25 research outputs found

    Time lags: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network

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    Ecosystems across the United States are changing in complex ways that are difficult to predict. Coordinated long-term research and analysis are required to assess how these changes will affect a diverse array of ecosystem services. This paper is part of a series that is a product of a synthesis effort of the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network. This effort revealed that each LTER site had at least one compelling scientific case study about “what their site would look like” in 50 or 100 yr. As the site results were prepared, themes emerged, and the case studies were grouped into separate papers along five themes: state change, connectivity, resilience, time lags, and cascading effects and compiled into this special issue. This paper addresses the time lags theme with five examples from diverse biomes including tundra (Arctic), coastal upwelling (California Current Ecosystem), montane forests (Coweeta), and Everglades freshwater and coastal wetlands (Florida Coastal Everglades) LTER sites. Its objective is to demonstrate the importance of different types of time lags, in different kinds of ecosystems, as drivers of ecosystem structure and function and how these can effectively be addressed with long-term studies. The concept that slow, interactive, compounded changes can have dramatic effects on ecosystem structure, function, services, and future scenarios is apparent in many systems, but they are difficult to quantify and predict. The case studies presented here illustrate the expanding scope of thinking about time lags within the LTER network and beyond. Specifically, they examine what variables are best indicators of lagged changes in arctic tundra, how progressive ocean warming can have profound effects on zooplankton and phytoplankton in waters off the California coast, how a series of species changes over many decades can affect Eastern deciduous forests, and how infrequent, extreme cold spells and storms can have enduring effects on fish populations and wetland vegetation along the Southeast coast and the Gulf of Mexico. The case studies highlight the need for a diverse set of LTER (and other research networks) sites to sort out the multiple components of time lag effects in ecosystems


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    Long-Term Effects of Fire and Fire-Return Interval on Population Structure and Growth of Iong Leaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill)

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    We investigated the effect of fire and fire frequency on stand structure and longleaf pine (Pinus palustris P. Mill.) growth and population demography in an experimental research area in a southwest Florida sandhill community. Data were collected from replicated plots that had prescribed fire-return intervals of 1, 2, 5, or 7 years or were left unburned. Experimental treatment burns have been ongoing since 1976. Plots were sampled to estimate species distribution, stand structure, and longleaf pine density in four developmental stage classes: grass, bolting, small tree, and large tree. Tree-ring growth measurements in combination with burn history were used to evaluate the effects of fire and fire-return interval on basal area increment growth. Fire-return interval impacted stand structure and longleaf pine population structure. Our results suggest that recruitment from the bolting stage to later stages may become adversely affected with very frequent fires (e.g., every 1 or 2 years). Although adult tree productivity was negatively impacted during fire years, tree growth during years between fire events was resilient such that growth did not differ significantly among fire-return intervals. Our study shows that the longleaf pine population as a whole is strongly regulated by fire and fire-return interval plays a key role in structuring this population

    The Chickasha Daily Express

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    Weekly newspaper from Chickasha, Oklahoma that includes local, state and national news along with advertising

    Appendix A. A figure displaying species-specific leaf area data used in the calculation of leaf-level transpiration.

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    A figure displaying species-specific leaf area data used in the calculation of leaf-level transpiration

    Long- and short-term precipitation effects on soil CO2 efflux and total belowground carbon allocation

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    Soil CO2 efflux (Esoil), the main pathway of C movement from the biosphere to the atmosphere, is critical to the terrestrial C cycle but how precipitation and soil moisture influence Esoil remains poorly understood. Here, we irrigated a longleaf pine wiregrass savanna for six years; this increased soil moisture by 41.2%. We tested how an altered precipitation regime affected total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA), root growth, soil carbon, and Esoil. We used two methods to quantify Esoil: daytime biweekly manual measurements and automated continuous measurements for one year. We hypothesized that the low-frequency manual method would miss both short- and long-term (i.e., subdaily to annual, respectively) effects of soil moisture on Esoil while the high-frequency data from the automated method would allow the effects of soil moisture to be discerned. Root growth was significantly higher in irrigated plots, particularly at 0–20 cm depth. Irrigated annual Esoil was significantly greater than that of the control when estimated with the continuous measurements but not when estimated from biweekly measurements. The difference in annual Esoil estimates is likely due to (1) the delayed increase in Esoil following irrigation pulses of soil moisture (i.e., variation that the biweekly manual measurements missed) and (2) the diel timing of biweekly manual measurements (they were completed early to mid-day before peak efflux). With irrigation, estimates of TBCA increased almost two-fold with automated measurements but only 36% with intermittent measurements. Relative to controls, irrigated treatments stored almost 2 Mg C ha−1 year−1 more in soils and 0.26 Mg C ha−1 year−1 more in roots. High-frequency measurements of Esoil were essential to estimate total belowground carbon allocation. With irrigation, soil carbon pools were not at steady-state, so shifts in soil carbon storage must be considered in TBCA estimates

    species in the southern

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    Quantifying structural and physiological controls on variation in canopy transpiration among planted pine and hardwoo