36 research outputs found

    AIDS in America: What would have Remained a Silent Crisis

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    A glimpse into the ACT UP movement.https://digitalcommons.butler.edu/so_racial_relations_zines/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Therapeutic Use of Self: A Guide to Integrate the 5 Love Languages into Practice

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    Healthcare institutions have become businesses and, subsequently, these institutions are oftentimes structured to maximize profits consequently leading to a sacrifice in quality of care (Beltrán-Salazar, 2014). The emphasis on business in healthcare results in a push for productivity and reimbursement consequently decreasing attention to the therapeutic relationship. There are many definitions that offer a better understanding to the idea of therapeutic use of self, but they offer little to guide therapists in what using therapeutic use of self looks like in everyday practice (Solman & Clouston, 2016). Additionally, a vast majority of occupational therapists perceive the therapeutic relationship to be vital elements to engagement in therapy, however, only half of therapists feel they sufficient knowledge about use of self beyond the basics he or she learned during their education (Taylor, Lee, Kielhofner, & Ketkar, 2009). A literature review was conducted on the current state of healthcare, topics relating to the 5 Love Languages (Chapman, 1992), lack of humanized client-centered care, therapeutic use of self, and the influence of use of self on therapy outcomes and client satisfaction. Concepts from the Canadian Model of Client Centered Enablement (CMCE) (Townsend et al., 2013), the framework of the 5 Love Languages, and information obtained from the literature review were used to guide development of the product. The final product is a guidebook that is intended to be used by occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants or the healthcare team. We believe the application of the 5 Love Languages to the therapeutic relationship will improve the therapy process for both the practitioner and the client and result in improved therapy outcomes

    Life History of Maggie Lesher, MA, OTR/L

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    This life history is one of 29 life history interviews which are a part of a larger project, Life Histories of Individuals Who Have Been Influential in Developing Occupational Therapy (OT) in North Dakota and Wyoming. The purpose of this project is to gather information about the history and evolution of occupational therapy (OT) practice in North Dakota and Wyoming through life histories of individuals who have been influential in developing OT in these two states. It is anticipated that the life history process will be a powerful way to gather this information. This study is intended to provide current and future generations of occupational therapists a view of the history and how occupational therapy practice has evolved from its inception to current practice in North Dakota and Wyoming. An in-depth phone interview with Maggie Lesher, MA, OTR/L was conducted by two student researchers and both the student researchers and Maggie Lesher were in their homes at the time the phone interview took place. Maggie Lesher is a highly successful occupational therapist and is the founder of Children’s Theraplay – a home based agency with locations in Plymouth and Maplewood MN. Maggie has worked in multiple states and practice areas making the interview rich with information regarding occupational therapy practice. The findings of this study will be archived and made available on the University of North Dakota (UND) OT website. Informed consent was obtained by the student researchers prior to completing the interview with Maggie Lesher. Careful consideration of the Kawa Model was kept by the researchers throughout this process to root the focus of the study on the overall life experiences of the participant (Teah & Iwama, 2015). Emphasis was placed on the barriers the participant experienced, her personal attributes, and the physical and social environments that surrounded Maggie Lesher (Teah & Iwama, 2015).https://commons.und.edu/ot-oral-histories-posters/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Evolution of Occupational Therapy Practice: Life History of Maggie Lesher

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    This life history is one of 29 life history interviews which are a part of a larger project, Life Histories of Individuals Who Have Been Influential in Developing Occupational Therapy (OT) in North Dakota and Wyoming. The purpose of this project is to gather information about the history and evolution of occupational therapy (OT) practice in North Dakota and Wyoming through life histories of individuals who have been influential in developing OT in these two states. It is anticipated that the life history process will be a powerful way to gather this information. This study is intended to provide current and future generations of occupational therapists a view of the history and how occupational therapy practice has evolved from its inception to current practice in North Dakota and Wyoming. An in-depth phone interview with Maggie Lesher, MA, OTR/L was conducted by two student researchers and both the student researchers and Maggie Lesher were in their homes at the time the phone interview took place. Maggie Lesher is a highly successful occupational therapist and is the founder of Children’s Theraplay – a home based agency with locations in Plymouth and Maplewood MN. Maggie has worked in multiple states and practice areas making the interview rich with information regarding occupational therapy practice. The findings of this study will be archived and made available on the University of North Dakota (UND) OT website. Informed consent was obtained by the student researchers prior to completing the interview with Maggie Lesher. Careful consideration of the Kawa Model was kept by the researchers throughout this process to root the focus of the study on the overall life experiences of the participant (Teah & Iwama, 2015). Emphasis was placed on the barriers the participant experienced, her personal attributes, and the physical and social environments that surrounded Maggie Lesher (Teah & Iwama, 2015)

    Spectroscopic Sky Subtraction and Data Optimization in Observation Exposures from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Fiber Optic Telescope

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    The Ohio State University is a participating institution in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), whose mission is creating a 3 dimensional map of the universe, including spectra of astronomical objects. Key spectral information includes the strength of emission and absorption lines. The purpose of this research is to identify an improved method of subtracting the unwanted sky signal from the desired star signals using the data collected by SDSS-IV. The project also intends to identify the fewest number of calibration sky fibers that should be used in future SDSS-V observations in order to increase the amount of science data collected throughout the life of the telescope. Completing this research began with obtaining access to the data, and collaboration with members of the SDSS team: Dr. Johnson at OSU, and Dr. Holtzman at the New Mexico State University. My analysis was guided by Dr. Kiryung Lee at OSU's ECE department. First, a mathematical model of the data characteristics was developed. Next, appropriate methods of sky subtraction were identified, to compare against the current method used by SDSS. This included principal component analysis (PCA), as well as sparse PCA. Evaluation of the methods was performed using synthetic data, followed by evaluation with measured data. Fits files which were generated during SDSS-IV were used to plot and align the fibers' spectra for subtraction. Then an evaluation process was developed to calculate subtraction errors, since the ground truth in this case was unknown. Finally, the minimum number of calibration fibers required to meet noise specifications was identified. The results began with the synthetic case in which the model was sparse data set of n samples and p pixels in which the samples were assumed similar, with variations in amplitude and white gaussian noise. The SPCA signal representation yielded the lowest RMS error in the synthetic case. Next, the measured data was used and partitioned into training and testing samples. The results from measured data deviated significantly from the synthetic case and the averaging of the four nearest fibers yielded the lowest RMS error. This is the method currently used by SDSS, but which had not been evaluated for error analysis until these experiments. The study concluded that no significant information would be lost by modifying the current practices and reducing the number of calibration sky fibers used from 35 down to 15, which would increase the science data per-observation by 7.5%.No embargoAcademic Major: Electrical and Computer Engineerin

    Situated teaching-learning arrangements for the promotion of sustainability competencies in the in-company training of food professions

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    Der Modellversuch „Nachhaltigkeit in den Lebensmittelberufen (NachLeben)“ entwickelt und erprobt situierte betriebliche Lehr-Lernarrangements zur Förderung der Bewertungs-, Gestaltungs- und Systemkompetenz für Ausbildungsberufe in der Lebensmittelindustrie und im Lebensmittelhandwerk. Ein Beispiel ist das Lehr-Lernarrangement „Kunststoffe im Produktionsprozess“, welches den Fokus des Artikels bildet. (DIPF/Orig.)The pilot project “Sustainability in the food professions (NachLeben)” develops and tests situated in-company teaching-learning arrangements to promote assessment, design, and system competence for training occupations in the food industry and the food trade. One example is the teaching-learning arrangement “Plastics in the production process”, which is the focus of the article. (DIPF/Orig.

    Meer | Deich | Mensch. Eine Umweltgeschichte der ostfriesischen Küstenregion am Übergang vom späten Mittelalter zur frühen Neuzeit

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    1000 Worte Forschung: Laufendes Habilitationsprojekt im Fach Mittelalterliche Geschichte, Universität Münster (Lehrstuhl für Hoch- und Spätmittelalter/Westeuropäische Geschichte) Der Bau und die Instandhaltung von Deichen stellten bereits im Mittelalter eine existentielle Aufgabe für die Bewohner der ostfriesischen Küstenregion dar. Dies geht etwa aus dem sogenannten Asegabuch hervor, einer wohl um 1300 entstandenen Kompilation des altfriesisch-rüstringischen Landrechts. Mit der Erwähnung ei..

    Inventur der Baumalleen im Land Sachsen-Anhalt

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    Der Bundesverband der Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald (SDW) initiierte eine Inventur der Baumalleen mit dem Ziel, eine "Schnellinventur" durchzufĂĽhren, der eine systematische Erfassung folgen soll. Mit der "Schnellinventur" sollen die vorhandenen Alleen dokumentiert werden, damit ein Nachweis ĂĽber unberechtigte Rodungsaktionen im Zuge von StraĂźenbauarbeiten gefĂĽhrt werden kann

    Towards an Evaluation Framework for Knowledge Management Systems

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    Abstract. Companies are not adequately able to assess the contribution of system infrastructure managing the admittedly most valuable asset, their knowledge. This paper presents a framework for ex-post evaluation of Knowledge Management Systems (KMS). The framework explained focuses on evaluation of knowledge management components and their functionality within an organization, so that appropriate integration techniques can be designed for each of those. For this purpose, the framework outlines dependencies and links between important corporate knowledge intensive entities for the purpose of evaluation. All phases of knowledge management in organizations are described and divided into functions of different corporation specific relevance, based on acknowledged categorization authored in literature. Improvement of inadequate knowledge methods, by evaluation and, as a possible result of assessment, integration / migration for more suitable methods of corporate knowledge management, defines the target of pigeonholing research to come