20 research outputs found

    Promise and Pitfalls of Animal Models of Schizophrenia

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    Animal models are indispensible tools for advancing understanding of the cause of any given disease and developing new treatments. Developing animal models for schizophrenia presents formidable challenges owing to the distinctively human nature of the symptoms that define it and the thus-far-obscured underlying biological mechanisms. Nevertheless, progress has been and continues to be made in this important field of endeavor. This article discusses the challenges facing investigators who seek to develop and use animal models for translational research in schizophrenia and the responses that have emerged to those challenges, as well as the likely pathways that will lead to future progress

    Advancing schizophrenia drug discovery : optimizing rodent models to bridge the translational gap

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    Although our knowledge of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia has increased, treatments for this devastating illness remain inadequate. Here, we critically assess rodent models and behavioural end points used in schizophrenia drug discovery and discuss why these have not led to improved treatments. We provide a perspective on how new models, based on recent advances in the understanding of the genetics and neural circuitry underlying schizophrenia, can bridge the translational gap and lead to the development of more effective drugs. We conclude that previous serendipitous approaches should be replaced with rational strategies for drug discovery in integrated preclinical and clinical programmes. Validation of drug targets in disease-based models that are integrated with translationally relevant end point assessments will reduce the current attrition rate in schizophrenia drug discovery and ultimately lead to therapies that tackle the disease process

    Paraplegia como manifestação inicial de medula presa: relato de caso Paraplegia as initial manifestation of tethered spinal cord: case report

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    A medula presa (MP) é entidade pouco frequente que ocorre quando há restrição da migração normal do cone medular por cistos, lipomas ou disrafismos espinhais. Esta patologia pode levar a paraplegia, distúrbios sensoriais e esficterianos. Relatamos o caso de uma menina de 22 meses que consultou com quadro de paraplegia. O diagnóstico de medula presa foi confirmado pela mielotomografia e a paciente foi submetida à cirurgia para liberação do filo terminal.<br>Tethered spinal cord (TSC) is a rare disorder; it occurs when the conus medularis is anchored to the base of the vertebral canal by thickened filum terminale cysts, lipoma and spinal dysraphia. This disorder may cause paraplegia, sensory and sphincter disturbance. We report a twenty-two months-old girl presenting with paraplegia. TSC diagnostic was confirmed by myelotomography. The patient was submitted to surgical relief of tethered filum terminale