295 research outputs found

    Role of elastin anisotropy in structural strain energy functions of arterial tissue

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    The vascular wall exhibits nonlinear anisotropic mechanical properties. The identification of a strain energy function (SEF) is the preferred method to describe its complex nonlinear elastic properties. Earlier constituent-based SEF models, where elastin is modeled as an isotropic material, failed in describing accurately the tissue response to inflation-extension loading. We hypothesized that these shortcomings are partly due to unaccounted anisotropic properties of elastin. We performed inflation-extension tests on common carotid of rabbits before and after enzymatic degradation of elastin and applied constituent-based SEFs, with both an isotropic and an anisotropic elastin part, on the experimental data. We used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM) to provide direct structural evidence of the assumed anisotropy. In intact arteries, the SEF including anisotropic elastin with one family of fibers in the circumferential direction fitted better the inflation-extension data than the isotropic SEF. This was supported by TEM and SBFSEM imaging, which showed interlamellar elastin fibers in the circumferential direction. In elastin-degraded arteries, both SEFs succeeded equally well in predicting anisotropic wall behavior. In elastase-treated arteries fitted with the anisotropic SEF for elastin, collagen engaged later than in intact arteries. We conclude that constituent-based models with an anisotropic elastin part characterize more accurately the mechanical properties of the arterial wall when compared to models with simply an isotropic elastin. Microstructural imaging based on electron microscopy techniques provided evidence for elastin anisotropy. Finally, the model suggests a later and less abrupt collagen engagement after elastase treatmen

    Genetic Approaches Identify Differential Roles for α₄β₂* Nicotinic Receptors in Acute Models of Antinociception in Mice

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    The effects of nicotine on the tail-flick and hot-plate tests were determined to identify nicotinic receptor subtypes responsible for spinally and supraspinally mediated nicotine analgesia in knockin mice expressing hypersensitive α4 nicotinic receptors (L9′S), in seven inbred mouse strains (C57BL/6, DBA/2, A/2, CBA/2, BALB/cByJ, C3H/HeJ, and 129/SvEv), and in two F1 hybrids (B6CBAF1 and B6D2F1). L9′S heterozygotes were ∼6-fold more sensitive to the antinociceptive effects of nicotine than the wild-type controls in the hot-plate test but not in the tail-flick assay. Large differences in the effects of nicotine were also observed with both tests for the seven mouse strains. A/J and 129 mice were 6- to 8-fold more sensitive than CBA and BALB mice. In addition, B6CBAF1 hybrid mice were even less sensitive than CBA mice. Nicotinic binding sites were measured in three spinal cord regions and the hindbrain of the inbred strains. Significant differences in cytisine-sensitive, high affinity [¹²⁵I]epibatidine binding site levels (α₂β₂* subtypes), but not in ¹²⁵I-α-bungarotoxin binding (α7* subtypes), were observed. Significant negative correlations between cytisine-sensitive [¹²⁵I]epibatidine binding and nicotine ED50 for both tests were noted. Our results indicate that α₄β₂* acetylcholine nicotinic receptors (nAChR) are important in mediating nicotine analgesia in supraspinal responses, while also showing that α₄β₂*-nAChR and at least one other nAChR subtype appear to modulate spinal actions

    Muscle-directed gene therapy corrects Pompe disease and uncovers species-specific GAA immunogenicity

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    Pompe disease is a severe disorder caused by loss of acid α-glucosidase (GAA), leading to glycogen accumulation in tissues and neuromuscular and cardiac dysfunction. Enzyme replacement therapy is the only available treatment. AT845 is an adeno-associated viral vector designed to express human GAA specifically in skeletal muscle and heart. Systemic administration of AT845 in Gaa−/− mice led to a dose-dependent increase in GAA activity, glycogen clearance in muscles and heart, and functional improvement. AT845 was tolerated in cynomolgus macaques at low doses, while high doses caused anti-GAA immune response, inflammation, and cardiac abnormalities resulting in unscheduled euthanasia of two animals. Conversely, a vector expressing the macaque GAA caused no detectable pathology, indicating that the toxicity observed with AT845 was an anti-GAA xenogeneic immune response. Western blot analysis showed abnormal processing of human GAA in cynomolgus muscle, adding to the species-specific effects of enzyme expression. Overall, these studies show that AAV-mediated GAA delivery to muscle is efficacious in Gaa−/− mice and highlight limitations in predicting the toxicity of AAV vectors encoding human proteins in non-human species

    Measurement and physical interpretation of the mean motion of turbulent density patterns detected by the BES system on MAST

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    The mean motion of turbulent patterns detected by a two-dimensional (2D) beam emission spectroscopy (BES) diagnostic on the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) is determined using a cross-correlation time delay (CCTD) method. Statistical reliability of the method is studied by means of synthetic data analysis. The experimental measurements on MAST indicate that the apparent mean poloidal motion of the turbulent density patterns in the lab frame arises because the longest correlation direction of the patterns (parallel to the local background magnetic fields) is not parallel to the direction of the fastest mean plasma flows (usually toroidal when strong neutral beam injection is present). The experimental measurements are consistent with the mean motion of plasma being toroidal. The sum of all other contributions (mean poloidal plasma flow, phase velocity of the density patterns in the plasma frame, non-linear effects, etc.) to the apparent mean poloidal velocity of the density patterns is found to be negligible. These results hold in all investigated L-mode, H-mode and internal transport barrier (ITB) discharges. The one exception is a high-poloidal-beta (the ratio of the plasma pressure to the poloidal magnetic field energy density) discharge, where a large magnetic island exists. In this case BES detects very little motion. This effect is currently theoretically unexplained.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, submitted to PPC

    Increased Sensitivity to Agonist-Induced Seizures, Straub Tail, and Hippocampal Theta Rhythm in Knock-In Mice Carrying Hypersensitive α4 Nicotinic Receptors

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    We studied a strain of exon replacement mice (“L9′S knock-in”) whose α4 nicotinic receptor subunits have a leucine to serine mutation in the M2 region, 9′ position (Labarca et al., 2001); this mutation renders α4-containing receptors hypersensitive to agonists. Nicotine induced seizures at concentrations (1 mg/kg) approximately eight times lower in L9′S than in wild-type (WT) littermates. At these concentrations, L9′S but not WT showed increases in EEG amplitude and theta rhythm. L9′S mice also showed higher seizure sensitivity to the nicotinic agonist epibatidine, but not to the GABA_Areceptor blocker and proconvulsant bicuculline. Dorsiflexion of the tail (Straub tail) was the most sensitive nicotine effect found in L9′S mice (0.1 mg/kg). The L9′S mice were hypersensitive to galanthamine- and tacrine-induced seizures and Straub tails. There were no apparent neuroanatomical differences between L9′S and WT mice in several brain regions. [125I]Epibatidine binding to brain membranes showed that the mutant allele was expressed at ∼25% of WT levels, presumably because of the presence of a neomycin selection cassette in a nearby intron. ^(86)Rb efflux experiments on brain synaptosomes showed an increased fraction of function at low agonist concentrations in L9′S mice. These data support the possible involvement of gain-of-function α4 receptors in autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal-lobe epilepsy

    Cerebellar Pathology in an Inducible Mouse Model of Friedreich Ataxia

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    Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder caused by deficiency of the mitochondrial protein frataxin. Lack of frataxin causes neuronal loss in various areas of the CNS and PNS. In particular, cerebellar neuropathology in FRDA patients includes loss of large principal neurons and synaptic terminals in the dentate nucleus (DN), and previous studies have demonstrated early synaptic deficits in the Knockin-Knockout mouse model of FRDA. However, the exact correlation of frataxin deficiency with cerebellar neuropathology remains unclear. Here we report that doxycycline-induced frataxin knockdown in a mouse model of FRDA (FRDAkd) leads to synaptic cerebellar degeneration that can be partially reversed by AAV8-mediated frataxin restoration. Loss of cerebellar Purkinje neurons and large DN principal neurons are observed in the FRDAkd mouse cerebellum. Levels of the climbing fiber-specific glutamatergic synaptic marker VGLUT2 decline starting at 4 weeks after dox induction, whereas levels of the parallel fiber-specific synaptic marker VGLUT1 are reduced by 18-weeks. These findings suggest initial selective degeneration of climbing fiber synapses followed by loss of parallel fiber synapses. The GABAergic synaptic marker GAD65 progressively declined during dox induction in FRDAkd mice, while GAD67 levels remained unaltered, suggesting specific roles for frataxin in maintaining cerebellar synaptic integrity and function during adulthood. Expression of frataxin following AAV8-mediated gene transfer partially restored VGLUT1/2 levels. Taken together, our findings show that frataxin knockdown leads to cerebellar degeneration in the FRDAkd mouse model, suggesting that frataxin helps maintain cerebellar structure and function

    Turbulence regulation and stabilization by equilibrium and Time-varying sheared turbulence flows

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    Turbulence flows are directly measured in a tokamak plasma by applying time-delay-estimation (TDE) analysis to localized 2-D density fluctuation measurements obtained with Beam Emission Spectroscopy on DIII-D. The equilibrium radial flow shear near the plasma edge (0.8 < r/a < 1) varies strongly with magnetic geometry. With the ion grad-B drift directed towards the X-point in a single null plasma, a large radial shear in the poloidal flow is measured, while little shear is observed in the reverse condition. This large shear appears to facilitate the L-to H-mode transition, consistent with the significantly lower LH transition power threshold in this configuration. In addition, time varying, radially localized (k . ρI < 1) flows with a semi-coherent structure peaked near 15 KHz and a very long poloidal wavelength, possibly m=0, are observed. These characteristics are very similar to theoretically predicted zonal flows that are self-generated by and in turn regulate the turbulence