35,097 research outputs found

    Decoherence at zero temperature

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    Most discussions of decoherence in the literature consider the high-temperature regime but it is also known that, in the presence of dissipation, decoherence can occur even at zero temperature. Whereas most previous investigations all assumed initial decoupling of the quantum system and bath, we consider that the system and environment are entangled at all times. Here, we discuss decoherence for a free particle in an initial Schr\"{o}dinger cat state. Memory effects are incorporated by use of the single relaxation time model (since the oft-used Ohmic model does not give physically correct results)

    Rock drill for recovering samples

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    Rotary impact-type rock drill for recovering rock cutting

    Electromechanically operated camera shutter provides uniform exposure

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    A unidirectional camera shutter employing a solenoid and mechanical linkages permits uniform exposure and minimizes distortion of the image formed in the camera

    Speed control device for a heavy duty shaft

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    A speed control device is characterized by a reference speed shaft spatially related to a heavy duty shaft, a drive train for driving the reference speed shaft at a constant angular velocity, a drive train for driving the heavy duty shaft at a variable angular velocity and a speed control assembly for continuously comparing the angular velocity of the heavy duty shaft with the angular velocity of the reference speed shaft. A brake assembly is connected to the heavy duty shaft and is adapted to respond to errors in the angular velocity of the heavy duty shaft in order to reduce the angular velocity of the heavy duty shaft to that of the reference speed shaft

    Electrically-operated rotary shutter Patent

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    Electrically operated rotary shutter for television camera aboard spacecraf

    Motion restraining device

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    A motion-restraining device for dissipating at a controlled rate the force of a moving body is discussed. The device is characterized by a drive shaft adapted to be driven in rotation by a moving body connected to a tape wound about a reel mounted on the drive shaft, and an elongated pitman link having one end pivotally connected to the crankshaft and the opposite end thereof connected with the mass through an energy dissipating linkage. A shuttle is disposed within a slot and guided by rectilinear motion between a pair of spaced impact surfaces. Reaction forces applied at impact of the shuttle with the impact surfaces include oppositely projected force components angularly related to the direction of the applied impact forces

    Note on the derivative of the hyperbolic cotangent

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    In a letter to Nature (Ford G W and O'Connell R F 1996 Nature 380 113) we presented a formula for the derivative of the hyperbolic cotangent that differs from the standard one in the literature by an additional term proportional to the Dirac delta function. Since our letter was necessarily brief, shortly after its appearance we prepared a more extensive unpublished note giving a detailed explanation of our argument. Since this note has been referenced in a recent article (Estrada R and Fulling S A 2002 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35 3079) we think it appropriate that it now appear in print. We have made no alteration to the original note

    LANDSAT-D Thematic Mapper image dimensionality reduction and geometric correction accuracy

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    Principal components transformations was applied to a Walnut Creek, Texas subscene to reduce the dimensionality of the multispectral sensor data. This transformation was also applied to a LANDSAT 3 MSS subscene of the same area acquired in a different season and year. Results of both procedures are tabulated and allow for comparisons between TM and MSS data. The TM correlation matrix shows that visible bands 1 to 3 exhibit a high degree of correlation in the range 0.92 to 0.96. Correlation for bands 5 to 7 is 0.93. Band 4 is not highly correlated with any other band, with corrections in the range 0.13 to 0.52. The thermal band (6) is not highly correlated with other bands in the range 0.13 to 0.46. The MSS correlation matrix shows that bands 4 and 5 are highly correlated (0.96) as are bands 6 and 7 with a correlation of 0.92

    Radar scattering properties of pancakelike domes on Venus

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    Magellan radar images have disclosed the presence of a large number of almost perfectly circular domes, presumably of volcanic origin, in many regions of Venus several with diameters of 30 km or more. Their high degree of symmetry has permitted measurements of their shape, as determined by the Magellan altimeter to be compared with models of dome production from the eruption of high-viscosity magmas. In this work, we examine in detail the radar images of domes in Rusalka Planitia (2.8 deg S, 150.9 deg E) and Tinatin Planitia (12.2 deg N, 7.5 deg E), selected for their circular symmetry and apparent absence of modification due to large-scale slumping or tectonic rifting