138 research outputs found
Prognosis of prostate gland morphology study using artificial neural network
The research goal is to optimize the management of patients with serum PSA level falling in the range of 4-10 ng/ ml by designing and educating of an artificial neural network, which may be used to predict prostate gland morphology basing on clinical, laboratory and imaging data. Material and methods. Data of 254 patients, who were admitted to the oncological Department of S. R. Mirotvortsev Clinical hospital for transrectal prostate biopsy, was collected to construct several artificial neural networks with different architecture. External validation was performed on 27 patients, who had prostate biopsy in January-February 2014. Results. One-layer network, consisting of 11 input, 9 hidden and 3 output neurons, was determined to be the most successful: in 92.6% cases it was correct in predicting prostate cancer or its absence. Input factors were evaluated according to their relative importance, from more important to less important: prostate volume, serum PSA, patient's age, prostate consistency, PSA velocity, prostate symmetry, previous negative biopsy, free serum PSA, intake of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. Conclusion. Artificial neural networks may be used to predict morphological findings in prostate biopsy. High PSA density and firm prostate consistency should cause suspicion of prostate cancer
Building Data Science Capabilities into University Data Warehouse to Predict Graduation
EUNIS 2018 Congress, Tuesday 5 June - Friday 8 June 2018, Centre de Conférences, UPMC, Sorbonne Université, Paris. Proceedings. EUNIS European University Information Systems, Paris, 2018The discipline of data science emerged to combine statistical methods with computing. At Aalto University, Finland, we have taken first steps to bring educational data science as a part of daily operations of Management Information Services. This required changes in IT environment: we enhanced data warehouse infrastructure with a data science lab, where we can read predictive model training data from data warehouse database and use the created predictive models in database queries. We then conducted a data science pilot with an objective to predict students’ graduation probability and time-to-degree with student registry data. Further ethical and legal considerations are needed before using predictions in daily operations of the university.Peer reviewe
First Experience Of Application Of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasonic Ablation (Hifu) In Prostate Cancer Treatment
The scientific article points out that 40 sessions of HIFU prostate ablation have been performed for estimation of clinical efficiency. Average frequency of influences presents 628±164 impulses; average volume of tissues subjected to influence during one procedure is 33,8±16,3 smi (132 %) of prostate volume; average operation time constitutes 150 minutes (from 90 to 200 minutes). During the operation no complications have been occurred. In the first days after the session of HIFU there was a peak of PSA increase and then during 1,5-3 months there was decrease to the lowest index. Minimal PSA level was reached in 10-12 weeks after treatment and it constituted from 0,04 till 1,1 ngml depending on the disease state. Reduction of prostate volume occurred in average from the 30th day of postoperative period and lasted for 6 months, reaching in average 50 % from initial volume. Postoperative period varied from 10 till 16 days and constituted in average 12±0,8 days. Thus application of high-intensity focused ultrasonic ablation allows treating successfully various stages of prostate cancer with minimal number of side-effects and makes possible the early estimation of treatment efficienc
Endoscopic correction of obstructive complications after HIFU-ablation of the prostate with holmium laser
Purpose: to improve the results of treatment of the obstructive complications (an urethra stenosis, a bladder neck sclerosis) caused by application of the high-intensity focused ultrasonic ablation (HIFU) concerning treatment of the localized prostate cancer. Material and Methods. An object of the research included 41 patients, with the infravesical obstruction (IVO) which has arisen in the postoperative period to which elimination the holmium laser is used. Results. The bladder neck was the most frequent place of obstruction. Average time before emergence of the first episode of IVO: 8.2±1.3 months. Distinctions on time before development of an episode of IVO depending on the fact of carrying out TURP before HIFU not confirmed (p=0.440). More advanced age for a moment HIFU-ablation has been associated with much higher frequency of IVO (p=0.021). Considerably smaller frequency repeated was observed by IVO at a larger ratio transurethral resection to the initial volume of a prostate (p=0.031). Duration of a laser endoscopic ure-throtomy was 27 [10-70] minutes, serious perioperative or postoperative complications were not determined. Average term before removal of a catheter of Foley: 3 [1-5] days, hospitalization duration included 4 [3-6] days. After treatment considerable improvement on indicators of the maximum speed of a stream of urine (Qmax) and volume of residual urine was observed. The total score according to the questionnaires of IPSS and QoL has considerably improved, significant changes on symptoms of accumulation are noted. After the first holmium laser urethrotomy of 80.4% of patients have noted satisfactory results without recurrence of IVO; 19.6% of patients were required a repeated laser endoscopic urethrotomy. Recurrence term after the first laser urethrotomy is on average equal to 2.5 months. Conclusion. The endoscopic urethrotomy by means of the holmium laser is safe, effective and minimum invasive type of treatment of a stenosis of a neck of the bladder / urethra after ablative cancer therapy of prostate. The advantages are the minimum of traumas of surrounding tissues and preservation of the mechanism of deduction of urine.</p
Postoperative monitoring of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) after treatment with high-intensive focused ultrasound (HIFU
Research objective: to estimate efficiency of treatment of prostate cancer using high-intensive focused ultrasound on the basis of laboratory analysis of postoperative level prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Objects of research. Objects of research consisted of 110 patients treated in urological clinic of Hospital n.a. S. R. Mirotvortsev (Saratov State Medical University) during the period February, 2009 — March, 2012. Patients took 110 sessions of primary operative treatment of prostate cancer by HIFU therapy method. Technique and research methods. Concentration of PSA in blood changed in all patients every 1,5 month within 6 months after operation, irrespective of its kind (including after repeated HIFU), further — after every 3 month till one year, and later on after 6 months. We were guided by references of the International Consensus, which considers PSA level more than 0,5 ng/ml in blood after 3 months of treatment to be unsatisfactory result. We also headed for PSA level before treatment and oncological risk degree. Results. Median nadir formed 0,5 ng/ml PSA by 3 months after treatment. Patients demonstrated different indicators of PSA dynamics depending on oncological risk, stage and hormonal therapy management. Patients with low oncological risk had initially lower PSA concentration, further PSA concentration reached nadir level faster. At patients with widespread forms of prostate cancer accurate dependence of PSA concentration according to prevalence of process was traced. Time of PSA nadir amount did not differ and was marked as 12-14 weeks on average. At patients received hormonal therapy, lower value of PSA nadir was marked. The conclusion. Monitoring of PSA concentration (PSA nadir by 3 months, dynamics of PSA concentration change) is of great importance in early revealing of relapse after prostate HIFU therapy. High level of PSA nadir and PSA growth according to time period are important prognostic factors
On the Adsorption of CO₂ by Active Carbons
The combination of adsorption and calorimetric techniques shows that the adsorption of CO2 is a two-step process in the case of active carbons with large micropores (L > 1.2–1.5 nm). For smaller pores, on the other hand, one observes a uniform filling of the volume. These mechanisms are in agreement with earlier experiments carried out with CH2Cl2 at 293 K
Role of salvage radical prostatectomy, cryoablation and HIFU-ablation in management of patients with prostate cancer recurrence after radiation therapy
Several options for salvage treatment of radiation-recurrent prostate cancer exist. The main option is a salvage radical prostatectomy, which offers optimal cancer control and allows to perform specimen pathology, but it is technically challenging and poses increased risk for certain complications. Alternative modalities of salvage therapy are HIFU-ablation and cryoablation. This review covers the role for those methods, their oncological efficacy and morbidity.Существует несколько вариантов сальважного лечения при рецидивах рака простаты после лучевой терапии. Основным вариантом является сальважная радикальная простатэктомия, которая обеспечивает оптимальный онкологический контроль и даёт возможность гистологического стадирования, но является технически трудной и грозит рядом осложнений. альтернативными вариантами сальважной терапии являются HIFU-аблация и криоаблация. В обзоре представлена роль каждого из этих методов, их онкологическая эффективность и частота развития осложнений
Robot HIFU application in treatment of cancer prostate
For an estimation of clinical efficiency 100 sessions HIFU ablation prostate are spent. Average frequency of influences — 628+164 impulses; average volume of the fabrics subjected to influence for 1 procedure, - 33,8+8,3 sm 3 (132 %) volume prostate; average time of operation -150 mines (from 90 to 200 mines). During operation of complications was not. In the first days after session HIFU there was a peak of increase PSA, and then during 1,5-3 months its decrease to the least value (nadir). Minimum level PSA was reached in 10-12 weeks after treatment and made from 0,02 to - 2,4 ng/ml depending on a disease stage. Volume reduction prostate occurred on the average from 30th day of the postoperative period and proceeded during 6 months, reaching on the average 50 % from initial volume. The quantity of days after operation fluctuated from 10 till 16 days and has on the average made 12+0,8 days. Thus, application high-intensity focused ultrasonic ablation allows to treat successfully various stages of a cancer prostate, with the minimum by-effects, gives the chance an early estimation of efficiency of treatment.Для оценки клинической эффективности проведено 100 сеансов HIFU аблации простаты у 100 больных раком простаты. Средняя частота воздействий - 628+164 импульсов; средний объем тканей, подвергнутых воздействию за 1 процедуру - 33,8+8,3 см3(132%) объема простаты; среднее время операции -1 5 0 мин (от 90 до 200 мин). Интраоперационных осложнений во время HIFU аблации не отмечено. В первые дни после сеанса HIFU происходил пик нарастания PSA, а затем в течение 1,5-3 месяцев его снижение. Минимальный уровень PSA (nadir) достигался через 10-12 недель после лечения и составлял от 0,02 до - 2,4 нг/мл в зависимости от стадии заболевания. Уменьшение объема простаты происходило в среднем с 30-го дня послеоперационного периода и продолжалось в течение 6 месяцев, достигая в среднем 50% от исходного объема. Послеоперационный койко-день колебался от 10 до 16 дней и в среднем составил 12+0,8 дней. Таким образом, применение высокоинтенсивной фокусированной ультразвуковой аблации позволяет успешно лечить различные стадии рака простаты, с минимальными побочными эффектами, дает возможность ранней оценки эффективности лечения
The experience of modern combat use of weapons and military equipment in the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine confirmed the need to review the existing requirements not only for individual samples, but in particular for the automobile platform. The automobile base consists of technically outdated equipment brands (Ural, Zil, GAZ, KAMAZ, Maz, UAZ), the manufacturer of which is the USSR, and the modern supplier of spare parts is the Russian Federation. If it was used for more than an operational period in connection, then problems began to arise. Purpose of the article. Justification of the composition of equipment and communication facilities of the complex hardware of the communications and cybersecurity troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, depending on the purpose and functional tasks. Materials and methods. To solve the tasks set, a set of theoretical research methods was used: historical analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the research problem; structural and genetic analysis and synthesis when clarifying the object and subject of research; the method of convergence from abstract to concrete; method of analytical and comparative analysis in analytical and comparative assessment of the novelty of research results; synthesis and generalization – to substantiate the methodological and methodological foundations of the study; generalization – the formulation of conclusions and recommendations for continuing further research. The result. The existing fleet of complex hardware Communications was constructed by the forces of the repair bases of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to the unapproved established order projects for the modernization of command and staff vehicles of the old fleet (R-142 and R-145) (up to type A2M1-04) and re-equipped with the latest models of the hardware of the old fleet type P-258, P-256, P-240, P-241, P-238 and P-178. a variable approach to the choice of the automobile base and the complete set of mobile telecommunications kit and means of communication makes it possible to quickly organize all types of communication in any field conditions.Досвід бойового сучасного застосування озброєння і військової техніки при повномасштабній військовій агресії Російської Федерації проти України, підтвердив потребу в необхідності перегляду існуючих вимоги не лише до окремих зразків, а зокрема до автомобільної платформи. Автомобільну базу складає технічно застаріла техніка марок (Урал, ЗіЛ, ГАЗ, КамАЗ, МАЗ, УАЗ) виробником якої СРСР, а сучасним поставником запчастин Російська Федерація. Осколки вона використовувалась понад експлуатаційний період в зв’язку, то почали виникати проблеми. Мета статті. Обґрунтування складу обладнання і засобів зв’язку комплексної апаратної військ зв’язку та кібербезпеки ЗС України в залежності від призначення та функціональних завдань. Матеріали й методи. Для вирішення поставлених завдань використовувалася сукупність методів теоретичного дослідження: історичного аналізу та узагальнення наукової літератури щодо проблеми дослідження; структурно-генетичного аналізу та синтезу при уточненні об'єкта та предмета дослідження; метод сходження від абстрактного до конкретного; метод аналітично-порівняльного аналізу при аналітично-порівняльному оцінюванні новизни результатів дослідження; синтез та узагальнення – для обґрунтування методологічних та методичних засад дослідження; узагальнення – формулювання висновків та рекомендацій щодо продовження подальших досліджень. Результат. Існуючий парк комплексних апаратних зв’язку конструктивна виконана силами ремонтних баз ЗС України за незатвердженими встановленим порядком проектів з модернізації командно-штабних машин старого парку (Р-142 і Р-145) (до типу А2М1-04) та переоснащені на новітні зразки апаратні старого парку типу П-258, П-256, П-240, П-241, П-238 та П-178. Варіативний підхід до вибору автомобільної бази та комплектації мобільним телекомунікаційним комплектом і засобами зв’язку робить можливість швидкої організації всіх видів зв’язку в будь-яких польових умовах
HistoScanning techinque for detection of local relapse after high-intensity ultrasound ablation for prostate cancer
Objective. To determine a possible role for HistoScanning technique in surveillance for patients who underwent HIFU-ablation for prostate cancer. Material and methods. Eighty patients who underwent transurethral resection and HIFU-ablation in university clinic with different follow-up duration (range: 36 – 84 months; median – 52 months) were included in this study. All patients underwent prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing, transrectal ultrasound examination and HistoScanning of residual prostatic tissue during follow-up. Results. Overall, 72 patients of 80 had suspicious lesions on HistoScanning during post-HIFU surveillance. Eleven patients had VHS value, which is the sum of volume of suspicious lesions, exceeding 1 cm3; 10 patients experienced biochemical relapse by Stuttgart definition (90.9%). Significant predictors of biochemical relapse were PSA nadir over 1.0 ng/ml (hazard ratio [HR]: 3.1; confidence interval [CI]: 1.7 – 3.5) and VHS / Vres. ratio over 0.5 (HR: 4.9; CI: 3.9 – 5.5). Ten patients reached VHS / Vres. threshold value (> 0.5) ≥ 3 months before meeting criteria for Stuttgart biochemical failure. Conclusion. HistoScanning may prove useful for surveillance for patients who underwent HIFU-ablation for prostate cancer, but it still requires further standardization and validation in this setting.Цель исследования. Установить возможную роль применения методики HistoScanning в наблюдении за пациентами, перенесшими HIFU-аблацию по поводу рака простаты. Материал и методы. В исследование вошли 80 пациентов, которым в клинике урологии СГМУ в разные сроки (диапазон: 36 – 84 месяцев; медиана – 52 месяца) была выполнена трансуретральная резекция и HIFU-аблация. Всем пациентам в ходе наблюдения выполнялся анализ крови на простат-специфический антиген (PSA), трансректальное ультразвуковое исследование и гистосканирование резидуальной ткани. результаты. У 72 пациентов из 80 были обнаружены подозрительные очаги при гистосканировании на протяжении наблюдения. У 11 пациентов показатель VHS, характеризующий суммарный объём подозрительных очагов, достигал более 1 см3; у 10 из них был зафиксирован биохимический рецидив по Stuttgart (90.9%). Значимыми предикторами биохимического рецидива являлись надир PSA более 1.0 нг/мл (отношение рисков [ор]: 3.1; доверительный интервал [ДИ]: 1.7 – 3.5) и показатель VHS/Vрез. более 0.5 (ор: 4.9; ДИ: 3.9 – 5.5). У 10 пациентов достижение порогового значения VHS/Vрез. (> 0.5) предшествовало рецидиву на ≥ 3 месяца. Заключение. HistoScanning может оказаться полезным при наблюдении за пациентами после HIFU-аблации при раке простаты, но требует дальнейшей стандартизации и валидации
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