3,433 research outputs found

    A Preliminary 1D-3D Analysis of the Darmstadt Research Engine under Motored Condition

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    In the present paper, 1D and 3D CFD models of the Darmstadt research engine undergo a preliminary validation against the available experimental dataset at motored condition. The Darmstadt engine is a single-cylinder optical research unit and the chosen operating point is characterized by a revving speed equal to 800 rpm with intake temperature and pressure of 24 \ub0C and 0.95 bar, respectively. Experimental data are available from the TU Darmstadt engine research group. Several aspects of the engine are analyzed, such as crevice modeling, blow-by, heat transfer and compression ratio, with the aim to minimize numerical uncertainties. On the one hand, a GT-Power model of the engine is used to investigate the impact of blow-by and crevices modeling during compression and expansion strokes. Moreover, it provides boundary conditions for the following 3D CFD simulations. On the other hand, the latter, carried out in a RANS framework with both highand low-Reynolds wall treatments, allow a deeper investigation of the boundary layer phenomena and, thus, of the gas-to-wall heat transfer. A detailed modeling of the crevice, along with an ad hoc tuning of both blow-by and heat fluxes lead to a remarkable improvement of the results. However, in order to adequately match the experimental mean in-cylinder pressure, a slight modification of the compression ratio from the nominal value is accounted for, based on the uncertainty which usually characterizes such geometrical parameter. The present preliminary study aims at providing reliable numerical setups for 1D and 3D models to be adopted in future detailed investigations on the Darmstadt research engine

    Coat colours in the Massese sheep breed are associated with mutations in the agouti signalling protein (ASIP) and melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) genes

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    Massese is an Italian dairy sheep breed characterized by animals with black skin and horns and black or apparent grey hairs. Owing to the presence of these two coat colour types, this breed can be considered an interesting model to evaluate the effects of coat colour gene polymorphisms on this phenotypic trait. Two main loci have been already shown to affect coat colour in sheep: Agouti and Extension coding for the agouti signalling protein (ASIP) and melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) genes, respectively. The Agouti locus is affected by a large duplication including the ASIP gene that may determine the Agouti white and tan allele (AWt). Other disrupting or partially inactivating mutations have been identified in exon 2 (a deletion of 5 bp, D5; and a deletion of 9 bp, D9) and in exon 4 (g.5172T.A, p.C126S) of the ASIP gene. Three missense mutations in the sheep MC1R gene cause the dominant black ED allele (p.M73K and p.D121N) and the putative recessive e allele (p.R67C). Here, we analysed these ASIP and MC1R mutations in 161 Massese sheep collected from four flocks. The presence of one duplicated copy allele including the ASIP gene was associated with grey coat colour (P59.4E-30). Almost all animals with a duplicated copy allele (37 out of 41) showed uniform apparent grey hair and almost all animals without a duplicated allele (117 out of 120) were completely black. Different forms of duplicated alleles were identified in Massese sheep including, in almost all cases, copies with exon 2 disrupting or partially inactivating mutations making these alleles different from the AWt allele. A few exceptions were observed in the association between ASIP polymorphisms and coat colour: three grey sheep did not carry any duplicated copy allele and four black animals carried a duplicated copy allele. Of the latter four sheep, two carried the ED allele of the MC1R gene that may be the cause of their black coat colour. The coat colour of all other black animals may be determined by non-functional ASIP alleles (non-agouti alleles, Aa) and in a few cases by the ED Extension allele. At least three frequent ASIP haplotypes ([D5:g.5172T], [N:g.5172A] and [D5:g.5172A]) were detected (organized into six different diplotypes). In conclusion, the results indicated that coat colours in the Massese sheep breed are mainly derived by combining ASIP and MC1R mutations

    An integrated 2D/3D numerical methodology to predict the thermal field of electric motors

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    The present work aims at providing a predictive numerical methodology for the thermal characterization of electric motors. The methodology relies on a 2D -FE simulation for the estimation of the electromagnetic (iron and joule) losses. The latter are then exploited in a 3D-CFD Conjugate Heat Transfer analysis for the evaluation of the thermal field. The CFD model includes both the solid components and the fluid domains. The main novelty of the paper is represented by the copper coil modelling. In fact, copper, air, epoxy resin and enamel are synthetized in a single homogeneous body able to reproduce the thermal behaviour without including the single components, to reduce the computational cost. The methodology is validated against experimental data on a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor. As for the experimental data (available at three different operating conditions), temperature distributions are measured by thermocouples at the test bench for the validation of the 3D-CFD CHT model. In addition, experimental estimations of the losses are available for the validation of the 2D electromagnetic simulations. The numerical results in terms of motor performance, electromagnetic losses and thermal field are discussed and are proved to be close to the experimental counterparts, for all the investigated conditions

    Evaluation of the single jet flow rate for a multi-hole GDI nozzle

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    Fuel injectors featuring differentiated hole-to-hole dimensions improve the fuel distribution in the cylinder ensuring a more efficient and cleaner combustion for GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection) engines. A proper diagnostic system able to detect the actual fuel flow rate exiting each hole of a GDI nozzle is requested in order to optimize the matching between the spray and the combustion chamber. Measuring the spray impact force of a single plume allows the detection of the momentum flux exiting the single hole and, under appropriate hypotheses, the evaluation of the corresponding mass flow rate time-profile. In this paper two methodologies for the hole-specific flow rate evaluation, both based on the spray momentum technique, were applied to two different GDI nozzles, one featuring equal hole dimensions and one with two larger holes. Three different energizing times at 100 bar of fuel pressure were tested in order to cover a wide range of operating conditions. The results were validated in terms of injected mass by means of a proper device able to collect and weigh the fuel injected by each single nozzle hole, and in terms of mass flow rate using a Zeuch-method flow meter as reference. Both the proposed methodologies showed an excellent accuracy in the fuel amount detection with percentage error lower than 5% for standard energizing times and lower than 10% for very short injections working in ballistic conditions. The mass flow rate time-profile proved a good accuracy in the detection of the start and end of injection and the static flow rate level

    Investigation of ABO Gene Variants across More Than 60 Pig Breeds and Populations and Other Suidae Species Using Whole-Genome Sequencing Datasets

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    Polymorphisms in the human ABO gene determine the major blood classification system based on the three well-known forms: A; B; and O. In pigs that carry only two main alleles in this gene (A and O), we still need to obtain a more comprehensive distribution of variants, which could also impact its function. In this study, we mined more than 500 whole-genome sequencing datasets to obtain information on the ABO gene in different Suidae species, pig breeds, and populations and provide (i) a comprehensive distribution of the A and O alleles, (ii) evolutionary relationships of ABO gene sequences across Suidae species, and (iii) an exploratory evaluation of the effect of the different ABO gene variants on production traits and blood-related parameters in Italian Large White pigs. We confirmed that allele O is likely under balancing selection, present in all Sus species investigated, without being fixed in any of them. We reported a novel structural variant in perfect linkage disequilibrium with allele O that made it possible to estimate the evolutionary time window of occurrence of this functional allele. We also identified two single nucleotide polymorphisms that were suggestively associated with plasma magnesium levels in pigs. Other studies can also be constructed over our results to further evaluate the effect of this gene on economically relevant traits and basic biological functions

    Employment of an auto-regressive model for knock detection supported by 1D and 3D analyses

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    In this work, experimental data, carried out on a twin-cylinder turbocharged engine at full load operations and referred to a spark advance of borderline knock, are used to characterize the effects of cyclic dispersion on knock phenomena. 200 consecutive incylinder pressure signals are processed through a refined Auto-Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) mathematical technique, adopted to define the percentage of knocking cycles, through a prefixed threshold level. The heuristic method used for the threshold selection is then verified by 1D and 3D analyses. In particular, a 1D model, properly accounting for cycle-by-cycle variations, and coupled to a reduced kinetic sub-model, is used to reproduce the measured cycles, in terms of statistical distribution of a theoretical knock index. In addition, few individual cycles, representative of the whole dataset, are selected in a single operating condition in order to perform a more detailed knock analysis by means of a 3D CFD approach, coupled to a tabulated chemistry technique for auto-ignition modeling. Outcomes of 1D and 3D models are compared to the ARMA results and a substantial coherence of the numerical and experimental results is demonstrated. The integrated 1D and 3D analyses can hence help in supporting the choice of the experimental threshold level for knock identification, following a more standardized theoretical approach

    Analysis of the melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) gene in Sicilian goat breeds

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    AbstractMammalian coat colour is mainly determined by the distribution of two different types of melanins: pheomelanin (red/yellow pigments) and eumelanin (black pigments). Their synthesis is regulated by the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R/Extension locus) that binds the α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) and the agouti signalling protein (ASIP, coded by the Agouti locus). In mammals, several studies have reported that loss-of-function mutations in MC1R lead to red/yellow pigmentation, while gain-of-function mutations lead to black/dark colours. Mutations at the Agouti locus exert, in general, epistatic interactions on the Extension locus. In goats, classical genetic studies have indicated that variations at the Agouti locus may be the main source of colour variability within and between breeds, while the effect of the Extension locus on this phenotypic trait has been only partially deduced. In order to better understand the role of the Extension locus on coat colour in this species, here we analysed..

    A melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene polymorphism is useful for authentication of Massese sheep dairy products

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    Massese is an Italian sheep breed, with black or grey coat colour, mainly reared in the Tuscany and Emilia Romagna regions. Recently, the emerging interests in this breed have resulted in the production of Pecorino cheese obtained with only Massese milk. In order to be profitable, this marketing link between Massese breed and its products should be defended against fraudsters who could include milk of other sheep breeds or cow milk in Massese labelled productions. To identify the genetic factors affecting coat colour in sheep, we have recently analysed the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene and identified several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In this work, as a first step to set up a DNA based protocol for authentication of Massese dairy products, we further investigated the presence and distribution of one of these SNPs (c.-31G>A) in 143 Massese sheep and in another 13 sheep breeds (for a total of 351 animals). The Massese breed was fixed for allele c.-31A, whereas in all other breeds allele c.-31 G was the most frequent or with frequency of 0\ub750. At the same nucleotide position the cattle MC1R gene carries the G nucleotide. Using these data we developed a method to detect adulterating milk (from other sheep breeds or from cow) in Massese dairy products based on the analysis of the c.-31G>A SNP. We first tested the sensitivity of the protocol and then applied it to analyse DNA extracted from ricotta and Pecorino cheese obtained with only Massese milk or obtained with unrestricted sheep and cattle milk. To our knowledge, this system represents the first one that can be used for breed authentication of a sheep production and that, at the same time, can reveal frauds derived from the admixture of milk of an unreported species

    An integrated 0D/1D/3D numerical framework to predict performance, emissions, knock and heat transfer in ICEs fueled with NH3–H2 mixtures: The conversion of a marine Diesel engine as case study

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    In the maritime transportation, e-fuels represent a valid alternative to fossil energy sour- ces, in order to accomplish the European Union goals in terms of climate neutrality. Among the e-fuels, the ammonia-hydrogen mixtures can play a leading role, as the combination of the two allows to exploit the advantages of each one, simultaneously compensating their gaps. The main goal of the present publication is the proposal of a robust numerical frame- work based on 0D, 1D and 3D tools for CFD analyses of internal combustion engines fueled with ammonia-hydrogen mixtures. The 1D engine model provides boundary conditions for the multi-dimensional in- vestigations and estimates the overall engine performance. 3D in-cylinder detailed ana- lyses are proficiently used to predict combustion efficiency (via the well-established G-equation model supported by laminar flame speed correlations for both ammonia and hydrogen) and emissions (with a detailed chemistry based approach). Heat transfer and knock tendency are evaluated as well, by in-house developed models. As for the 0D/1D chemical kinetics calculations, firstly they support 3D analyses (for example via the gen- eration of ignition delay time tables). Moreover, they allow insights on aspects such as NOx formation, to individuate mixture qualities able to strongly reduce the emissions

    Whole genome semiconductor based sequencing of farmed European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Mediterranean genetic stocks using a DNA pooling approach

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    European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is an important marine species for commercial and sport fisheries and aquaculture production. Recently, the European sea bass genome has been sequenced and assembled. This resource can open new opportunities to evaluate and monitor variability and identify variants that could contribute to the adaptation to farming conditions. In this work, two DNA pools constructed from cultivated European sea bass were sequenced using a next generation semiconductor sequencing approach based on Ion Proton sequencer. Using the first draft version of the D. labrax genome as reference, sequenced reads obtained a total of about 1.6 million of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), spread all over the chromosomes. Transition/transversion (Ti/Tv) was equal to 1.28, comparable to what was already reported in Salmon species. A pilot homozygosity analysis across the D. labrax genome using DNA pool sequence datasets indicated that this approach can identify chromosome regions with putative signatures of selection, including genes involved in ion transport and chloride channel functions, amino acid metabolism and circadian clock and related neurological systems. This is the first study that reported genome wide polymorphisms in a fish species obtained with the Ion Proton sequencer. Moreover, this study provided a methodological approach for selective sweep analysis in this species
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