2 research outputs found

    A computacional model to predict land-use and cover changes in mountain landscapes

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    Since the second half of the 20th century, an expansion of the forest in European mountain areas due to agricultural abandonment has been observed. The reduction of the agricultural intensity implies the disappearance of semi-natural alpine meadows and pastures of great ecological and aesthetic value. This thesis proposes a computational model, using P systems, to simulate the future agricultural landscape evolution in the Catalan Pyrenees and in the Stubai Valley, located in central Alps, for a period of 30 years. In these regions, three simulated scenarios have been established: (1) Continuation of the observed farming trends, or maintenance of the status quo, (2) significant and (3) strong stocking rate reductions. The results show how the traditional agricultural surfaces decrease in all simulated scenarios in both study areas. Therefore, it is important to apply new strategies to preserve these cultural surfaces and the multiple ecosystem services for future generations before they disappear definitively.D'en莽脿 de la segona meitat del segle XX s'ha observat una expansi贸 del bosc a les zones de muntanya europees, originada per l'abandonament de l'agricultura. La reducci贸 de la intensitat agr铆cola comporta la desaparici贸 de prats i pastures alpins seminaturals de gran valor ecol貌gic i est猫tic. Aquesta tesi proposa un model computacional utilitzant P sistemes per simular l'evoluci贸 futura del paisatge agr铆cola als Pirineus catalans i a la Vall de Stubai, situada als Alps centrals, durant un per铆ode de 30 anys. En aquestes regions s'han establert tres escenaris a simular: (1) continuaci贸 de la tend猫ncia ramadera observada, o manteniment del statu quo, (2) reducci贸 significativa i (3) molt forta de la c脿rrega ramadera. Els resultats obtinguts mostren com la superf铆cie agr铆cola tradicional es redueix en tots els escenaris simulats en ambdues 脿rees d'estudi. Per tant, 茅s important aplicar noves estrat猫gies per preservar aquestes superf铆cies culturals i els m煤ltiples serveis de l'ecosistema per a les futures generacions, abans que desapareguin definitivament.Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX se ha observado un expansi贸n del bosque en las zonas de monta帽a europeas, originada por el abandono de la agricultura. La reducci贸n de la intensidad agr铆cola implica la desaparici贸n de prados y pastos alpinos seminaturales de gran valor ecol贸gico y est茅tico. Esta tesis propone un modelo computacional utilizando P sistemas para simular la evoluci贸n futura del paisaje agr铆cola en los Pirineos catalanes y en el Valle de Stubai, situado en los Alpes centrales, durante un periodo de 30 a帽os. En estas regiones se han establecido tres escenarios a simular: (1) continuaci贸n de la tendencia ganadera observada, o mantenimiento del statu quo, (2) reducci贸n significativa y (3) muy fuerte de la carga ganadera. Los resultados obtenidos muestran como la superficie agr铆cola tradicional se reduce en todos los escenarios simulados en las dos 谩reas de estudio. Por lo tanto, es importante aplicar nuevas estrategias para preservar estas superficies culturales y los m煤ltiples servicios del ecosistema para las futuras generaciones, antes de que desaparezcan definitivamente

    A New P System to Model the Subalpine and Alpine Plant Communities

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    In this work we present a P system based model of the ecosystem dynamics of plant communities. It is applied to four National Hunting Reservoirs in Catalan Pyrenees (Spain). In previous works several natural high- mountain- ecosystems and population dynamics were modeled, but in those works grass was considered unlimited and changes in plant communities were not taken into account. In our new model we take advantage of the modularity of P systems, adding the plant communities to an existing model on scavengers dynamics. We introduce the plant community production and two possible changes or evolutions in communities: due to less grazing pressure, and due to recovering pastures with human management as for example re or clearing