219 research outputs found

    Navigational utility of high-precision radio interferometer for Galileo's approach to Jupiter

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    The effect of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) measurements of 2-nanoradian (nrad) accuracy has been studied for use in Galileo's approach to Jupiter's moon Io. Of particular interest is reducing the error in the minimum altitude above Io's surface. The nominal tracking strategy includes Doppler, range, and onboard optical data, in addition to VLBI data with 25-nrad accuracy. For nominal data, the altitude error is approximately 250 km with a data cutoff of 19 days before closest approach to Io. A limited number (two to four) of 2-nrad VLBI measurements, simulating a demonstration of improved VLBI data, were found to reduce the altitude error by 10 to 40 percent. Improving the accuracy of the VLBI measurements of the nominal tracking strategy to 2 nrads, to simulate the results from an operational few-nrad VLBI capability, was found to reduce the altitude error by an approximate factor of four. This reduction in altitude error is attributed to the ability that VLBI data give to help determine the along-track component of Jupiter's ephemeris. This capability complements the ability of the onboard optical data to determine the radial and cross-track components of Jupiter's ephemeris

    A determination of the radio-planetary frame tie from comparison of Earth orientation parameters

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    The orientation of the reference frame of radio source catalogs relative to that of planetary ephemerides, or 'frame tie,' can be a major systematic error source for interplanetary spacecraft orbit determination. This work presents a method of determining the radio-planetary frame tie from a comparison of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) and lunar laser ranging (LLR) station coordinate and earth orientation parameter estimates. A frame tie result is presented with an accuracy of 25 nrad

    Orbiter-orbiter and orbiter-lander tracking using same-beam interferometry

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    Two spacecraft orbiting Mars will subtend a small angle as viewed from Earth. This angle will usually be smaller than the beam width of a single radio antenna. Thus the two spacecraft may be tracked simultaneously by a single Earth-based antenna. The same-beam interferometry (SBI) technique involves using two widely separated antennas, each observing the two spacecraft, to produce a measurement of the angular separation of the two spacecraft in the plane of the sky. The information content of SBI data is thus complementary to the line-of-sight information provided by conventional Doppler data. The inclusion of SBI data with the Doppler data in a joint orbit estimation procedure can desensitize the solution to gravity mismodeling and result in improved orbit determination accuracy. This article presents an overview of the SBI technique, a measurement error analysis, and an error covariance analysis of some examples of the application of SBI to orbit determination. For hypothetical scenarios involving the Mars Observer and the Russian Mars '94 spacecraft, orbit determination accuracy improvements of up to an order of magnitude are predicted, relative to the accuracy that can be obtained by using only Doppler data acquired separately from each spacecraft. Relative tracking between a Mars orbiter and a lander fixed on the surface of Mars is also studied. Results indicate that the lander location may be determined to a few meters, while the orbiter ephemeris may be determined with accuracy similar to the orbiter-orbiter case

    Photon statistical limitations for daytime optical tracking

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    Tracking of interplanetary spacecraft equipped with optical communication systems by using astrometric instruments is being investigated by JPL. Existing instruments are designed to work at night and, for bright sources, are limited by tropospheric errors. To provide full coverage of the solar system, astrometric tracking instruments must either be capable of daytime operation or be space-based. The integration times necessary for the ground-based daytime photon statistical errors to reach a given accuracy level (5 to 50 nanoradians) were computed for an ideal astrometric instrument. The required photon statistical integration times are found to be shorter than the tropospheric integrations times for the ideal detector. Since the astrometric need not be limited by photon statistics even under daytime conditions, it may be fruitful to investigate instruments for daytime optical tracking

    Preliminary error budget for an optical ranging system: Range, range rate, and differenced range observables

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    Future missions to the outer solar system or human exploration of Mars may use telemetry systems based on optical rather than radio transmitters. Pulsed laser transmission can be used to deliver telemetry rates of about 100 kbits/sec with an efficiency of several bits for each detected photon. Navigational observables that can be derived from timing pulsed laser signals are discussed. Error budgets are presented based on nominal ground stations and spacecraft-transceiver designs. Assuming a pulsed optical uplink signal, two-way range accuracy may approach the few centimeter level imposed by the troposphere uncertainty. Angular information can be achieved from differenced one-way range using two ground stations with the accuracy limited by the length of the available baseline and by clock synchronization and troposphere errors. A method of synchronizing the ground station clocks using optical ranging measurements is presented. This could allow differenced range accuracy to reach the few centimeter troposphere limit

    Position determination of a lander and rover at Mars with Earth-based differential tracking

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    The presence of two or more landed or orbiting spacecraft at a planet provides the opportunity to perform extremely accurate Earth-based navigation by simultaneously acquiring Doppler data and either Same-Beam Interferometry (SBI) or ranging data. Covariance analyses were performed to investigate the accuracy with which lander and rover positions on the surface of Mars can be determined. Simultaneous acquisition of Doppler and ranging data from a lander and rover over two or more days enables determination of all components of their relative position to under 20 m. Acquiring one hour of Doppler and SBI enables three dimensional lander-rover relative position determination to better than 5 m. Twelve hours of Doppler and either SBI or ranging from a lander and a low circular or half synchronous circular Mars orbiter makes possible lander absolute position determination to tens of meters

    Sensitivity of planetary cruise navigation to earth orientation calibration errors

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    A detailed analysis was conducted to determine the sensitivity of spacecraft navigation errors to the accuracy and timeliness of Earth orientation calibrations. Analyses based on simulated X-band (8.4-GHz) Doppler and ranging measurements acquired during the interplanetary cruise segment of the Mars Pathfinder heliocentric trajectory were completed for the nominal trajectory design and for an alternative trajectory with a longer transit time. Several error models were developed to characterize the effect of Earth orientation on navigational accuracy based on current and anticipated Deep Space Network calibration strategies. The navigational sensitivity of Mars Pathfinder to calibration errors in Earth orientation was computed for each candidate calibration strategy with the Earth orientation parameters included as estimated parameters in the navigation solution. In these cases, the calibration errors contributed 23 to 58% of the total navigation error budget, depending on the calibration strategy being assessed. Navigation sensitivity calculations were also performed for cases in which Earth orientation calibration errors were not adjusted in the navigation solution. In these cases, Earth orientation calibration errors contributed from 26 to as much as 227% of the total navigation error budget. The final analysis suggests that, not only is the method used to calibrate Earth orientation vitally important for precision navigation of Mars Pathfinder, but perhaps equally important is the method for inclusion of the calibration errors in the navigation solutions

    Precise tracking of the Magellan and Pioneer Venusorbiters by same-beam interferometry. Part 1: Dataaccuracy analysis

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    Simultaneous tracking of two spacecraft in orbit about a distant planet by two widely separated Earth-based radio antennas provides more-accurate positioning information than can be obtained by tracking each spacecraft separately. A demonstration of this tracking technique, referred to as same-beam interferometry (SBI), is currently being done using the Magellan and Pioneer 12 orbiters at Venus. Signals from both spacecraft fall within the same beamwidth of the Deep Space Station antennas. The plane-of-sky position difference between spacecraft is precisely determined by doubly differenced phase measurements. This radio metric measurement naturally complements line-of-sight Doppler. Data was first collected from Magellan and Pioneer 12 on August 11-12, 1990, shortly after Magellan was inserted into Venus orbit. Data were subsequently acquired in February and April 1991, providing a total of 34 hours of same-beam radio metric observables. Same-beam radio metric residuals have been analyzed and compared with model measurement error predictions. The predicted error is dominated by solar plasma fluctuations. The rms of the residuals is less than predicted by about 25 percent for 5-min averages. The shape of the spectrum computed from residuals is consistent with that derived from a model of solar plasma fluctuations. This data type can greatly aid navigation of a second spacecraft when the first is well-known in its orbit