162 research outputs found
Upper Paleozoic deposits in the area of Bregana, Samoborsko Gorje Hills
U diplomskom radu istraživane su naslage na lokalitetu nedaleko od mjesta Bregana, na SI dijelu Samoborskog gorja. Ove su naslage prethodno oznaÄene samo kao gornjopaleozojske (karbon i perm) ili, u novijim radovima, kao naslage srednjeg i gornjeg perma. Analizom prikupljenih uzoraka odreÄena su Äetiri mikrofacijesa (mudstone, mudstone do wackestone, wackestone do packstone, facijes karbonatnih breÄa) interpretacijom kojih je zakljuÄeno da je do taloženja dolazilo u plitkomorskom, dijelom i zaÅ”tiÄenom, do nadplimnom okoliÅ”u u kojem je povremeno dolazilo i do isuÅ”ivanja. OdreÄena fosilna zajednica odgovara pretpostavljenom plitkomorskom okoliÅ”u kakav je specifiÄan za razdoblje perma na istraživanom podruÄju, te unatoÄ nedostatku provodnih oblika možemo iskljuÄiti karbonske i pretpostaviti da se radi o naslagama permske, toÄnije gornjopermske starosti kakve se mogu naÄi i na susjednim lokalitetima na podruÄju Samoborskog gorja.In this Thesis, research includes deposits in the area of Bregana, in the north-eastern part of the Samoborsko Gorje Hills. In former investigations, studied deposits were marked as Upper Paleozoic (Carboniferous and Permian), or as Middle and Upper Permian. By detailed analysis of collected samples, four microfacies were defined (mudstone, mudston/wackestone, wackestone/packstone and microfacies of carbonate breccia). It is concluded that the deposition took place mostly in shallow marine areas, partialy in isolated, and occassionally supratidal areas with occassional dry periods. Described fossil association is accordant with the assumed shallow environment specific for the Permian period in this area. Inspite lack of the index fossils we can rule out Carboniferous and assume we are dealing with the Permian, even Upper Permian deposits, which can also be found nearby.in the Samoborsko Gorje Hills
Uloga jezika u izgradnji hrvatskoga nacionalnog identiteta u Istri: s primjerima iz odabrane istarske periodike u 19. i 20. stoljeÄu
In this paper, we address the building of Croatian national identity in several Istrian newspapers of the 19th and 20th century, from the earliest publishing enterprises to 1955. This was a time of complex political circumstances and changes in the Istrian region, when an important role in the process of language planning and in language policy was played, among others, by publications that influenced the formation of the public language: NaÅ”a sloga, Hrvatski list, PuÄki prijatelj, Istarska rijeÄ, and Hrvatski glas. Texts dedicated to bilingualism and trilingualism, Germanization and Italianization of language in education, administration, post offices, seafaring, railway, Church, and other forms of both public and private communication reflect clearly the language policy of the period of building Croatian national identity. In the atmosphere marked by the general dissolution of cultural institutions (schools, peopleās associations, libraries, societies, and journals) in both Croatian and Slovene ā which helped the assimilation of the local population considerably ā the emergence of publications in Croatian was extremely important for the language. Additionally, they were an important source of information and familiarization of the population with legal regulations concerning the status of the Croatian language, whereby these media became a powerful tool of spreading the rhetoric of the ruling parties that created or tried to influence the linguistic reality and practices.U radu se osvrÄemo na tekstove odabranih istarskih glasila koja su tematizirala jezik, a imala su ulogu u oblikovanju hrvatskoga nacionalnog identiteta u Istri u 19. i u prvoj polovici 20. stoljeÄa, od prvih nakladniÄkih pothvata do 1955. godine. Vrijeme je to vrlo složenih politiÄkih prilika i mijena na istarskome podruÄju, a važnu ulogu u procesima izgradnje hrvatskoga nacionalnog identiteta imaju i glasila koja utjeÄu na oblikovanje javnoga jezika: NaÅ”a sloga, Hrvatski list, PuÄki prijatelj, Istarska rijeÄ i Hrvatski glas. Iz tekstova o dvojeziÄnosti i trojeziÄnosti, germanizaciji i talijanizaciji jezika u Å”kolstvu, administraciji, pomorstvu, poÅ”tama, željeznici, crkvi te u drugim oblicima javne, ali i privatne komunikacije može se iÅ”Äitati važnost jeziÄne politike vremena u izgradnji hrvatskoga nacionalnog identiteta. U ozraÄju posvemaÅ”njega gaÅ”enja kulturnih institucija (Å”kola, narodnih domova, knjižnica, druÅ”tava i novina) na hrvatskome i slovenskome jeziku, Å”to je uvelike pripomoglo odnaroÄivanju domaÄega stanovniÅ”tva, pojava publikacija na hrvatskome jeziku bila je viÅ”estruko važna za hrvatski jezik. TakoÄer, važan su izvor informacija i upoznavanja stanovniÅ”tva sa zakonskim odredbama kojima se pokuÅ”ava regulirati status hrvatskoga jezika Äime ovi mediji postaju snažnim alatom u mijenama jeziÄne prakse
Upper Paleozoic deposits in the area of Bregana, Samoborsko Gorje Hills
U diplomskom radu istraživane su naslage na lokalitetu nedaleko od mjesta Bregana, na SI dijelu Samoborskog gorja. Ove su naslage prethodno oznaÄene samo kao gornjopaleozojske (karbon i perm) ili, u novijim radovima, kao naslage srednjeg i gornjeg perma. Analizom prikupljenih uzoraka odreÄena su Äetiri mikrofacijesa (mudstone, mudstone do wackestone, wackestone do packstone, facijes karbonatnih breÄa) interpretacijom kojih je zakljuÄeno da je do taloženja dolazilo u plitkomorskom, dijelom i zaÅ”tiÄenom, do nadplimnom okoliÅ”u u kojem je povremeno dolazilo i do isuÅ”ivanja. OdreÄena fosilna zajednica odgovara pretpostavljenom plitkomorskom okoliÅ”u kakav je specifiÄan za razdoblje perma na istraživanom podruÄju, te unatoÄ nedostatku provodnih oblika možemo iskljuÄiti karbonske i pretpostaviti da se radi o naslagama permske, toÄnije gornjopermske starosti kakve se mogu naÄi i na susjednim lokalitetima na podruÄju Samoborskog gorja.In this Thesis, research includes deposits in the area of Bregana, in the north-eastern part of the Samoborsko Gorje Hills. In former investigations, studied deposits were marked as Upper Paleozoic (Carboniferous and Permian), or as Middle and Upper Permian. By detailed analysis of collected samples, four microfacies were defined (mudstone, mudston/wackestone, wackestone/packstone and microfacies of carbonate breccia). It is concluded that the deposition took place mostly in shallow marine areas, partialy in isolated, and occassionally supratidal areas with occassional dry periods. Described fossil association is accordant with the assumed shallow environment specific for the Permian period in this area. Inspite lack of the index fossils we can rule out Carboniferous and assume we are dealing with the Permian, even Upper Permian deposits, which can also be found nearby.in the Samoborsko Gorje Hills
U radu se analizira jezik Äetiriju izdanja molitvenika OtÄe, budi volja tvoja biskupa Jurja Dobrile, zaÄetnika i najznaÄajnijega predstavnika hrvatskoga narodnog preporoda u Istri. Komparativnom se metodom na slovopisnoj, pravopisnoj, fonoloÅ”koj, morfonoloÅ”koj, morfoloÅ”koj,
sintaktiÄkoj i stilskoj razini utvrÄuju promjene koje je autor u njih unosio. BuduÄi da je taj molitvenik imao izniman uÄinak meÄu hrvatskim stanovniÅ”tvom u Istri i da je njegov jezik Dobrila
neprestano prepravljao, on predstavlja vrijedan dokument o prihvaÄanju i razvitku hrvatskoga standardnog jezika na istarskome prostoru.Bishop Juraj Dobrila was initiator and the most prominent representative of the Croatian national movement in Istria. His work on foundation of the new schools, promotion of literature and newspapers in Croatian, as well as his work in the Istrian Parliament and the Imperial Council in Vienna, greatly stimulated enhancement of the Croatian language in Istria in the nineteenth century. The language of his writings (prayer books, epistles, and letters) is characterized by a clear inclination to the language of the Zagreb philological school, with simultaneous incorporation of Chakavian dialect. Reasons for such a combination of a standard language and dialect probably were related with Dobrilaās intention to connect Istria with the motherland, and at the same time he wanted that his writings
could be clearly understandable to the people in his surroundings.
The primary source for the analysis of language standardization processes is Dobrilaās prayer book OtÄe, budi volja tvoja [Father, Thy will be done] since Dobrila during his life constantly revised and enhanced the language and expressions in it. On the basis
of a comparative graphological, orthographical, phonetical, morphophonological, morphological, syntactical, and stylistic analyses, author determines and reveals changes in above-mentioned four editions of the prayer book (1854, 1866, 1875, and 1881). It is
concluded that regarding graphology and orthography these editions vary regarding writing of the syllabic r and distribution of the grapheme tj/Ä. By the same token, concerning phonology and morphology one can notice changes of the reflex of jat, intervocalic j,
vocalization of l > o, consonants group Å”Ä, rhotacism, reduction of vocals at the end of words, prosthetic j, depalatalization of lj and nj, and consonant alternations of ž/z and s/Å”. In morphological level the most common changes are related to the suffix of genitive in plural and the gender of nouns, which is followed by reduction of the Chakavian elements in verbs, interrogative and demonstrative pronouns, together with conjunctions and prepositions. Similarly, regarding the syntax changes embrace position of attributes
and expressions of possessiveness, and numerous examples reveal that later editions were written with a better style, with less Chakavian elements
NajÄeÅ”Äe sintaktiÄke pogreÅ”ke u publicistiÄkome stilu (na primjeru "Glasa Istre")
U radu se opisuju najÄeÅ”Äe sintaktiÄke pogreÅ”ke u Glasu Istre, najÄitanijim dnevnim novinama u Istri. Analiza obuhvaÄa dvadesetak brojeva s posebnim naglaskom na položaj enklitike, sroÄnost s brojevima, veznike buduÄi da, ni i niti, s obzirom na (to da), ukoliko i ako, prijedloge nasuprot, unatoÄ, usprkos, kroz, po, putem, s(a), zbog i radi, posvojni genitiv, posvojni pridjev i dekompoziciju predikata. UvažavajuÄi pravila i posebnosti publicistiÄkoga stila, komparativnom se analizom propisĆ¢ iz normativnih priruÄnika i primjerĆ¢ iz novina ukazuje na situacije u kojima se ne poÅ”tuju normativna pravila na sintaktiÄkoj razini
Structural properties of full-scope AlN/BN compounds investigated using ab initio calculations
In the last few decades, aluminum nitride (AlN) and boron nitride (BN) have become a point of interest to many researchers and scholars from different disciplines around the world. Due to its attractive properties, AlN has been successfully used in various applications, starting from advanced ceramics materials, additive for grain size control in micro-alloyed steels, through optoelectronics and microelectronics, and finally to semiconductors. On the other hand, BN has broad applications in various fields, such as 2D material, lubricant material, superhard and semiconductor material as well as many others. This study focuses on the mixed AlN/BN compounds, in particular, boron-rich AlN and aluminum-rich BN systems, thus having the entire range of AlN/BN compositions. The special focus was on structural properties investigated using the hybrid B3LYP method. Important structural properties were investigated to offer novel technological and industrial applications of mixed AlN/BN materials.International Conference on Structural Integrity 2023 (ICSI 2023
ZavrÅ”etkom Drugoga svjetskog rata i raspadom Nezavisne Države Hrvatske zapoÄinje novo razdoblje u standardizaciji hrvatskoga jezika, koje je zbog svoje politiÄke angažiranosti bilo i podosta medijski popraÄeno. Zanimanje se za jeziÄne teme tako odrazilo na Å”iroke mase. U radu se prikazuju odjeci prijelomnih dogaÄaja u jeziku kroz jeziÄnu i pravopisnu analizu, od avnojskoga razdoblja, Novosadskoga sastanka i novosadskoga pravopisa, Deklaracije o nazivu i položaju hrvatskoga književnog jezika i hrvatskoga proljeÄa sve do devedesetih godina. BuduÄi da jezik u medijima nije
osloboÄen ideoloÅ”kih stajaliÅ”ta, u radu Äemo istražiti kako su tadaÅ”nje politiÄke okolnosti utjecale na jezik u istarskoj periodici. Istraživanje je usmjereno na pravopisne i jeziÄne posebnosti u listu RaÅ”ki rudar: organu sindikalne podružnice Saveza rudara i uprave Istarskih ugljenokopa, koji je s prekidima izlazio od 1947. do 1990. godine, s ciljem da ih se usporedi s tadaÅ”njim normativno prihvatljivim i propisanim rjeÅ”enjima. Možemo pretpostaviti da Äe analiza tekstova koje su pisali āobiÄniā ljudi, radnici u razdoblju socijalizma pomoÄi upotpunjavanju slike pravopisa i jezika u istarskim glasilima toga vremena.With the end of the World War II and the fall of the Independent State of Croatia started a new period in the standardization of the Croatian language, which received a substantial media coverage due to its political engagement. The interest in linguistic issues thus became more widespread in the general population. This paper illustrates the main guidelines of the language policy during the milestone events from the AVNOJ period, the Novi Sad meeting and Novi Sad Orthography, the Declaration on the name and status of the Croatian Literary language and the Croatian Spring, up to the 1990s. Since the
language of the media was not free of ideological attitudes, this research will show how the political situation affected the language of Istrian periodicals. The research is focused on the orthographical and linguistic peculiarities of the magazine āRaÅ”ki rudarā (RaÅ”a Miner), issued intermittently by the workersā union branch of the Association of Miners and the management of the āIstarski ugljenokopiā (Istrian collieries) from 1947 to 1990. The aim is to compare them to the then normatively acceptable and orthographical solutions. The analysis of texts written by āordinaryā people, workers, will shed additional light on the repercussions of the language policy in the socialist period, which will help complete the image of the orthography and language of the time
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