972 research outputs found

    Metabarcoding the Antarctic Peninsula biodiversity using a multi-gene approach

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    Marine sediment communities are major contributors to biogeochemical cycling and benthic ecosystem functioning, but they are poorly described, particularly in remote regions such as Antarctica. We analysed patterns and drivers of diversity in metazoan and prokaryotic benthic communities of the Antarctic Peninsula with metabarcoding approaches. Our results show that the combined use of mitochondrial Cox1, and 16S and 18S rRNA gene regions recovered more phyla, from metazoan to non-metazoan groups, and allowed correlation of possible interactions between kingdoms. This higher level of detection revealed dominance by the arthropods and not nematodes in the Antarctic benthos and further eukaryotic diversity was dominated by benthic protists: the world’s largest reservoir of marine diversity. The bacterial family Woeseiaceae was described for the first time in Antarctic sediments. Almost 50% of bacteria and 70% metazoan taxa were unique to each sampled site (high alpha diversity) and harboured unique features for local adaptation (niche-driven). The main abiotic drivers measured, shaping community structure were sediment organic matter, water content and mud. Biotic factors included the nematodes and the highly abundant bacterial fraction, placing protists as a possible bridge for between kingdom interactions. Meiofauna are proposed as sentinels for identifying anthropogenic-induced changes in Antarctic marine sediments

    Entanglement, Bell Inequalities and Decoherence in Particle Physics

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    We demonstrate the relevance of entanglement, Bell inequalities and decoherence in particle physics. In particular, we study in detail the features of the ``strange'' K0Kˉ0K^0 \bar K^0 system as an example of entangled meson--antimeson systems. The analogies and differences to entangled spin--1/2 or photon systems are worked, the effects of a unitary time evolution of the meson system is demonstrated explicitly. After an introduction we present several types of Bell inequalities and show a remarkable connection to CP violation. We investigate the stability of entangled quantum systems pursuing the question how possible decoherence might arise due to the interaction of the system with its ``environment''. The decoherence is strikingly connected to the entanglement loss of common entanglement measures. Finally, some outlook of the field is presented.Comment: Lectures given at Quantum Coherence in Matter: from Quarks to Solids, 42. Internationale Universit\"atswochen f\"ur Theoretische Physik, Schladming, Austria, Feb. 28 -- March 6, 2004, submitted to Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer Verlag, 45 page

    Produtividade e valor nutritivo de pasto de capim-elefante manejado sob princípios agroecológicos.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o valor nutritivo do capim-elefante, quanto aos teores de PB e FDN e a digestibilidade in vitro da MS (DIVMS), submetido a algumas práticas agroecológicas. Foram usados dois piquetes (0,15 ha cada), onde foi estabelecido o capim-elefante, em 2001, com espaçamento entrelinhas de três metros. Nas entrelinhas, estabeleceram-se aveia (Avena strigosa Schreb.) e azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) no período hibernal e, no estival, permitiu-se o desenvolvimento de espécies de crescimento espontâneo. A adubação foi feita com fertilizantes orgânicos (150 kg de N /ha). No período experimental (24/04/2004 a 05/05/2005), foram conduzidos sete pastejos. Os animais experimentais foram vacas da raça Holandesa que receberam, como complementação alimentar, 3,5 kg/dia de concentrado. Avaliaram-se a massa de forragem inicial, composição botânica do pasto e os componentes estruturais. Para as análises de valor nutritivo do pasto, foram feitas amostragens simulando o pastejo. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com duas repetições (piquetes) e sete tratamentos (pastejos). Os melhores resultados do valor nutritivo foram obtidos no período hibernal. Foram encontradas correlações negativas da PB e DIVMS e positivas da FDN com a biomassa de lâminas foliares do capim-elefante. O capim-elefante, manejado sob princípios agroecológicos, apresentou alto valor nutritivo e produtividade, tanto no verão quanto no inverno, possibilitando que a produção animal seja mais sustentável no decorrer do ano

    Vascular wilt of teak (Tectona grandis) caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Brazil

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    Commercial plantations of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) are affected by many economically important fungal diseases under Brazilian conditions. Teak plants exhibiting distinctive vascular wilt symptoms were observed in Mirassol do Oeste (MT), Brazil. Trunk samples of the affected trees were collected, disinfected, and plated onto potato dextrose agar. Fungal cultures obtained displayed morphological characteristics typical of the Fusarium oxysporum species complex. A representative F. oxysporum isolate was used in pathogenicity assays. Teak plants displayed symptoms similar to those observed under field conditions approx. 60 d after root-dipping inoculation. Amplicons corresponding to segments of the translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF-1α) and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) genes were obtained using as template the genomic DNA extracted from two Fusarium isolates obtained from teak. Phylogenetic analyses of the amplicon sequences placed the isolates into the same cluster of isolates belonging to the F. oxysporum species complex. To our knowledge, this is the first report of vascular wilt of teak caused by F. oxysporum in the Neotropical region

    Mucin 5B promoter polymorphism is associated with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis but not with development of lung fibrosis in systemic sclerosis or sarcoidosis

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    BACKGROUND: A polymorphism (rs35705950) 3 kb upstream of MUC5B, the gene encoding Mucin 5 subtype B, has been shown to be associated with familial and sporadic idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). We set out to verify whether this variant is also a risk factor for fibrotic lung disease in other settings and to confirm the published findings in a UK Caucasian IPF population. METHODS: Caucasian UK healthy controls (n=416) and patients with IPF (n=110), sarcoidosis (n=180) and systemic sclerosis (SSc) (n=440) were genotyped to test for association. The SSc and sarcoidosis cohorts were subdivided according to the presence or absence of fibrotic lung disease. To assess correlation with disease progression, time to decline in forced vital capacity and/or lung carbon monoxide transfer factor was used in the IPF and SSc groups, while a persistent decline at 4 years since baseline was evaluated in patients with sarcoidosis. RESULTS: A significant association of the MUC5B promoter single nucleotide polymorphism with IPF (p=2.04 x 10(-17); OR 4.90, 95% CI 3.42 to 7.03) was confirmed in this UK population. The MUC5B variant was not a risk factor for lung fibrosis in patients with SSc or sarcoidosis and did not predict more rapidly progressive lung disease in any of the groups. Rather, a trend for a longer time to decline in forced vital capacity was observed in patients with IPF. CONCLUSIONS: We confirm the MUC5B variant association with IPF. We did not observe an association with lung fibrosis in the context of SSc or sarcoidosis, potentially highlighting fundamental differences in genetic susceptibility, although the limited subgroup numbers do not allow a definitive exclusion of an association