71 research outputs found

    Ultra-sensitive and Wide Bandwidth Thermal Measurements of Graphene at Low Temperatures

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    Graphene is a material with remarkable electronic properties and exceptional thermal transport properties near room temperature, which have been well examined and understood. However at very low temperatures the thermodynamic and thermal transport properties are much less well explored and somewhat surprisingly, is expected to exhibit extreme thermal isolation. Here we demonstrate an ultra-sensitive, wide-bandwidth measurement scheme to probe the thermal transport and thermodynamic properties of the electron gas of graphene. We employ Johnson noise thermometry at microwave frequency to sensitively measure the temperature of the electron gas with resolution of 4mK/Hz4 mK/\sqrt{Hz} and a bandwidth of 80 MHz. We have measured the electron-phonon coupling from 2-30 K at a charge density of 21011cm22\cdot 10^{11} cm^{-2}. Utilizing bolometric mixing, we have sensed temperature oscillations with period of 430 ps and have determined the heat capacity of the electron gas to be 21021J/(Kμm2)2\cdot 10^{-21} J/(K\cdot \mu m^2) at 5 K which is consistent with that of a two dimensional, Dirac electron gas. These measurements suggest that graphene-based devices together with wide bandwidth noise thermometry can generate substantial advances in the areas of ultra-sensitive bolometry, calorimetry, microwave and terahertz photo-detection, and bolometric mixing for applications in areas such as observational astronomy and quantum information and measurement.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Wideband Josephson Parametric Amplifier with Integrated Transmission Line Transformer

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    We describe a wide-band Josephson Parametric Amplifier (JPA) that is impedance-matched using an integrated compact superconducting transmission line transformer. The impedance transformer consists of two broadside coupled transmission lines configured in a Ruthroff topology which enables a wide matching bandwidth from 2 to 18 GHz, reducing the input line impedance and the device resonance quality factor by a factor of 4. This enables gain flatness and flexibility in the choice of the amplifier's tuning range. The amplifier has up to 20dB gain, with less than 1 dB of ripple, 2-3 GHz gain-bandwidth product and -126 dBm input 1-dB compression point. Moreover, the device active area fits into a 1mm x 1mm space, thus easing integration into large quantum systems.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    A Proposal to Detect Dark Matter Using Axionic Topological Antiferromagnets

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    Antiferromagnetically doped topological insulators (A-TI) are among the candidates to host dynamical axion fields and axion-polaritons; weakly interacting quasiparticles that are analogous to the dark axion, a long sought after candidate dark matter particle. Here we demonstrate that using the axion quasiparticle antiferromagnetic resonance in A-TI's in conjunction with low-noise methods of detecting THz photons presents a viable route to detect axion dark matter with mass 0.7 to 3.5 meV, a range currently inaccessible to other dark matter detection experiments and proposals. The benefits of this method at high frequency are the tunability of the resonance with applied magnetic field, and the use of A-TI samples with volumes much larger than 1 mm3^3.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. v2 accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. Many points clarified, some parameter estimates revise

    Identification of coherent patterns in gene expression data using an efficient biclustering algorithm and parallel coordinate visualization

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The DNA microarray technology allows the measurement of expression levels of thousands of genes under tens/hundreds of different conditions. In microarray data, genes with similar functions usually co-express under certain conditions only <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>. Thus, biclustering which clusters genes and conditions simultaneously is preferred over the traditional clustering technique in discovering these coherent genes. Various biclustering algorithms have been developed using different bicluster formulations. Unfortunately, many useful formulations result in NP-complete problems. In this article, we investigate an efficient method for identifying a popular type of biclusters called additive model. Furthermore, parallel coordinate (PC) plots are used for bicluster visualization and analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We develop a novel and efficient biclustering algorithm which can be regarded as a greedy version of an existing algorithm known as pCluster algorithm. By relaxing the constraint in homogeneity, the proposed algorithm has polynomial-time complexity in the worst case instead of exponential-time complexity as in the pCluster algorithm. Experiments on artificial datasets verify that our algorithm can identify both additive-related and multiplicative-related biclusters in the presence of overlap and noise. Biologically significant biclusters have been validated on the yeast cell-cycle expression dataset using Gene Ontology annotations. Comparative study shows that the proposed approach outperforms several existing biclustering algorithms. We also provide an interactive exploratory tool based on PC plot visualization for determining the parameters of our biclustering algorithm.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have proposed a novel biclustering algorithm which works with PC plots for an interactive exploratory analysis of gene expression data. Experiments show that the biclustering algorithm is efficient and is capable of detecting co-regulated genes. The interactive analysis enables an optimum parameter determination in the biclustering algorithm so as to achieve the best result. In future, we will modify the proposed algorithm for other bicluster models such as the coherent evolution model.</p

    Graphene-based Josephson junction single photon detector

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    We propose to use graphene-based Josephson junctions (gJjs) to detect single photons in a wide electromagnetic spectrum from visible to radio frequencies. Our approach takes advantage of the exceptionally low electronic heat capacity of monolayer graphene and its constricted thermal conductance to its phonon degrees of freedom. Such a system could provide high sensitivity photon detection required for research areas including quantum information processing and radio-astronomy. As an example, we present our device concepts for gJj single photon detectors in both the microwave and infrared regimes. The dark count rate and intrinsic quantum efficiency are computed based on parameters from a measured gJj, demonstrating feasibility within existing technologies.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, and 1 table in the main tex

    Chiral Active Particles are Sensitive Reporter to Environmental Geometry

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    Chiral active particles (CAPs) are self-propelling particles that break time-reversal symmetry by orbiting or spinning, leading to intriguing behaviors. Here, we examined the dynamics of CAPs moving in 2D lattices of disk obstacles through active Brownian dynamics simulations and granular experiments with grass seeds. We find that the effective diffusivity of the CAPs is sensitive to the structure of the obstacle lattice, a feature absent in achiral active particles. We further studied the transport of CAPs in obstacle arrays under an external field and found a reentrant directional locking effect, which can be used to sort CAPs with different activities. Finally, we demonstrated that the parallelogram lattice of obstacles without mirror symmetry can separate clockwise and counter-clockwise CAPs. The mechanisms of the above three novel phenomena are qualitatively explained. As such, our work provides a basis for designing chirality-based tools for single-cell diagnosis and separation, and active particle-based environmental sensors