93 research outputs found

    CANcer BEhavioural nutrition and exercise feasibility trial (CanBenefit); phase I qualitative interview findings

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    Background: Older people with lung cancer are often frail and unfit due to their cancer and co-morbidities and may tolerate cancer treatments poorly. Physical activity (PA) and a healthy diet offer quality of life benefit to people with cancer before, during, and post treatment. However, older adults are poorly represented in the clinical trials on which recommendations were made. Objective: To assess the acceptability, usefulness, and practicality of delivering a tailored wellbeing (PA and nutrition) intervention for older adults with lung cancer before, during, and after cancer treatments (chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy). Methods: Semi-structured interviews conducted with nine patients with lung cancer and three patients with mesothelioma, ≥70 years and ten informal carers, and nine Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) members. A topic guide covered the acceptability, usefulness, and practicality of a wellbeing intervention as well as specific feedback on individual components. Data were subjected to thematic analysis. Findings: Four themes were generated: current lack of wellbeing care in clinical work; preferred “can have” dietary and “can do” PA advice; peer support as facilitating factor; and barriers to compliance including patients' psychological and physical issues as well as current cancer pathway and staffing issues. Conclusion: Older adults with lung cancer would welcome a proactive, clear and instructive, wellbeing intervention. Many barriers to compliance exist, particularly before and during cancer treatments due to the psycho-social impact of diagnosis, and the effects of cancer treatment. The intervention must be tailored to individual need and address physical limitations, psychological and social welfare in addition to PA and nutritional advice

    Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an online intervention to increase physical activity in Nova Scotian cancer survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) behavior change interventions among cancer survivors have used face-to-face, telephone, email, and print-based methods. However, computer-tailored, Internet-delivered programs may be a more viable option to achieve PA behavior change. Objective: The objective of this study is to test the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a Web-based PA behavior change program among cancer survivors. Methods: Nova Scotian cancer survivors (N=415) who previously expressed interest in a research study were approached. Interested participants were asked to complete an online assessment of PA and quality of life (QOL) before being randomized to either a theory-based PA behavior change program using the PA tracking website UWALK (UCAN; n=48) or usual care (UC; n=47). After the intervention (9 weeks), participants completed another online assessment of PA and QOL as well as measures to evaluate the program and website. Descriptive analyses from surveys and Web analytic software were used to assess feasibility and mean change scores were used to test efficacy. Results: Of all contacted survivors, 95 (22.3%, 95/415) completed baseline measures and were randomized with 84 (88%, 84/95) completing the 9-week assessment. The behavior change program and website were rated highly on the satisfaction items. Average logins were 10.3 (1.1 per week) and 26.0% (111/432) of the weekly modules were completed. Most participants (71%, 29/41) indicated they were more aware of their daily PA levels and 68% (28/41) found the site easily navigable. Adjusted group differences in total exercise minutes favored the UCAN group by an increase of 42 minutes (95% CI -65 to 150; P=.44, d=0.17). Results were more pronounced, though still nonsignificant, among those not meeting guidelines at baseline where UCAN increased PA by 52 minutes compared to a decrease of 15 minutes in UC (adjusted between group difference=75, 95% CI -95 to 244; P=.38, d=0.27). Conclusions: We found that Internet-delivery may be a feasible alternative to more costly methods to promote PA among Nova Scotian cancer survivors. Moreover, there was a trend toward increased PA among those in the UCAN group, especially among those who were not meeting PA guidelines at baseline. Future research should focus on recruiting inactive cancer survivors and engaging them in the website to determine the optimal potential of Web-based interventions for promoting PA in cancer survivors

    A systematic review of the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of online supportive care interventions targeting men with a history of prostate cancer

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    © 2019, The Author(s). Purpose: To examine the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of online supportive care interventions targeting prostate cancer survivors (PCS). Methods: Studies were identified through structured searches of PubMed, Embase and PsycINFO databases, and bibliographic review. Inclusion criteria were (1) examined feasibility, acceptability, or efficacy of an online intervention designed to improve supportive care outcomes for PCS; (2) presented outcome data collected from PCS separately (if mixed cancer); and (3) evaluated efficacy outcomes using randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. Results: Sixteen studies met inclusion criteria; ten were classified as RCTs. Overall, 2446 men (average age 64years) were included. Studies reported on the following outcomes: feasibility and acceptability of an online intervention (e.g., patient support, online medical record/follow-ups, or decision aids); reducing decisional conflict/distress; improving cancer-related distress and health-related quality of life; and satisfaction with cancer care. Conclusion: We found good preliminary evidence for online supportive care among PCS, but little high level evidence. Generally, the samples were small and unrepresentative. Further, inadequate acceptability measures made it difficult to determine actual PCS acceptability and satisfaction, and lack of control groups precluded strong conclusions regarding efficacy. Translation also appears minimal; few interventions are still publicly available. Larger trials with appropriate control groups and greater emphasis on translation of effective interventions is recommended. Implications for Cancer Survivors: Prostate cancer survivors have a variety of unmet supportive care needs. Using online delivery to improve the reach of high-quality supportive care programs could have a positive impact on health-related quality of life among PCS

    Physical activity and nutrition interventions for older adults with cancer: a systematic review

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    Purpose: The aim of this review was to summarize the current literature for the effectiveness of activity and nutritional based interventions on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in older adults living with and beyond cancer (LWBC). Methods: We conducted systematic structured searches of CINAHL, Embase, Medline, Cochrane CENTRAL databases, and bibliographic review. Two independent researchers selected against inclusion criteria: (1) lifestyle nutrition and/or activity intervention for people with any cancer diagnosis, (2) measured HRQoL, (3) all participants over 60years of age and (4) randomized controlled trials. Results: Searches identified 5179 titles; 114 articles had full text review, with 14 studies (participant n = 1660) included. Three had nutrition and activity components, one, nutrition only and ten, activity only. Duration ranged from 7days to 1year. Interventions varied from intensive daily prehabilitation to home-based gardening interventions. Studies investigated various HRQoL outcomes including fatigue, general and cancer-specific quality of life (QoL), distress, depression, global side-effect burden and physical functioning. Eight studies reported significant intervention improvements in one or more QoL measure. Seven studies reported using a psychosocial/theoretical framework. There is a gap in tailored nutrition advice. Conclusions: Among the few studies that targeted older adults with cancer, most were activity-based programmes with half reporting improvements in QoL. Future research should focus on or include tailored nutrition components and consider appropriate behaviour change techniques to maximize potential QoL improvement. Implications for Cancer Survivors: More research is needed to address the research gap regarding older adults as current recommendations are derived from younger populations

    Is the uptake, engagement, and effectiveness of exclusively mobile interventions for the promotion of weight-related behaviors equal for all? A systematic review

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    Mobile health interventions are promising behavior change tools. However, there is a concern that they may benefit some populations less than others and thus widen inequalities in health. This systematic review investigated differences in uptake of, engagement with, and effectiveness of mobile interventions for weight-related behaviors (i.e., diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior) based on a range of inequality indicators including age, gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. The protocol was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42020192473). Six databases (CINAHL, EMBASE, ProQuest, PsycINFO, Pubmed, and Web of Science) were searched from inception to July 2021. Publications were eligible for inclusion if they reported the results of an exclusively mobile intervention and examined outcomes by at least one inequality indicator. Sixteen publications reporting on 13 studies were included with most reporting on multiple behaviors and inequality indicators. Uptake was investigated in one study with no differences reported by the inequality indicators studied. Studies investigating engagement (n = 7) reported differences by age (n = 1), gender (n = 3), ethnicity (n = 2), and education (n = 2), while those investigating effectiveness (n = 9) reported differences by age (n = 3), gender (n = 5), education (n = 2), occupation (n = 1), and geographical location (n = 1). Given the limited number of studies and their inconsistent findings, evidence of the presence of a digital divide in mobile interventions targeting weight-related behaviors is inconclusive. Therefore, we recommend that inequality indicators are specifically addressed, analyzed, and reported when evaluating mobile interventions

    Substituting bouts of sedentary behavior with physical activity: adopting positive lifestyle choices in people with a history of cancer

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    Purpose: To determine in people with a history of cancer, whether substituting sitting time with other daily activities (i.e., sleeping, walking, moderate and vigorous physical activity) was associated with changes in waist circumference (WC), an important surrogate marker of cardiometabolic risk. Methods: Cross-sectional analyses from the Atlantic Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (Atlantic PATH) cohort was conducted using isotemporal substitution models to explore the associations of substituting sedentary time, physical activity behavior (International Physical Activity Questionnaire), or sleep (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) with changes in WC. Analyses were conducted using sex-specific WC classifications. Results: In 3,684 people with a history of cancer [mean age (SD) 58.2 (7.3) years; BMI 28.9 (5.2) kgm−2; 71% female], reallocating 10min of sleep or sedentary time for 10min of walking was associated with lower WC in women (p < 0.01). In men, PA intensity appeared to be more strongly associated with a reduced WC. Replacing 10min of sedentary time with 10min of moderate or vigorous PA and replacing 10min of sleep with moderate PA were associated with a significantly reduced WC (p < 0.001). The largest effect was when 10min of moderate PA was replaced with vigorous PA, a reduction in WC (p < 0.01) was evident. Conclusion: For people with a history of cancer, adopting small but positive changes in lifestyle behaviors could help reduce WC and potentially offset negative health-related outcomes associated with higher WC. Further research is required to examine whether such an intervention may be acceptable and manageable among this population

    Evaluating a web-based computer-tailored physical activity intervention for those living with and beyond lung cancer (ExerciseGuide UK): protocol for a single group feasibility and acceptability study

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    Background: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death globally. Physical activity and exercise provide unequivocal benefits to those living with and beyond lung cancer. However, few of those living with and beyond cancer meet the national physical activity guidelines. Various barriers exist for this population’s engagement in physical activity and exercise, such as the lack of knowledge and lack of tailored information, little access to exercise specialists, fatigue, and mobility challenges. Digitally delivered programmes have the potential to address several of these barriers, with techniques like “computer-tailoring” available to enable the delivery of tailored content at a time and place that is convenient. However, evaluation of such programmes is needed prior to implementation. This protocol describes a single group study that will examine the feasibility and acceptability of an online tool (ExerciseGuide UK) that provides those living with and beyond lung cancer web-based computer-tailored physical activity prescription and modules underpinned by behaviour change theories. Methods: Thirty-five individuals diagnosed with lung cancer, or cancer affecting the lung (e.g. pleural mesothelioma), will be recruited into a single-intervention arm. The platform will provide tailored resources and a personalised physical activity programme using IF-THEN algorithms. Exercise prescription will be tailored on factors such as self-reported specific pain location, exercise history, and current physical fitness. In addition, modules grounded in behaviour change will supplement the physical activity programme and will focus on topics such as exercise benefits, safety, goal setting, and tracking. The primary outcome will be assessed using pre-established criteria on feasibility and mixed-methods approach for acceptability. Secondary outcomes will explore changes in the physical activity, quality of life, anxiety, and depression. Discussion: This manuscript describes the protocol for a study examining the feasibility and acceptability of a web-based computer-tailored physical activity intervention for those living with and beyond lung cancer. The publication of this protocol aims to increase the transparency of the methods, report pre-determined criteria, and aid replication of the study and associated materials. If feasible and acceptable, this intervention will inform future studies of digital-based interventions. Trail registration: ClinicalTrails.gov, NCT05121259. Registered on November 16, 2021

    Use of Wearable Activity-Monitoring Technologies to Promote Physical Activity in Cancer Survivors: Challenges and Opportunities for Improved Cancer Care

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    The aim of this review was to explore the acceptability, opportunities, and challenges associated with wearable activity-monitoring technology to increase physical activity (PA) behavior in cancer survivors. A search of Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and SportDiscus was conducted from 1 January 2011 through 3 October 2022. The search was limited to English language, and peer-reviewed original research. Studies were included if they reported the use of an activity monitor in adults (+18 years) with a history of cancer with the intent to motivate PA behavior. Our search identified 1832 published articles, of which 28 met inclusion/exclusion criteria. Eighteen of these studies included post-treatment cancer survivors, eight were on active cancer treatment, and two were long-term cancer survivor studies. ActiGraph accelerometers were the primary technology used to monitor PA behaviors, with Fitbit as the most commonly utilized self-monitoring wearable technology. Overall, wearable activity monitors were found to be an acceptable and useful tool in improving self-awareness, motivating behavioral change, and increasing PA levels. Self-monitoring wearable activity devices have a positive impact on short-term PA behaviors in cancer survivors, but the increase in PA gradually attenuated through the maintenance phase. Further study is needed to evaluate and increase the sustainability of the use of wearable technologies to support PA in cancer survivors

    A comparison of drug transport in pulmonary absorption models: isolated perfused rat lungs, respiratory epithelial cell lines and primary cell culture

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    Purpose: To evaluate the ability of human airway epithelial cell layers and a simple rat isolated perfused lung (IPL) model to predict pulmonary drug absorption in rats in vivo. Method: The permeability of seven compounds selected to possess a range of lipophilicity was measured in two airway cell lines (Calu-3 and 16HBE14o-), in normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells and using a simple isolated perfused lungs (IPL) technique. Data from the cell layers and ex vivo lungs were compared to published absorption rates from rat lungs measured in vivo. Results: A strong relationship was observed between the logarithm of the in vivo absorption half-life and the absorption half-life in the IPL (r = 0.97; excluding formoterol). Good log-linear relationships were also found between the apparent first-order absorption rate in vivo and cell layer permeability with correlation coefficients of 0.92, 0.93, 0.91 in Calu-3, 16HBE14o- and NHBE cells, respectively. Conclusion: The simple IPL technique provided a good prediction of drug absorption from the lungs, making it a useful method for empirical screening of drug absorption in the lungs. Permeability measurements were similar in all the respiratory epithelial cell models evaluated, with Calu-3 having the advantage for routine permeability screening purposes of being readily availability, robust and easy to culture

    Usability, acceptability, and safety analysis of a computer-tailored web-based exercise intervention (exerciseguide) for individuals with metastatic prostate cancer: Multi-methods laboratory-based study

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    Background: Digital health interventions such as tailored websites are emerging as valuable tools to provide individualized exercise and behavioral change information for individuals diagnosed with cancer. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate and iteratively refine the acceptability and usability of a web-based exercise intervention (ExerciseGuide) for men with metastatic prostate cancer and determine how well individuals can replicate the video-based exercise prescription. Methods: A laboratory-based multi-methods design was used, incorporating questionnaires, think-aloud tests, interviews, and movement screening among 11 men aged 63 to 82 years with metastatic prostate cancer. Overall, 9 participants were undergoing androgen deprivation therapy, and 2 were completing chemotherapy. Data were collected in two waves, with changes made for quality improvement after participant 5. Results: The intervention\u27s usability score was deemed moderate overall but improved after modifications (from 60, SD 2.9 to 69.6, SD 2.2 out of 100). Overall, the participants found the intervention acceptable, with scores improving from wave 1 (24.2, SD 1.1 out of 30) to wave 2 (26.3, SD 2.1 out of 30). The personalized multimodal exercise prescription and computer-tailored education were seen as valuable. After wave 1, website navigation videos were added, medical terminology was simplified, and a telehealth component was included after expert real-time telehealth support was requested. Wave 2 changes included the added variety for aerobic exercise modes, reduced computer-tailoring question loads, and improved consistency of style and grammar. Finally, the participants could replicate the resistance exercise videos to a satisfactory level as judged by the movement screen; however, additional technique cueing within the videos is recommended to address safety concerns. Conclusions: The acceptability and usability of ExerciseGuide were deemed satisfactory. Various problems were identified and resolved. Notably, the participants requested the inclusion of personalized expert support through telehealth. The resistance training algorithms were shown to provide appropriate content safely, and the users could replicate the exercise technique unaided to a satisfactory level. This study has optimized the ExerciseGuide intervention for further investigation in this population