6 research outputs found

    Breve estudo espaço-temporal e de impacto do feriado de carnaval e de corpus christi sobre variáveis ambientais nas águas da Lagoa da Conceição - Florianópolis

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental.A Lagoa da Conceição localizada em Florianópolis, ilha de Santa Catarina (27º34'S - 48º27'W), vem sofrendo um intenso processo de eutrofização em virtude do aumento da urbanização desordenada na região. Inicialmente, a Lagoa foi dividida em quatro setores (Sul, Centro-Sul, Centro-Norte e Norte) de acordo com a sua geomorfologia, densidade demográfica e influência da maré. Amostras de água de sub-superfície e de fundo foram coletadas aleatoriamente em todo o corpo lagunar durante dois períodos de tempo: antes e depois do feriado de Carnaval e de Corpus Christi de 2003, sendo três dias antes e três depois e mais dois tomados ao acaso, sorteados em um intervalo de tempo total de 30 dias (15 antes e 15 depois). As amostras receberem tratamentos diferentes, de acordo com o objetivo do estudo: uma para a dinâmica espaço-temporal das variáveis físico-químicas e biológicas (verão e inverno) e outra para a avaliação do impacto (feriados de Carnaval e Corpus Christi). As variáveis determinadas foram: oxigênio dissolvido, pH, temperatura, salinidade, transparência, nutrientes inorgânicos dissolvidos (nitrato, nitrito, amônio e o-fosfato), fósforo e nitrogênio total dissolvido, fósforo e nitrogênio orgânico dissolvido, sulfeto, poli-fosfatos, clorofila-a e feofitina-a. As maiores concentrações de amônio e de NID foram encontradas no setor Norte (no verão). No setor Sul, foram verificados: a menor salinidade (setor mais abrigado), o maior valor de PTD (no inverno), de clorofila-a (no inverno) e de poli-fosfatos (no verão). Durante a campanha de verão, foi observada uma estratificação vertical nas águas profundas do setor Centro-Sul em função dos maiores valores de clorofila-a, salinidade, feofitina-a e sulfeto no fundo quando comparados à água superficial. Este fato pode ser explicado pela baixa renovação de água nestes locais profundos e pela elevada concentração de organismos fotossintetizantes no fundo. Já durante a campanha de inverno, a coluna de água se apresentou mais homogênea verticalmente, devido às menores temperaturas e a maior ação dos ventos. A variação temporal de nitrato e de nitrito (maiores no inverno), clorofila-a e feofitina-a (menores no inverno) sugere uma menor assimilação dos nutrientes pelos produtores primários no inverno do que no verão. As concentrações de amônio, clorofila-a e feofitina-a foram maiores no verão, em função do maior aporte de material orgânico autóctone e alóctone, maior degradação biológica e à maior intensidade da luz. Em geral, as razões N:P (razão molar) foram maiores do que 16:1 (REDFIELD, 1958), indicando o fósforo como o elemento controlador da produção pelágica na Lagoa. A avaliação do impacto antrópico promovido pelos feriados de Carnaval e de Corpus Christi indicou que somente o Carnaval promoveu alterações efetivas na água superficial da Lagoa, as quais podem ser evidenciadas pelo aumento na concentração de amônio, na razão N:P e no sulfeto após o feriado e pela diminuição de clorofila-a, feoftina-a e de oxigênio dissolvido

    Nutrient distribution in a shallow subtropical lagoon, south Brazil, subjected to seasonal hypoxic and anoxic events

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    A Lagoa da Conceição, localizada no sul do Brasil, é um ecossistema costeiro semifechado que apresenta eventos sazonais de hipoxia e anoxia na região central, caracterizada pela coluna de água estratificada e sítio de retenção e mineralização da matéria orgânica. Este estudo investigou a dinâmica da coluna de água da região central da Lagoa da Conceição (CLC) em relação às variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas, com o objetivo de entender os eventos de hipoxia e anoxia. As águas de superfície, haloclina e fundo foram avaliadas em três pontos amostrais. As amostras foram coletadas em triplicata durante o verão, outono e inverno de 2014. Eventos de hipoxia e/ou anoxia ocorreram somente nas águas de haloclina (3 m) e fundo (4 m) do verão. Valores próximos a 100% de uso aparente de oxigênio indicaram processos de mineralização nas águas de fundo. O menor valor do índice de estratificação vertical foi observado em agosto (inverno austral), que foi correlacionado com a velocidade (14,7 m.s-1) e direção (quadrante sul) do vento. As concentrações de nutrientes foram maiores no inverno, devido ao aumento dos processos de mistura e remineralização da matéria orgânica. Este foi o primeiro estudo a avaliar a dinâmica dos eventos de hipoxia/anoxia na CLC em relação à distribuição dos nutrientes e estrutura física da coluna de água.The Conceição Lagoon, located in south Brazil, is a semi-enclosed coastal ecosystem that has seasonal hypoxic and anoxic conditions in its vertically stratified central region, characterized as a site of retention and mineralization of organic matter. This study investigates water column dynamics in the central region of the Conceição Lagoon (CCL) and its relation to physical and chemical variables, in order to understand the hypoxic and anoxic events. Surface, halocline and bottom waters were evaluated at three sampling sites along the CCL. The samples were collected in triplicate during the summer, fall and winter of 2014. Hypoxic and/or anoxic events occurred in the summer (1/21) at the halocline (3 m) and bottom (4 m) waters, and in the fall (2/5) in the bottom water (4.5 m). Positive values of apparent oxygen utilization showed mineralization processes in the halocline and bottom waters. The lowest vertical stratification index was recorded in August (southern winter), which was associated with wind speed (14.7 m.s-1) and direction (southern quadrant). Nutrient concentrations were higher in winter, related to increasing of water mixing. This was the first study to evaluate the dynamics of hypoxic and anoxic events in the CCL and how nutrients respond to the physical structure of the water column

    Determining the high variability of pCO2 and pO2 in the littoral zone of a subtropical coastal lake

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    The aquatic metabolism comprises production and mineralization of organic matter through biological processes, such as primary production and respiration that can be estimated by gases concentration in the water column. AIM: The study aimed to assess the temporal variability of pCO2 and pO2 in the littoral zone of a subtropical coastal lake. Our hypotheses are i) high variability in meteorological conditions, such as temperature and light, drive the high variability in pCO2 and pO2, and ii) the lake is permanently heterotrophic due to the low phosphorus concentration. METHODS: We estimated pCO2 from pH-alkalinity method, and pO2 from dissolved oxygen concentration and water temperature measured in free-water during 24 hours in the autumn, winter, spring and summer. RESULTS: Our findings showed that limnological variables had low temporal variability, while the meteorological variables and pCO2 presented a high coefficient of variation, which is representative of each climatic season. In autumn and winter, it was recorded that the lake was supersaturated in CO2 relative to the atmosphere, while in spring and summer CO2 concentration was below the concentration found in the atmosphere. Over 24 hours, pCO2 also showed high variability, with autumn presenting higher concentration during the night when compared to daytime. Water temperature and chlorophyll a were negatively correlated with pCO2, while pO2 was positively correlated with wind and light. CONCLUSION: Agreeing with our first hypothesis, pCO2 showed an expressive temporal variation in a subtropical lake associated to the high variability in meteorological conditions. On the other hand, our second hypothesis was not confirmed, since Peri Lake exported CO2 to the atmosphere in some periods and in others, CO2 was removed from the atmosphere

    Spatiotemporal variation of bacterial assemblages in a shallow subtropical coastal lagoon in southern Brazil

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    A study on the bacterioplankton of Conceição Lagoon (27°34′ S–48°27′ W), Southern Brazil, was carried out in July 2005 (austral winter) and January 2006 (austral summer) to characterize the bacterial spatiotemporal distribution and to determine the heterotrophic and photoautotrophic bacterial dominance in hypoxic/oxic stratified waters. Bacterial abundance increased significantly (p<0.05) in summer with averages of coccus cyanobacteria (CCY) ranging from 1.02×105 (winter) to 3.21×106 cells mL−1 (summer), heterotrophic coccus/rod-shaped (HCR) cells from 7.00×104 to 3.60×106 cells mL−1, and heterotrophic filamentous (HF) bacteria from 2.90×103 to 2.74× 105 cells mL−1. Bacterial biovolumes also increased in summer with mean biovolumes of CCY ranging from 0.38 to 1.37 μm3, HCR cells from 0.31 to 1.12 μm3, and HF from 3.32 to 11.34 μm3. Principal component analysis showed that salinity, temperature, and light were the abiotic factors that better explained the temporal variability of bacterial assemblages. Bacterial heterotrophy dominated in the lagoon, excepted by the southern and part of central sector in January 2006, when autotrophic-dominate microbial community occurred. Spatially, bacterial assemblages were influenced by nutrient gradient, oxygen, and salinity with a positive relationship between biovolumes and nutrients and a negative relationship between abundance of coccus cyanobacteria and nutrients. area revealed a singular temporal pattern with hypoxic bottom waters in winter and oxygen-rich waters appearing in summer related with the availability of light and predominant microbes. Thus, oxygen consumption/production is likely to be regulated by the amount of light reaching the bottom, stimulating the production of oxygen by oxygenic phototrophs

    Nutrient distribution in a shallow subtropical lagoon, south Brazil, subjected to seasonal hypoxic and anoxic events

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    ABSTRACT The Conceição Lagoon, located in south Brazil, is a semi-enclosed coastal ecosystem that has seasonal hypoxic and anoxic conditions in its vertically stratified central region, characterized as a site of retention and mineralization of organic matter. This study investigates water column dynamics in the central region of the Conceição Lagoon (CCL) and its relation to physical and chemical variables, in order to understand the hypoxic and anoxic events. Surface, halocline and bottom waters were evaluated at three sampling sites along the CCL. The samples were collected in triplicate during the summer, fall and winter of 2014. Hypoxic and/or anoxic events occurred in the summer (1/21) at the halocline (3 m) and bottom (4 m) waters, and in the fall (2/5) in the bottom water (4.5 m). Positive values of apparent oxygen utilization showed mineralization processes in the halocline and bottom waters. The lowest vertical stratification index was recorded in August (southern winter), which was associated with wind speed (14.7 m.s-1) and direction (southern quadrant). Nutrient concentrations were higher in winter, related to increasing of water mixing. This was the first study to evaluate the dynamics of hypoxic and anoxic events in the CCL and how nutrients respond to the physical structure of the water column