127 research outputs found

    Structural and Functional Studies of a Bothropic Myotoxin Complexed to Rosmarinic Acid: New Insights into Lys49-PLA2 Inhibition

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    Snakebite envenoming is an important public health problem in many tropical and subtropical countries, and is considered a neglected tropical disease by the World Health Organization. Most severe cases are inflicted by species of the families Elapidae and Viperidae, and lead to a number of systemic and local effects in the victim. One of the main problems regarding viperidic accidents is prominent local tissue damage whose pathogenesis is complex and involves the combined actions of a variety of venom components. Phospholipases A2 (PLA2s) are the most abundant muscle-damaging components of these venoms. Herein, we report functional and structural studies of PrTX-I, a Lys49-PLA2 from Bothops pirajai snake venom, and the influence of rosmarinic acid (RA) upon this toxin's activities. RA is a known active component of some plant extracts and has been reported as presenting anti-myotoxic properties related to bothopic envenomation. The myotoxic activity of Lys49-PLA2s is well established in the literature and although no in vivo neurotoxicity has been observed among these toxins, in vitro neuromuscular blockade has been reported for some of these proteins. Our in vitro studies show that RA drastically reduces both the muscle damage and the neuromuscular blockade exerted by PrTX-I on mice neuromuscular preparations (by ∼80% and ∼90%, respectively). These results support the hypothesis that the two effects are closely related and lead us to suggest that they are consequences of the muscle membrane-destabilizing activity of the Lys49-PLA2. Although the C-terminal region of these proteins has been reported to comprise the myotoxic site, we demonstrate by X-ray crystallographic studies that RA interacts with PrTX-I in a different region. Consequently, a new mode of Lys49-PLA2 inhibition is proposed. Comparison of our results with others in the literature suggests possible new ways to inhibit bothropic snake venom myotoxins and improve serum therapy

    Structural basis of nuclear import of flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1)

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    Flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1) is a member of the nuclease family and is structurally conserved from bacteriophages to humans. This protein is involved in multiple DNA-processing pathways, including Okazaki fragment maturation, stalled replication-fork rescue, telomere maintenance, long-patch base-excision repair and apoptotic DNA fragmentation. FEN1 has three functional motifs that are responsible for its nuclease, PCNA-interaction and nuclear localization activities, respectively. It has been shown that the C-terminal nuclear localization sequence (NLS) facilitates nuclear localization of the enzyme during the S phase of the cell cycle and in response to DNA damage. To determine the structural basis of the recognition of FEN1 by the nuclear import receptor importin alpha, the crystal structure of the complex of importin alpha with a peptide corresponding to the FEN1 NLS was solved. Structural studies confirmed the binding of the FEN1 NLS as a classical bipartite NLS; however, in contrast to the previously proposed (KRKX8KKK367)-K-354 sequence, it is the (354)KRX(10)KKAK(369) sequence that binds to importin alpha. This result explains the incomplete inhibition of localization that was observed on mutating residues (KKK367)-K-365. Acidic and polar residues in the X-10 linker region close to the basic clusters play an important role in binding to importin alpha. These results suggest that the basic residues in the N-terminal basic cluster of bipartite NLSs may play roles that are more critical than those of the many basic residues in the C-terminal basic cluster

    Cholinergic Signaling Exerts Protective Effects in Models of Sympathetic Hyperactivity-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction

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    Cholinergic control of the heart is exerted by two distinct branches; the autonomic component represented by the parasympathetic nervous system, and the recently described non-neuronal cardiomyocyte cholinergic machinery. Previous evidence has shown that reduced cholinergic function leads to deleterious effects on the myocardium. Yet, whether conditions of increased cholinergic signaling can offset the pathological remodeling induced by sympathetic hyperactivity, and its consequences for these two cholinergic axes are unknown. Here, we investigated two models of sympathetic hyperactivity: i) the chronic beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation evoked by isoproterenol (ISO), and ii) the alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)-drenergic receptor knockout (KO) mice that lack pre-synaptic adrenergic receptors. In both models, cholinergic signaling was increased by administration of the cholinesterase inhibitor, pyridostigmine. First, we observed that isoproterenol produces an autonomic imbalance characterized by increased sympathetic and reduced parasympathetic tone. Under this condition transcripts for cholinergic proteins were upregulated in ventricular myocytes, indicating that non-neuronal cholinergic machinery is activated during adrenergic overdrive. Pyridostigmine treatment prevented the effects of ISO on autonomic function and on the ventricular cholinergic machinery, and inhibited cardiac remodeling. alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)-KO mice presented reduced ventricular contraction when compared to wild-type mice, and this dysfunction was also reversed by cholinesterase inhibition. Thus, the cardiac parasympathetic system and non-neuronal cardiomyocyte cholinergic machinery are modulated in opposite directions under conditions of increased sympathetic drive or ACh availability. Moreover, our data support the idea that pyridostigmine by restoring ACh availability is beneficial in heart disease

    Structural biology and regulation of protein import into the nucleus

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    Proteins are translated in the cytoplasm, but many need to access the nucleus to perform their functions. Understanding how these nuclear proteins are transported through the nuclear envelope and how the import processes are regulated is therefore an important aspect of understanding cell function. Structural biology has played a key role in understanding the molecular events during the transport processes and their regulation, including the recognition of nuclear targeting signals by the corresponding receptors. Here, we review the structural basis of the principal nuclear import pathways and the molecular basis of their regulation. The pathways involve transport factors that are members of the β-karyopherin family, which can bind cargo directly (e.g. importin-β, transportin-1, transportin-3, importin-13) or through adaptor proteins (e.g. importin-α, snurportin-1, symportin-1), as well as unrelated transport factors such as Hikeshi, involved in the transport of heat-shock proteins, and NTF2, involved in the transport of RanGDP. Solenoid proteins feature prominently in these pathways. Nuclear transport factors recognize nuclear targeting signals on the cargo proteins, including the classical nuclear localization signals (cNLSs), recognized by the adaptor importin-α, and the PY-NLSs, recognized by transportin-1. Post-translational modifications, in particular phosphorylation, constitute key regulatory mechanisms operating in these pathways

    O papel de um instrumento de apoio à comunicação matemática numa turma do 4.º ano

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino BásicoA criação de ambientes de sala de aula onde os alunos são agentes efetivos da sua aprendizagem e têm espaço para participar e expor os seus conhecimentos, sabendo que vão ser ouvidos pelo professor e colegas, é, cada vez mais, uma recomendação curricular da atualidade e objeto de estudo. Este relatório dá conta da intervenção realizada numa turma do 4.º ano de escolaridade, com o propósito de promover a aprendizagem, valorizando, sistematicamente, a comunicação. Em simultâneo, explana-se a investigação realizada nesta turma, que envolveu a avaliação do impacto da construção de um instrumento de apoio aos momentos de Comunicação Matemática, no contexto de uma rotina semanal da turma, a Apresentação do Problema da Semana. Com a pretensão de dar resposta às questões (i) quais os contributos de um instrumento de apoio à organização e estruturação dos momentos de comunicação matemática? e (ii) de que forma esse mesmo instrumento contribui para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de resolução de problemas?, investigou-se a evolução da turma quanto à comunicação das resoluções dos problemas e à variedade das estratégias utilizadas, antes e após a construção coletiva do instrumento de apoio. A análise de resultados, feita através da análise das produções dos alunos e das respostas a um questionário que instigou a reflexão sobre o papel do instrumento de apoio ao longo das várias apresentações do problema da semana, permitiu perceber uma crescente variedade de estratégias utilizadas e uma maior preocupação, por parte dos alunos, em organizar e estruturar os momentos de comunicação matemática, bem como em mobilizar um discurso com correção matemática. Este é um estudo que se limita a uma turma, não sendo as suas conclusões generalizáveis, mas que pode contribuir com uma estratégia para melhorar a comunicação matemática dos alunos, de uma forma que os envolve de forma direta e que prevê a sua participação e papel ativo na aprendizagem.ABSTRACT Creating classroom environments where students are effective agents of their learning process and have space to participate and exhibit their skills, knowing that they will be heard by the teacher and classmates, is an increasingly curricular recomendation and object of stdy nowadays. This report gives an account of the intervention carried out on a 4th grade level class, with the purpose of promoting learning, valuing, systematically, the communication. At the same time, explains research performed in this class, which involved the evaluation of the impact of the construction of an instrument in support of Mathematical Communication moments, in the context of a weekly routine of the class, The Presentation of rhe Problem of the Week. With the pretense of responding to questions (i) what are the contributions of an instrument of support to the organization and structuring of moments of mathematical communication? and (ii) how this same instrument contributes to the development of problem solving strategies?, it was investigated the evolution of the class regarding the communication of the resolutions of the problems and the variety of strategies used in problem solving, before and after the collective construction of the instrument. The analysis of results, through the analysis of students’ productions and the replies to a questionnaire that instigated the reflection about the role of the instrument of support along the various presentations of the problem of the week, allowed to realize a growing variety of strategies used and greater concern, on the part of students, to organise and structure the moments of mathematical communication as well as in mobilizing a discourse with mathematical correction. This is a study that is limited to a class, which makes its conclusions not generalizable, but that can contribute with a strategy to improve students’ math communication, in a way that involves them directly and provides their participation and active role in their own learning process.N/
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