to a Comment by R. F. O'Connell (Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 028901) on a paper written by the author (B. Vacchini, ``Completely positive quantum dissipation'', Phys.Rev.Lett. 84 (2000) 1374, arXiv:quant-ph/0002094).Comment: 2 pages, revtex, no figure
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