13 research outputs found

    Visions religieuses pendant le haut Moyen Âge chinois

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    Introduction Les textes et les pratiques religieux sont d’habitude Ă©tudiĂ©s en tant que produits de « traditions » religieuses particuliĂšres, comme nous disons couramment. Les questions que nous posons Ă  cet Ă©gard reviennent le plus souvent Ă  demander oĂč ils se situent dans le dĂ©veloppement gĂ©nĂ©ral de la tradition qui les a produits, et si nous les comparons aux textes et aux pratiques d’autres traditions, c’est gĂ©nĂ©ralement dans le but d’expliquer les ressemblances observĂ©es entre ces traditi..

    To live as long as heaven and earth: a translation and study of Ge Hong's traditions of divine transcendents

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    In late classical and early medieval China, ascetics strove to become transcendents--deathless beings with supernormal powers. Practitioners developed dietetic, alchemical, meditative, gymnastic, sexual, and medicinal disciplines (some of which are still practiced today) to perfect themselves and thus transcend death. Narratives of their achievements circulated widely. Ge Hong (283-343 c.e.) collected and preserved many of their stories in his Traditions of Divine Transcendents, affording us a window onto this extraordinary response to human mortality. Robert Ford Campany's groundbreaking and carefully researched text offers the first complete, critical translation and commentary for this important Chinese religious work, at the same time establishing a method for reconstructing lost texts from medieval China. Clear, exacting, and annotated, the translation comprises over a hundred lively, engaging narratives of individuals deemed to have fought death and won. Additionally, To Live as Long as Heaven and Earth systematically introduces the Chinese quest for transcendence, illuminating a poorly understood tradition that was an important source of Daoist religion and a major social, cultural, and religious phenomenon in its own right