8 research outputs found

    WeedTurf: a predictive model to aid control of annual summer weeds in turf

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    Predicting weed emergence is useful for planning weed management programs. Unfortunately, our ability to anticipate initial emergence and subsequent levels of emergence from simple field observations or weather reports is often inadequate to achieve optimal control. Weed emergence models may provide predictive tools that help managers anticipate best management options and times and, thereby, improve weed control. In this study, the germination characteristics of four annual grass weeds (large crabgrass, goosegrass, green foxtail, and yellow foxtail) were investigated under different temperatures and water stresses to calculate base temperatures and base water potentials. These parameters were used to develop a mathematical model describing seedling emergence processes in terms of hydrothermal time. Hydrothermal time describes seed germination in a single equation by considering the interaction of soil water potential and soil temperature. The model, called WeedTurf, predicted emergence with some accuracy, especially for large crabgrass (lowest efficiency index [EF] value 0.95) and green foxtail (lowest EF value 0.91). These results suggest the possibility of developing interactive computer software to determine the critical timing of weed removal and provide improved recommendations for herbicide application timing

    O cidadão com transtorno psíquico: reflexões sobre os direitos humanos e os direitos do paciente Citizen with psychological distraction: reflections about human rights and the patient's rights

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    Considerando, as transformações sócio-político-econômicas que vem ocorrendo, a construção da história da Enfermagem Psiquiátrica, bem como as modificações no ensino de enfermagem pela nova Lei de Diretrizes e Bases e, ainda, a preocupação existente por parte de algumas facções no que se refere ao cumprimento e ao respeito aos Direitos Humanos e Direitos do Paciente, este estudo propõe reflexões sobre as condutas éticas de profissionais de enfermagem em relação ao paciente internado em hospital psiquiátrico, ressaltando o respeito pela dignidade humana. A discussão se dá à luz da Cartilha dos Direitos do Paciente, proposta pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Governo do Estado de São Paulo e da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos. Dá destaque à responsabilidade da área do ensino no tocante ao processo de mobilização para a transformação de preconceitos sobre a loucura, buscando a prática efetiva regida pelos princípios de igualdade, democracia, liberdade e exercício da cidadania.<br>Considering the social, political and economical changes such as occured during the construction of the Psychiatric Nursing History, as well as the ongoing modifications in teaching nursing due the new Law for Directories and Bases, and taking also into account the existing preoccupation of some sections as far as the compliance with the Human Rights and Patient Rights are concerned, the present study proposes some reflections about the ethical conducts by nursing professionals in relation to patients interned in Psychiatric Hospitals, giving emphasis to the aspects related to the human dignity. The discussion is based in the Directory of the Rights of Patients proposed by the Secretary of Health of the Government of the State of Seto Paulo, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The study gives furthermore emphasis to the responsability in the area of teaching as far as the mobilization process for transforming the preconceptions regarding the mental diseases are concerned and examines the effective practice of equality, democracy, liberty and the exercise of the citizenship of the patient

    Early bird catches the worm: germination as a critical step in plant invasion

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    Weed Management in Conservation Agriculture Systems

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