707 research outputs found

    Gain, Rate and Position Resolution Limits of Micropattern Gaseous Detectors

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    In this study we report the results of a systematic study of the gain, rate and the position resolution limits of various micropattern gaseous detectors. It was found that at low rates (<1 Hz/mm^2) each detector has it own gain limit, which depends on the size and design features, as well as on gas composition and pressure. However, in all cases the maximum achievable gain is less than or equal to the classical Raether limit. It also was found that for all detectors tested the maximum achievable gain drops sharply with the counting rate. The position resolution of micropattern detectors for detection of X-rays (6 to 35 kV) was also studied, being demonstrated that with solid converters one could reach a position resolution better than 30 micrometers at 1 atm in a simple counting mode.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Presented at the PSD99-5th International Conference on Position-Sensitive Detectors, 13-17 th September 1999, University College, Londo

    A Novel UV Photon Detector with Resistive Electrodes

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    In this study we present first results from a new detector of UV photons: a thick gaseous electron multiplier (GEM) with resistive electrodes, combined with CsI or CsTe/CsI photocathodes. The hole type structure considerably suppresses the photon and ion feedback, whereas the resistive electrodes protect the detector and the readout electronics from damage by any eventual discharges. This device reaches higher gains than a previously developed photosensitive RPC and could be used not only for the imaging of UV sources, flames or Cherenkov light, for example, but also for the detection of X-rays and charged particles.Comment: Presented at the International Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers, Korea, October 200

    Novel Single Photon Detectors for UV Imaging

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    There are several applications which require high position resolution UV imaging. For these applications we have developed and successfully tested a new version of a 2D UV single photon imaging detector based on a microgap RPC. The main features of such a detectors is the high position resolution - 30 micron in digital form and the high quantum efficiency (1-8% in the spectral interval of 220-140 nm). Additionally, they are spark- protected and can operate without any feedback problems at high gains, close to a streamer mode. In attempts to extend the sensitivity of RPCs to longer wavelengths we have successfully tested the operation of the first sealed parallel-plate gaseous detectors with CsTe photocathodes. Finally, the comparison with other types of photosensitive detectors is given and possible fields of applications are identified.Comment: Presented at the 5th International Workshop on RICH detectors Playa del Carmen, Mexico, November 200

    High-resolution TOF with RPCs

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    In this work we describe some recent results concerning the application of Resistive Plate Chambers operated in avalanche mode at atmospheric pressure for high-resolution time-of-flight measurements. A combination of multiple, mechanically accurate, thin gas gaps and state-of-the-art electronics yielded an overall (detector plus electronics) timing accuracy better than 50 ps sigma with a detection efficiency up to 99% for MIPs. Single gap chambers were also tested in order to clarify experimentally several aspects of the mode of operation of these detectors. These results open perspectives of affordable and reliable high granularity large area TOF detectors, with an efficiency and time resolution comparable to the existing scintillator-based TOF technology but with a significantly, up to an order of magnitude, lower price per channel.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. (presented at the PSD99-5th International Conference on Position-Sensitive Detectors, 13-17 th September 1999, University College, London

    Advances in the Development of Micropattern Gaseous Detectors with Resistive Electrodes

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    We describe the most recent efforts made by various groups in implementing resistive electrodes in micropattern gaseous detectors with the aim to combine in the same design the best features of RPCs (for the example, their robustness and spark protection property) with the high granularity and thus the good position resolution offered by microelectronic technology. In the stream of this activity, we have recently developed two novel detectors with resistive electrodes: one was based on resistive micromeshes and the second one is a MSGC with resistive electrodes. We have demonstrated that the resistive meshes are a convenient construction element for various designs of spark protective detectors: RPCs type, GEM type and MICROMEGAS type. These new detectors enable to considerably enhance the RPC and micropattern detectors applications since they feature not only a high position resolution but also a relatively good energy resolution (25-30 persent FWHM at 6 keV) and, if necessary, they can operate in cascaded mode allowing the achievement of a high overall gas gain. The main conclusion from these studies is that the implementation of resistive electrodes in micropattern detectors makes them fully spark protected; on this basis we consider this direction very promising

    High-resolution TOF with RPCs

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    In this work, we describe some recent results concerning the application of Resistive Plate Chambers operated in avalanche mode at atmospheric pressure for high-resolution time-of-flight measurements. A combination of multiple, mechanically accurate, thin gas gaps and state-of-the-art electronics yielded an overall (detector plus electronics) timing accuracy better than 50 ps [sigma] with a detection efficiency up to 99% for MIPs. Single gap chambers were also tested in order to clarify experimentally several aspects of the mode of operation of these detectors. These results open perspectives of affordable and reliable high granularity large area TOF detectors, with an efficiency and time resolution comparable to the existing scintillator-based TOF technology but with a significantly, up to an order of magnitude, lower price per channel.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TJM-45F4WHB-7/1/95e90d633532cd93d712a5bfad6b902

    Demonstration of new possibilities of multilayer technology on resistive microstrip/ microdot detectors

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    The first successful attempts to optimize the electric field in Resistive Microstrip Gas Chamber and resistive microdot detectors using additional field shaping strips located inside the detector substrate are describedComment: Presented at the RD-51 mmini week, CERN, June 201

    The Development and Study of High-Position Resolution (50 micron) RPCs for Imaging X-rays and UV photons

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    Nowadays, commonly used Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) have counting rate capabilities of ~10E4Hz/cm2 and position resolutions of ~1cm. We have developed small prototypes of RPCs (5x5 and 10x10cm2) having rate capabilities of up to 10E7Hz/cm2 and position resolutions of 50 micron("on line" without application of any treatment method like "center of gravity"). The breakthrough in achieving extraordinary rate and position resolutions was only possible after solving several serious problems: RPC cleaning and assembling technology, aging, spurious pulses and afterpulses, discharges in the amplification gap and along the spacers. High-rate, high-position resolution RPCs can find a wide range of applications in many different fields, for example in medical imaging. RPCs with the cathodes coated by CsI photosensitive layer can detect ultraviolet photons with a position resolution that is better than ~30 micron. Such detectors can also be used in many applications, for example in the focal plane of high resolution vacuum spectrographs or as image scanners.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, other comment

    Rate and Gain Limitations of MSGC's and MGC's Combined with GEM and other Preamplification Structures

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    We have studied the rate and gain limits of diamond-coated Microstrip Gas Counters (MSGC's) and Micro-Gap Counters (MGC's) when combined with various preamplification structures: Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM), Parallel-Plate Avalanche Chamber (PPAC) or a MICROMEGAS-type structure. Measurements were done both with X rays and alpha particles with various detector geometries and in different gas mixtures at pressures from 0.05 to 10 atm. The results obtained varied significantly with detector design, gas mixture and pressure, but some general features can be identified. We found that in all cases, bare MSGC'S, MGC'S, PPAC's and MICROMEGAS, the maximum achievable gain drops with rate. The addition of preamplification structures significantly increases the gain of MSGC's and MGC'S, but this gain is still rate dependent. There would seem to be a general rate-dependent effect governing the usable gain of all these detectors. We speculate on possible mechanisms for this effect, and identify a safe, spark-free, operation zone for each system (detector + preamplification structure) in the rate-gain coordinate plane
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