9 research outputs found

    Electro-oscillographic correlation between dorsal raphe nucleus, neocortex and hippocampus during wakefulness before and after serotoninergic inactivation

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    Theta rhythm in many brain structures characterizes wakefulness and desynchronized sleep in most subprimate mammalian brains. In close relation to behaviors, theta frequency and voltage undergo a fine modulation which may involve mobilization of dorsal raphe nucleus efferent pathways. In the present study we analyzed frequency modulation (through instantaneous frequency variation) of theta waves occurring in three cortical areas, in hippocampal CA1 and in the dorsal raphe nucleus of Wistar rats during normal wakefulness and after injection of the 5-HT1a receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT into the dorsal raphe. We demonstrated that in attentive states the variation of theta frequency among the above structures is highly congruent, whereas after 8-OH-DPAT injection, although regular signals are present, the variation is much more complex and shows no relation to behaviors. Such functional uncoupling after blockade demonstrates the influence of dorsal raphe nucleus efferent serotoninergic fibers on the organization of alertness, as evaluated by electro-oscillographic analysis

    Electro-oscillographic correlation between dorsal raphe nucleus, neocortex and hippocampus during wakefulness before and after serotoninergic inactivation

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    Theta rhythm in many brain structures characterizes wakefulness and desynchronized sleep in most subprimate mammalian brains. In close relation to behaviors, theta frequency and voltage undergo a fine modulation which may involve mobilization of dorsal raphe nucleus efferent pathways. In the present study we analyzed frequency modulation (through instantaneous frequency variation) of theta waves occurring in three cortical areas, in hippocampal CA1 and in the dorsal raphe nucleus of Wistar rats during normal wakefulness and after injection of the 5-HT1a receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT into the dorsal raphe. We demonstrated that in attentive states the variation of theta frequency among the above structures is highly congruent, whereas after 8-OH-DPAT injection, although regular signals are present, the variation is much more complex and shows no relation to behaviors. Such functional uncoupling after blockade demonstrates the influence of dorsal raphe nucleus efferent serotoninergic fibers on the organization of alertness, as evaluated by electro-oscillographic analysis

    Ozone Therapy As A Treatment For Low Back Pain Secondary To Herniated Disc: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis Of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Background: Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common and important health problems affecting the population worldwide and remains mostly unsolved. Ozone therapy has emerged as an additional treatment method. Questions persist concerning its clinical efficacy. Objective: The purpose of our study was to evaluate the therapeutic results of percutaneous injection of ozone for low back pain secondary to disc herniation. Study Design: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted using all electronic databases from 1966 through September 2011. The quality of individual articles was assessed based on the modified Cochrane review criteria for randomized trials and criteria from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Outcome Parameters: The outcome measure was short-term pain relief of at least 6 months or long-term pain relief of more than 6 months. Results: Eight observational studies were included in the systematic review and 4 randomized trials in the meta-analysis. The indicated level of evidence for long-term pain relief was II-3 for ozone therapy applied intradiscally and II-1 for ozone therapy applied paravertebral. The grading of recommendation was 1C for intradiscal ozone therapy and 1B for paravertebral ozone therapy. Limitations: The main limitations of this review are the lack of precise diagnosis and the frequent use of mixed therapeutic agents. The meta-analysis included mainly active-control trials. No placebo-controlled trial was found. Conclusions: Ozone therapy appears to yield positive results and low morbidity rates when applied percutaneously for the treatment of chronic low back pain.1111530Freynhagen, R., B, R., Gockel, U., Tölle, T.R., painDETECT: A new screening questionnaire to identify neuropathic components in patients with back pain (2006) Curr Med Res Opin, 22, pp. 1911-1920Kaki, A.M., E-Y, A.Z., Youseif, E., Identifying neuropathic pain among patients with chronic low-back pain: Use of the leeds assessment of neuropathic symptoms and signs pain scale (2005) Reg Anesth Pain Med, 30, pp. 422.e1-422.e9Cohen, S.P., Williams, S., Kurihara, C., Griffith, S., Larkin, T.M., Nucleoplasty with or without intradiscal electrothermal therapy (IDET) as a treatment for lumbar herniated disc (2005) J Spinal Disord Tech, 18 (SUPPL.), pp. S119-S124Postacchini, F., Postacchini, R., Operative management of lumbar disc herniation: The evolution of knowledge and surgical techniques in the last century (2011) Acta Neurochir Suppl, 108, pp. 17-21Bocci, V.A., Scientific and medical aspects of ozone therapy. 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