879 research outputs found

    Biohybrid Cloaked Nanovaccines For Cancer Immunotherapy

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    Fontana F., 2019. Biohybrid Cloaked Nanovaccines for Immunotherapy Dissertationes Scholae Doctoralis Ad Sanitatem Investigandam Universitatis Helsinkiensis, 47/2019, pp.78 ISBN 987-951-51-5286-2 (Paperback), ISBN 978-951-51-5287-9 (PDF, http://ethesis.helsinki.fi), ISSN 2342-3161 Immunotherapy is revolutionizing cancer treatment achieving durable and long-term responses in patients. However, only subsets of patients treated experience a positive outcome, due to immunotherapeutic resistance. Combinations of immunotherapeutics can overcome the drug resistance; the administration of a cancer vaccine or an oncolytic virus followed by immune checkpoint inhibitors is under investigation. Thereby, there is an unmet need for powerful, yet safe vaccines. Nanoparticles, in particular porous silicon nanoparticles, present ideal characteristics to formulate nanovaccines, thanks to their size-specific targeting to the lymphoid organs, to their intrinsic adjuvant effect, and to the possibility to simultaneously load adjuvants and antigens. Moreover, biohybrid cell membrane technology has been proposed as an innovative antigenic source. Thus, the aims of the current thesis were to develop a biohybrid multistage nanovaccine formulation and to evaluate its anticancer efficacy in murine tumor models. Firstly, the parameters affecting the formulation of the biohybrid nanosystems were assessed, along with the elucidation of the influence of the cell membrane coating on the colloidal stability in physiological conditions and on the biocompatibility in different cell types. Secondly, the effect of the cell membrane-wrapping on the cellular uptake was evaluated in the presence of inhibitors of selective uptake pathways, to assess the differences between naked and coated nanoparticles. Then, a multistage nanovaccine was engineered by glass capillary microfluidics, followed by the cloaking with the cell membrane. The immunological profile of the nanovaccine was investigated in vitro, assessing the expression of co-stimulatory signals and the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. The efficacy of the biohybrid nanovaccine as a monotherapy and in combination with an immune checkpoint inhibitor was then evaluated in melanoma murine models. Finally, the adjuvant core was changed from synthetic nanoparticles to oncolytic adenoviruses to investigate the translatability of the technique, the influence of the cell membrane-coating on the viral infectivity, and the preventive and therapeutic efficacy of the vaccine in different tumor models. Overall, porous silicon and adenovirus-based biohybrid nanovaccines were developed, providing new insights on the structure and efficacy of these systems as therapeutic cancer nanovaccines.Immunoterapia on mullistamassa syöpähoitoja, koska se mahdollistaa pitkäaikaisen hoitovasteen potilaassa. Kuitenkin vain pienellä joukolla potilaista hoito onnistuu, mikä johtuu immunoterapeuttisesta resistenssistä. Resistenssi voi johtua kasvaimen immuunisolujen puutteesta tai potilaan liian heikosti toimivasta immuunijärjestelmästä; jolloin hoitovastetta ei synny. Immuuniterapeuttisen resistenssin vaikutus voidaan kumota yhdistämällä erilaisia immuunihoitoja – tällä hetkellä tutkitaan yhdistelmää, jossa annostellaan joko syöpärokote tai onkolyyttinen virus ennen tarkistuspisteen estäjää. Tehokkaille ja turvallisille yhdistelmä-syöpärokotteille on perusteltu ja kasvava tarve. Nanohiukkasilla, erityisesti huokoisilla pii-nanohiukkasilla, on ihanteellisia ominaisuuksia nanorokotteiden formuloimiseksi. Kokonsa puolesta ne kohdentuvat imusolmukkeisiin. Lisäksi ne toimivat itsessään rokotteen vaikutusta tehostavina apuaineina ja niihin voi ladata samanaikaisesti muita tehoa lisääviä materiaaleja ja antigeenejä. Uudenlaisena antigeenien lähteinä on ehdotettu biohybridisolukalvoja. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli kehittää moniosainen biohybridi-nanorokotevalmiste ja arvioida rokotteen tehoa syöpää vastaan hiirien syöpäkasvainmalleissa. Ensin arvioitiin biohybridi-nanorokotteiden formulointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja solukalvosta valmistetun päällysteen vaikutusta kolloidiseen stabiilisuuteen sekä fysiologisissa olosuhteissa että biologiseen yhteensopivuuteen eri solutyypeissä. Seuraavassa vaiheessa verrattiin päällystettyjen ja päällystämättömien nanohiukkasten eroja tutkimalla solukalvopäällysteen vaikutusta endosytoosiin kun selektiivinen soluunottomekanismi on estetty. Tämän jälkeen valmistettiin mikrofluidiikkaan perustuvalla lasikapillaarimikrokanava -menetelmällä moniosainen nanorokote, jota seurasi rokotepartikkelien kapseloiminen solukalvolla. Nanorokotteen immunologista profiilia tutkittiin in vitro-kokeissa, joissa selvitettiin kostimuloivien signaalien ilmentymistä ja proinflammatoristen sytokiinien erittymistä. Biohybridi-nanorokotteen tehoa arvioitiin sekä monoterapiana että yhdistelmäterapiana immuunitarkastuspisteiden estäjien kanssa melanoomakasvainmallilla hiirissä. Lopuksi tutkittiin tekniikan soveltuvuutta ja solukalvosta valmistetun päällysteen vaikutusta virusten infektiotehokkuuteen vaihtamalla apuaineydin synteettisistä nanopartikkeleista onkolyyttisiin adenoviruksiin. Näiden lisäksi rokotteen ehkäisevää ja terapeuttista tehoa tutkittiin eri kasvainmalleilla. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin uusia huokoiseen piihin ja adenoviruksiin perustuvia nanorokotteita, sekä saatiin uutta tietoa näiden rakenteesta ja toimivuudesta syöpärokotteina

    Bio-Nanomedicine for Cancer Therapy Preface

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    Front Cover: Acetalated dextran based nano- and microparticles: synthesis, fabrication, and therapeutic applications

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    Acetalated dextran (Ac-DEX) is a pH-responsive dextran derivative polymer. Ac-DEX and its functional derivatives have been formulated as nano- or microparticles for drug delivery applications in the biomedical field.Peer reviewe

    Nuts and Bolts : Microfluidics for the Production of Biomaterials

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    Nanotechnology holds the promise of bringing revolutionary therapeutic strategies into the clinic. However, an enormous fraction of the currently proposed nanotechnology-based therapies suffers from lack of reproducibility, complexity, high costs, and scale-up-related issues. For these reasons, the research community is moving toward the miniaturization of biomaterials and fabrication methods. Customizable microfluidic-based products have gained tremendous relevance in the development of biomedical technologies. This review provides an overview of different materials that can be used for the fabrication of microfluidic devices, as well as the other parameters influencing the production of biomaterials and biosensors. Moreover, several advanced microfluidic-based technologies that are designed to overcome the current challenges of cancer, immunotherapy, and diabetes therapy, among others are described. Then, the pros and cons of microfluidics as alternative to conventional preparation methods, and the challenges of translating this technique to an industrial context are highlighted. Overall, microfluidic technologies and their accessibility to the research community offer a set of exciting opportunities to bridge the development of innovative therapies and their commercialization in the foreseeable future.Peer reviewe

    Microfluidics for Production of Particles : Mechanism, Methodology, and Applications

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    In the past two decades, microfluidics-based particle production is widely applied for multiple biological usages. Compared to conventional bulk methods, microfluidic-assisted particle production shows significant advantages, such as narrower particle size distribution, higher reproducibility, improved encapsulation efficiency, and enhanced scaling-up potency. Herein, an overview of the recent progress of the microfluidics technology for nano-, microparticles or droplet fabrication, and their biological applications is provided. For both nano-, microparticles/droplets, the previously established mechanisms behind particle production via microfluidics and some typical examples during the past five years are discussed. The emerging interdisciplinary technologies based on microfluidics that have produced microparticles or droplets for cellular analysis and artificial cells fabrication are summarized. The potential drawbacks and future perspectives are also briefly discussed.Peer reviewe

    Nanoparticles-based phototherapy systems for cancer treatment : Current status and clinical potential

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    Remarkable progress in phototherapy has been made in recent decades, due to its non-invasiveness and instant therapeutic efficacy. In addition, with the rapid development of nanoscience and nanotechnology, phototherapy systems based on nanoparticles or nanocomposites also evolved as an emerging hotspot in nanomedicine research, especially in cancer. In this review, first we briefly introduce the history of phototherapy, and the mechanisms of phototherapy in cancer treatment. Then, we summarize the representative development over the past three to five years in nanoparticle-based phototherapy and highlight the design of the innovative nanoparticles thereof. Finally, we discuss the feasibility and the potential of the nanoparticle-based phototherapy systems in clinical anticancer therapeutic applications, aiming to predict future research directions in this field. Our review is a tutorial work, aiming at providing useful insights to researchers in the field of nanotechnology, nanoscience and cancer.Peer reviewe

    Tailoring Porous Silicon for Biomedical Applications : From Drug Delivery to Cancer Immunotherapy

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    In the past two decades, porous silicon (PSi) has attracted increasing attention for its potential biomedical applications. With its controllable geometry, tunable nanoporous structure, large pore volume/high specific surface area, and versatile surface chemistry, PSi shows significant advantages over conventional drug carriers. Here, an overview of recent progress in the use of PSi in drug delivery and cancer immunotherapy is presented. First, an overview of the fabrication of PSi with various geometric structures is provided, with particular focus on how the unique geometry of PSi facilitates its biomedical applications, especially for drug delivery. Second, surface chemistry and modification of PSi are discussed in relation to the strengthening of its performance in drug delivery and bioimaging. Emerging technologies for engineering PSi-based composites are then summarized. Emerging PSi advances in the context of cancer immunotherapy are also highlighted. Overall, very promising research results encourage further exploration of PSi for biomedical applications, particularly in drug delivery and cancer immunotherapy, and future translation of PSi into clinical applications.Peer reviewe

    High Intake of Maternal Milk Prevents the Development of Mammary Cancer in Pups Maintaining Elevated Ingestion of Saturated Fat

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    Environmental factors in early life have a strong implication on the development of diseases in adult life. Nutritional changes during perinatal life can modify the susceptibility to develop breast carcinoma. In this report, we studied the influence of a diet high in saturated fat in the development of breast cancer, in rats that maintained a differential milk intake during their lactation period. We also analysed the possible mechanisms involved in tumor development. We compared mammary carcinogenesis in Sprague-Dawley adult rats, grown-up in litters of 3 (L3) or 8 (L8) pups per mother during lactation to induce a differential consumption of maternal milk. After weaning all pups were fed with a diet high in saturated fat “HF” (40% of energy from lipids) until adulthood. At 55 days of age, the animals were treated with a single dose of dimethylbenzanthracene to study tumor latency, incidence and progression. Histological and immunohistochemical studies were performed. We observed that animals that maintained high milk intake (L3) had lower mammary cancer incidence than animals that maintained lower milk consumption (L8; P <0.05) when exposed to a HF diet. Tumor latency and rate of tumor growth did not show variations between the groups. However, the mitotic index (P< 0.05) and the expression of CD1 were significantly lower, in tumors of L3 respect to L8 (P <0.01). Animals with greater consumption of breast milk develop tumors that proliferate less and tend to have a more pronounced apoptotic process, although when maintaining a high consumption of saturated fat. These results may explain, in part, the lower incidence observed in this group of animals. Our work reflects the importance of lactation during postnatal life in the prevention of breast cancer, despite other nutritional factors that may act as promoters of tumor development throughout life, such as the consumption of saturated fat.Fil: Santiano, Flavia Eliana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Sasso, Corina Verónica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Zyla, Leila Ester. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Bruna, Flavia Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Campo Verde Arbocco, Fiorella. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Pistone Creydt, Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: López Fontana, Constanza Matilde. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Caron, Ruben Walter. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; Argentin