989 research outputs found

    Engaging Assignments Increase Performance

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    It is well known that students who complete homework assignments and other outside of class activities related to the course lead to improve student outcomes. However, engaging a student and motivating them to complete their assignments is no easy feat. To address this, we developed new assignments for two sections of the Fall 2018 course CS135.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1054/thumbnail.jp

    Improving OCR Post Processing with Machine Learning Tools

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    Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Post Processing involves data cleaning steps for documents that were digitized, such as a book or a newspaper article. One step in this process is the identification and correction of spelling and grammar errors generated due to the flaws in the OCR system. This work is a report on our efforts to enhance the post processing for large repositories of documents. The main contributions of this work are: • Development of tools and methodologies to build both OCR and ground truth text correspondence for training and testing of proposed techniques in our experiments. In particular, we will explain the alignment problem and tackle it with our de novo algorithm that has shown a high success rate. • Exploration of the Google Web 1T corpus to correct errors using context. We show that over half of the errors in the OCR text can be detected and corrected. • Applications of machine learning tools to generalize the past ad hoc approaches to OCR error corrections. As an example, we investigate the use of logistic regression to select the correct replacement for misspellings in the OCR text. • Use of container technology to address the state of reproducible research in OCR and Computer Science as a whole. Many of the past experiments in the field of OCR are not considered reproducible research questioning whether the original results were outliers or finessed

    A inovação social como um meio de combate à pobreza : o exemplo do projeto Celestino

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    Mestrado Bolonha em Desenvolvimento e Cooperação InternacionalNos últimos 15 anos, acontecimentos como a crise financeira de 2008, a pandemia da COVID-19 e a crise ambiental e climática minaram o progresso na luta contra a pobreza e a desigualdade. Enfrentar o rápido aumento da pobreza global é hoje um dos desafios mais urgentes, especialmente face às novas turbulências que se vivem no panorama internacional, como a guerra na Ucrânia. Ideias inovadoras e soluções transformadoras para combater a pobreza têm surgido nas últimas décadas, envolvendo não só os governos, mas também a sociedade civil. Este trabalho centra-se numa dessas novas abordagens, a inovação social, enquadrando e explorando este conceito, e utilizando o projeto Celestino como um exemplo concreto. O projeto visa combater a exclusão social e promover a reabilitação psicossocial de vinte pessoas em situação de sem-abrigo no concelho de Lisboa, recorrendo a técnicas de arteterapia e escrita criativa de poesia, em colaboração com a comunidade local. O projeto Celestino é financiado pelo programa “Solidarity Projects”, da Comissão Europeia, e é uma parceria entre a Associação Poesia Pr'a Todos e a Orientar - Associação de Intervenção para a Mudança. Esta dissertação está dividida em duas partes. A primeira, fornece um enquadramento teórico sobre a pobreza, apresentando os números e as estatísticas globais deste fenómeno. Ainda nesta secção são apresentadas três abordagens alternativas para o combate da pobreza: o Rendimento Básico Incondicional, o microfinanciamento e a inovação social. Finalmente, destaca-se o papel das organizações da sociedade civil na luta contra a pobreza. A segunda parte centra-se no projeto Celestino, detalhando a sua estrutura, metodologia, stakeholders, objetivos, calendarização, orçamento, entidades implementadoras e potencial de impacto social. O trabalho termina com conclusões baseadas nos temas abordados.Over the past 15 years, events such as the 2008 financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the environmental and climate crisis have undermined progress in the fight against poverty and inequality. Addressing rapidly rising global poverty is now one of the most urgent challenges, especially in the face of turmoil such as the war in Ukraine. Innovative ideas and transformative solutions to combat poverty have emerged, involving not only governments but also civil society. This work focuses on social innovation as a recent approach and presents the Celestino project as a concrete example. The project aims to combat social exclusion and promote the psychosocial rehabilitation of homeless people in Lisbon, using art therapy techniques and creative poetry writing, in collaboration with the local community. The Celestino project is funded by the European Commission's "Solidarity Projects" program and is a partnership between Associação Poesia Pr'a Todos and Orientar - Associação de Intervenção para a Mudança. This dissertation is divided into two parts. The first provides a theoretical context about poverty, presenting global statistics as well as addressing alternative approaches to combating it, such as the Unconditional Basic Income, microfinance and social innovation. It also highlights the role of civil society organizations in the fight against poverty. The second part focuses on the Celestino project, detailing its structure, methodology, stakeholders, objectives, calendar, budget, implementers, and potential for social impact. The work ends with conclusions based on the topics covered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving Engagement of Online Learning with Live Lectures

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    Online courses have historically been self-taught or a form of independent study. However, with the 2020 Pandemic a renewed focus on remote/online learning has forced the academic community to revisit what works, and does not work, with online classes. I propose that providing a livestream of a class and uploading the recording to a media sharing website, like YouTube, is more engaging to students than posting a pre-recorded lecture (text or video). I propose that doing this motivates students to keep up with the lectures rather than attempting to binge before an exam, or an assignment is due, and improves engagement with the instructor.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1150/thumbnail.jp

    Video Homework: Visualizing Homework Assignments to Help Comprehension

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    Multimodal delivery of information has been shown to be preferred to one mode of delivery. Instead of only providing homework assignments to students as a PDF, printed paper, or a Canvas LMS text prompt, we propose augmenting the assignments with a video explaining it verbally, or conversationally, and visualizing the assignment. Not all students process information the same way and some may be more responsive and engaged to audio visual content than just text such as visual learners or individuals who struggle reading long text prompts.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1202/thumbnail.jp

    Internal Combustion Engine Heat Transfer and Wall Temperature Modeling: An Overview

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    [EN] Internal combustion engines are now extremely optimized, in such ways improving their performance is a costly task. Traditional engine improvement by experimental means is aided by engine thermodynamic models, reducing experimental and total project costs. For those models, accuracy is mandatory in order to offer good prediction of engine performance. Modelling of the heat transfer and wall temperature is an important task concerning the accuracy and the predictions of any engine thermodynamic model, although it is many times an overcome task. In order to perform good prediction of engine heat transfer and wall temperature, models are required for accomplish heat transfer from hot gases to engine parts, heat transfer inside each engine part, and also heat transfer to coolant and lubricating oil. This paper presents an overview about engine heat transfer and wall temperature modelling, with main purpose to aid engine thermodynamic modelling and offer more accurate predictions of engine performance, consumption and emission parameters. The most important correlation are reviewed for three engine heat transfer approaches: gas to wall, wall to wall and wall to liquid heat transfer models. In order to obtain good prediction of wall temperature, those three approaches must be coupled, which may imply convection-conduction-convection problems, although for some applications in diesel engines, radiation problems must be considered.This study was partially funded by CAPES - DEMANDA SOCIAL Ph.D. level scholarship, from CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel).Fonseca, L.; Novella Rosa, R.; Olmeda, P.; Valle, RM. (2019). Internal Combustion Engine Heat Transfer and Wall Temperature Modeling: An Overview. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 27(5):1661-1679. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-019-09361-9S16611679275Olmeda P, Martín J, Novella R, Carreño R (2015) An adapted heat transfer model for engines with tumble motion. Appl Energy 158:190–202. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.08.051Broekaert S, Demuynck J, De Cuyper T, De Paepe M, Verhelst Sebastian (2016) Heat transfer in premixed spark ignition engines part i: identification of the factors influencing heat transfer. Energy 116:380–391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2016.08.065Kosmadakis GM, Pariotis EG, Rakopoulos CD (2013) Heat transfer and crevice flow in a hydrogen-fueled spark-ignition engine: effect on the engine performance and no exhaust emissions. Int J Hydrog Energy 38(18):7477–7489. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.03.129Borman G, Nishiwaki K (1987) Internal-combustion engine heat transfer. 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    Hemophagocytic Syndrome Associated with Hodgkin's Lymphoma First Presenting as Fever and Pancytopenia

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    Background. Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) is characterized by a hyperinflammatory reaction followed by alteration in cytotoxic function of Th1 lymphocytes and natural killer cells. We report a rare case of a patient that presented with fever and pancytopenia due to HPS associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL). Case Report. A 69-year-old Caucasian woman was admitted presenting with complaints of fever, seizures, and low back pain that had lasted for two weeks. Laboratorial data showed pancytopenia. Bone marrow biopsy revealed infiltration by Reed-Sternberg cells and hemophagocytosis signs. Imaging studies showed mediastinal lymph nodes (stage IV B). She had been treated with ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine) followed by a good response. Conclusion. HPS associated with HL is a very rare and lethal disease, with mortality rates of about 15% to 60%. The prompt diagnosis of the underlying lymphoma may be an important strategy for optimizing the clinical approach and outcome