11 research outputs found

    Management And Analysis Of Data From Hydroelectric Plants

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    This paper presents a computer aided system that aims to improve the quality of data for hydroelectric plants. This system consists of two modules. The first is a relational database that organizes, standardizes and manages data from hydroelectric plants. The second module allows a user to build, store and manage advanced queries on this or certain other databases. The data manager and the queries builder were tested with data from Brazilian hydroelectric plants and the results show the potential for a significant improvement in terms of efficiency for the operation planning of electrical power systems. Planning has strong dependence on the quality of the data used in mathematical models and other built-in computational tools. The software project and the computational implementation of these modules use the Object-Oriented Paradigm, the C++ Programming Language and the Structured Query Language (SQL). This assures a modern and efficient structure for the system. 漏2009 IEEE.Soares, S., Carneiro, A.A.F.M., Optimal Operation of Reservoirs for Electric Generation (1991) IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 6 (3). , JulyLopes, J.E.G., Hydropower Systems Optimization (2001), M.Sc. dissertation. FEC/USPLopes, J.E.G., Model for Operation Planning of Hydrothermal Systems for Electrical Energy Production (2007), Ph.D. dissertation. FEEC/UNICAMPArce, A., Ohishi, T., Soares, S., Optimal Dispatch of Generating Units of the Itaip煤 Hydroelectric Plant (2002) IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 17 (1). , FebruaryKo, S.-K., Fontane, D., Labadie, J., Multiobjective Optimization of Reservoir Systems Operation (1992) Water Resources Bulletin, 28 (1)Horstmann, C.S., (1997) Practical Object-Oriented Development in C++ and Java, , John Wiley e SonsCicogna, M.A., Model for Energetic Operation Planning of Hydrothermal Systems using Object Oriented Programming (1999), M.Sc. dissertation. FEEC/UNICAMPHollingworth, J., (2001) C++ Builder 5 Developer's Guide, , Sams PublishingJosuttis, N.M., (1999) The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference, , Addison WesleyBowman, J.S., Emerson, S.L., Darnovsky, M., (1996) The Practical SQL Handbook - Using Structured Query Language, , Third Edition. Addison WesleyElmasri and Navathe. Fundamentals of Database Systems. Third Edition. Addison Wesley, 2000Cicogna, M.A., Support decision system to short and long term planning of hydroelectric power system (2003), Ph.D. dissertation. FEEC/UNICAMPHidalgo, I.G., Search System for Data Analysis from Hydroelectric Plants (2004), M.Sc. dissertation. FEEC/UNICAM

    Computer Aided System For Managing, Controlling And Analyzing Data From Hydroelectric Plants

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    This paper presents a computer aided system for managing, controlling and analyzing data from hydroelectric plants. The proposed system consists of three modules. The first is a relational database that organizes, standardizes and manages data from hydroelectric plants. The second module allows a user to build, store and manage advanced queries on this or certain other databases. The third is a simulator of the hydroelectric plants operation which can be used for planning the future operation or reproducing the past operation. The computational implementation of these modules uses the Object-Oriented Paradigm, the C++ Programming Language and the Structured Query Language (SQL). The data manager, the queries builder and the simulator were tested with data from Brazilian hydroelectric plants and the results show the potential of this system for the analysis and consistency evaluation of data from hydroelectric plants. 漏 2009 ASCE.34247494757Arce, A., Ohishi, T. and Soares, S. (2002). Optimal dispatch of generating units of the Itaipu hydroelectric plant. J. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 17(1)Barros, M.T.L., Tsai, F.T.-C., Yang, S.-L., Lopes, J.E.G., Yeh, W.W.-G., Optimization of large-scale hydropower system operations (2003) J. of Water Resources Planning and Management, 129 (3), pp. 178-188Bowman, J.S., Emerson, S.L., Darnovsky, M., The practical SQL handbook - Using Structured Query Language (1996) Addison Wesley Professional, , MA, EUACicogna, M.A., Model for energetic operation planning of hydrothermal systems using object oriented programming (1999), MS thesis, State University of Campinas, SP, BrazilCicogna, M.A., Support decision system to short and long term planning of hydroelectric power system (2003), Ph.D thesis, State University of Campinas, SP, BrazilCicogna, M. A., Fontane D. G., Hidalgo, I. G and Lopes, J. E. G. (2009). Multiple Reservoir Simulation Using Multi-Criterion Restrictions and Object-Oriented Software Design. Accepted for the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (ASCE-2009), Kansas City, Missouri, USAHidalgo, I.G., Search system for data analysis from hydroelectric plants (2004), MS thesis, State University of Campinas, SP, BrazilElmasri, R., Navathe, S., Fundamentals of database systems (2000) Addison Wesley Professional, , MA, EUAHorstmann, C.S., Practical object-oriented development in C++ and Java (1997) John Wiley & Sons, Inc, , NY, EUAHollingworth, J., Butterfield, D., Swart, B., Allsop, J., C++ Builder 5 developer's guide (2001) Sams Publishing, , EUAJosuttis, N.M., The C++ standard library - A tutorial and reference (1999) Addison Wesley Professional, , MA, EUALind, D.A., Marchal, W.G., Wathen, S.A., Statistical techniques in business and economic (2006) McGraw-Hill College, , MA, EUAPereira, M.V.F., Pinto, L.M.V.G., Stochastic optimization of a multireservoir hydroelectric system: A decomposition approach (1985) J. Water Resources Research, 21 (6), pp. 779-792Vinhal, C.D.N., Decision support system for energetic operation planning of electrical systems (1998), PhD thesis, State University of Campinas, SP, Brazi

    A Simulator Of The Hydroelectric Plants Operation As Tool For Analyzing Data

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    This paper presents the use of a simulator of the hydroelectric plants operation as tool for analyzing data. Two approaches are shown. In the first the simulator must reproduce the water discharge trajectory recorded by the plant. In the second the simulator's aim is reproduce the generation trajectory of a certain operation period. The two methods for analyzing data are described and the advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed. The data analysis via simulation has been applied to Brazilian hydroelectric plants which are under the coordination of the Brazilian Electric System National Operator. The results show the potential of this tool for the consistency evaluation of the data used in the hydroelectric operation planning. 漏 2008 IEEE.21418Lind, D.A., Marchal, W.G., Wathen, S.A., Statistical techniques in business and economic (2006) McGraw-Hill College, , MA, EUAHidalgo, I.G., Search system for data analysis from hydroelectric plants (2004), MS thesis, State University of Campinas, SP, BrazilHidalgo, I. G., Soares S., Fontane, D. G., Cicogna, M. A. (2009). Management and analysis of data from hydroelectric plants. Accepted for IEEE PES Power Systems Conference & Exhibition (PSCE)Vinhal, C.D.N., Decision support system for energetic operation planning of electrical systems (1998), PhD thesis, State University of Campinas, SP, BrazilArce, A., Ohishi, T., and Soares, S. (2002). Optimal dispatch of generating units of the Itaipu hydroelectric plant. J. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 17(1)Cicogna, M.A., Model for energetic operation planning of hydrothermal systems using object oriented programming (1999), MS thesis, State University of Campinas, SP, BrazilCicogna, M.A., Support decision system to short and long term planning of hydroelectric power system (2003), Ph.D thesis, State University of Campinas, SP, Brazi

    The HyperCASL algorithm

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    This paper outlines a major new extension to the diabatic Contour-Advective Semi-Lagrangian (CASL) algorithm [5; 8]. The extension, called the 'HyperCASL' (HCASL) algorithm, advects material potential vorticity contours like in CASL, but treats diabatic forcing or damping with a Vortex-In-Cell (VIC) algorithm. As a result, HCASL is fully Lagrangian regarding advection. A conventional underlying grid is used as in CASL for 'inversion', namely for obtaining the advecting velocity from the potential vorticity.</p

    Final report on handbooks for operating computerized models for a nomal operation of a reservoir system.

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    208 p谩ginasBib. p. 94-99 Este documento incluye parte del material t茅cnico del Informe Final sobre los estudios de operaci贸n y seguridad del sistema de embalses de Valdesia, Rep. Dominicana, ejecutados por el IICA, el Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidra煤licos (INDRHI) de R. Dominicana y la Universidad del Estado de Colorado (CSU) de los E.U.A. El documento contiene los manuales de operaci贸n de los modelos computadorizados para la operaci贸n normal de sistemas de embalses. Espec铆ficamente hace referencia al programa de simulaci贸n MODSIN y al de optimizaci贸n CSUDP, desarrollados en la CSU. Incluye adem谩s ejemplos pr谩cticos de su uso con sus respectivos archivos de entrada y resultados

    Normal operation of the Valdesia Reservoir System. Final report.

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    658 p谩ginasEn este documento se incluye parte del material t茅cnico del Informe Final sobre los estudios de operaci贸n y seguridad del sistema de embalses de Valdesia (Rep. Dominicana), realizados conjuntamente por el IICA, el Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidra煤licos (INDRHI) de Rep煤blica Dominicana y Colorado State University (CSU) de los E.U.A. El documento hace referencia al estudio sobre la operaci贸n normal del sistema de embalses. El contenido anal铆tico e informativo es presentado bajo los siguientes encabezamientos principales: 1) modelos computadorizados en apoyo a las decisiones operacionales; 2) organizaci贸n de los datos y procesamiento; 3) calibraci贸n del modelo seg煤n los datos hist贸ricos; 4) desarrollo de las curvas gu铆a para el almacenamiento 贸ptimo mensual; 5) operaci贸n normal 贸ptima semanal; y 6) conclusiones y recomendaciones

    Estudios sobre la operaci贸n y seguridad del Sistema de Embalses de Valdesia Second Technical Report. Volume II. Normal Operation

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    Posee tablas ap茅ndices. References: p谩gina 182.El estudio sobre la gesti贸n operativa del sistema Valdesia reportado en una serie de vol煤menes, incluido este, involucr贸 varias 谩reas interrelacionadas. El sistema del Embalse de Valdesia es un sistema polivalente y multiobjetivo que libera agua para riego e hidroel茅ctrica y posiblemente, en el futuro, para suministro de agua. La integraci贸n 贸ptima de muchas facetas de un sistema de este tipo y el an谩lisis detallado de las compensaciones entre los objetivos en conflicto, requiere la ayuda de herramientas anal铆ticas para proporcionar informaci贸n en la que basar las decisiones de gesti贸n.The study on the operational management of the Valdesia system reported in a series of volumes including this one, involved several interrelated areas. The Valdesia Reservoir system is a multipurpose and multiobjecive system that releases water for irrigation and hydropowr and possibly, in the future, for water supply. Optimal integration of many facets od such a system and detailed analysis of trade-offs between confliting objectives, requires the assistance of analytical tools to provide information on which to base management decisions


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